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- 刻在石版上- 十条诫命
返回研究目录 上一篇 下载中文 Read in English 下一篇 刻在石版上- 十条诫命 随着罪案和暴力事件在各国各城,甚至家庭中逐渐升级,为了确保人民生命财产的安全起见,每个人岂不应该遵守国家的法律吗?正所谓国有国法,家有家规。其实啊,上帝早在几千年前就已经把自己的律法写在石版上。而圣经说这律法是我们今时今日依然必须遵守的。 违背上帝律法的任何部分都必然招致负面的后果。更重要的是,遵守上帝律法的全部能给我们带来和平与安全。再说,我们作为基督徒,上帝把祂的律法赐给我们作为生活的指南,让我们能辨别是非对错。更何况顺从上帝的命令是爱祂的表现,也是对祂爱的回应。既然如此,我们今天就要来研究这个课题,详细地探讨一系列的问题,并认真思考上帝的十条诫命在我们生活中的定位。 1. 十条诫命真的是上帝亲自写的吗? “耶和华在西奈山和摩西说完了话,就把两块见证的版交给他,是上帝用指头写的石版。这版是上帝的工作,字是上帝写的,刻在版上。” (出埃及记 31:18,32:16) 答:对!天上的上帝用自己的指头把十条诫命写在两块石板上。 2. 上帝对罪的定义是什么? “凡犯罪的,就是违背律法;违背律法就是罪。” (约翰一书 3:4) 答:罪就是违背律法。耶和华的律法是全备的(诗篇 19:7),它的原则概括了人类所能犯的一切罪。诫命也涵盖了“人一切当尽的本分”(传道书 12:13)。没有任何一点是被遗漏的。 3. 上帝为什么要把十条诫命赐给我们? “但遵守律法的,便为有福。” (箴言 29:18) 我儿,不要忘记我的法则;你心要谨守我的诫命;因为它们必将长久的日子,生命的年数与平安,加给你。(箴言 3:1,2) 答: (一)作为幸福,丰盛生活的指南。 上帝创造我们,让我们能体验喜乐、平安、长寿、满足、成就和我们内心所渴望的所有其他伟大的祝福。上帝的律法是我们生命地图的导航,引领我们走在正确的道路上,使我们找着真实又至高至上的幸福快乐。 “因为律法本是叫人知罪。” 罗马书 3:20。 “律法是罪吗?断乎不是!只是非因律法,我就不知何为罪。非律法说不可贪恋,我就不知何为情欲。” 罗马书 7:7 (二)向我们展示对与错之间的区别。上帝的律法就像一面镜子(雅各书1:23-25)。它指出了我们生活中不对的行为,就像镜子显出了我们脸上的污垢一样。唯一有可能让我们知道自己在犯罪的方法就是通过在上帝律法的镜子里仔细地检查自己的生活。活在混乱邪恶世界中的我们能在上帝的十诫中找到平安。它告诉我们该在哪里划清界线! “耶和华又吩咐我们遵行这一切律例【诫命】。。。使我们常得好处,蒙他保全我们的生命” (申命记 6:24) “求你扶持我,我便得救,时常看重你的律例。凡偏离你律例的人,你都轻弃他们,因为他们的诡诈必归虚空。” (诗篇 119:117,118)。 (三)为了保护我们免受危险和悲剧的伤害。上帝的律法像动物园里牢固的笼子一般,保护我们免受凶猛和残暴的动物侵害。它保护我们免受谬论、杀人、崇拜偶像、偷盗以及许多其他毁灭生命、和平与幸福的罪恶之侵害。所有好的法律都是为了保护人的,而上帝的律法也不例外。 “我们若遵守他的诫命,就晓得是认识他。” (约翰一书 2:3) (四)它帮助我们认识上帝 上帝律法中永恒的原则是由创造我们的上帝在每个人本性的最深处写下的。字迹也许朦胧和不清晰,但确实存在于我们的骨子[gu3zi1] 里。上帝创造我们原是要我们的生活与这些原则一致相符。当我们无视它们时,结果必定是压力、动荡不安和悲剧。就好比无视安全驾驶的规则会导致重伤或死亡一样。 4. 上帝的律法为什么对您个人而言极为重要? “你们既然要按这自由的律法受审判,就该照这律法说话行事。(雅各书 2:12)。 答: 因为律法的十条诫命是上帝在天上的审判标准。 5. 上帝的律法 (十条诫命)能被修改或废除吗? “天地废去较比律法的一点一画落空还容易。” (路加福音 16:17) “我必不背弃我的约,也不改变我口中所出的。” (诗篇 89:34) “他的训词都是确实的,是永永远远坚定的 ” (诗篇 111:7,8) 答:不能。圣经无比清楚,上帝的律法是不能改变的。诫命是上帝神圣品格之原则的反映,也是祂国度的基础。只要上帝还活着,祂的律法就依然存在。 此表向我们展示了上帝和祂的律法具有完全相同的特质,揭示了十诫实际上是上帝品格的书面形式,藉着文字让我们可以更加理解上帝。若要改变上帝的律法,就得先把上帝从天国拉下来再改变祂,这当然是不可能的。耶稣以人类的形式来向我们显明律法(即圣洁生活的模式)。上帝的品格永不改变;因此,祂的律法也永远不会改变。 上帝是 律法是 良善 路加福音 18:19 提摩太前书 1:8 圣洁 以赛亚书 5:16 罗马书 7:12 完全 马太福音 5:48 诗篇 19:7 纯洁 约翰一书 3:2,3 诗篇 19:8 正直 申命记 32:4 罗马书 7:12 真实 约翰福音 3:33 诗篇 19:9 属灵 哥林多前书 10:4 罗马书 7:14 公义 耶利米书 23:6 诗篇 119:172 信实 哥林多前书 1:9 诗篇 119:86 爱 约翰一书 4:8 罗马书 13:10 永不改变 雅各书1:17 马太福音 5:18 永恒 创世纪 21:33 诗篇 111:7,8 6. 耶稣在世上时是否废除了上帝的律法? “莫想我来要废掉律法。。。我来不是要废掉,乃是要成全。。。。就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。” (马太福音 5:17,18) 答:确实没有!耶稣特别宣称自己不是来废掉律法,而是要成全(落实)。耶稣不但没有废除律法,反而将它放大(以赛亚书 42:21)为圣洁生活的完美指引。比如说,耶稣指出“不可杀人”也包括了不可无缘无故地向你的弟兄动怒(马太福音:21,22)或仇恨你的弟兄(约翰一书 3:15),并且对妇女动淫念也算是犯奸淫的一种(马太福音 5:27,28)。耶稣说:“你若爱我,就必遵守我的命令”(约翰福音 14:15)。 7. 有意持续违反上帝诫命的人是否能得救? “因为罪的工价乃是死 ” (罗马书 6:23) “耶和华...除灭罪人” (以赛亚书 13:9) “因为凡遵守全律法的,只在一条上跌倒,他就是犯了众条。” (雅各书 2:10) 答:十诫引导我们过圣洁的生活。如果我们忽视其中一条诫命,就等于忽略上帝神圣蓝图中一个重要的部分。如果一条铁链中就算只有一个铁环断裂,则其整个功用将被破坏。圣经说,当我们有意违背上帝的命令时,我们就是在犯罪(雅各书4:17),因为我们拒绝了祂在我们身上的旨意。只有那些遵行祂旨意的人才能进入天国(马太福音 7:21)。当然,上帝会赦免任何真正悔改,接受基督并让祂的力量改变他们的人。 8. 遵守律法可以拯救任何人吗? “你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信;这并不是出于自己,乃是上帝所赐的;也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。”(以弗所书 2:8,9) 答: 不能!答案是易懂且不容错过的。 遵守律法是无法拯救任何人的。 我们得救是本乎恩典,是上帝藉着耶稣基督赐给我们的一份免费礼物,我们要凭着信心而不是行为来接收这份礼物。 律法是一面镜子,它指出了我们生活中的罪。 就好比镜子可以向你展示脸上的污垢但却无法洗净你的脸一样。我们唯有藉着耶稣基督才能从罪中得到洁净和宽恕。 9. 那为什么律法对于改善基督徒的品格至关重要呢? “敬畏上帝,谨守他的诫命,这是人所当尽的本分” (传道书 12:13) “因为律法本是叫人知罪” (罗马书 3:20) 答:因为基督徒生活的整个模式或“所当尽的本分”都包含在上帝的律法中。例如,一个六岁的孩子自己做了一把尺,测量自己的身高,并告诉母亲他身高4米一样,我们自己的测量标准从来都是不安全可靠的。我们若不仔细监察那完美的标准,即上帝的律法的话,就无法晓得自己是不是罪人。许多人认为,即使他们不遵守律法,只要经常做好事,也能得到救恩的保障(马太福音7:21-23)。因此,他们认为自己是公义的,但事实上,他们是迷途的罪人。圣经说, “我们若遵守他的诫命,就晓得是认识他。”(约翰一书 2:3) 10. 是什么使真正悔改的基督徒能够遵循上帝的律法呢? “我要将我的律法放在他们里面,写在他们心上” (希伯来书 8:10) “我靠着那加给我力量的” (腓立比书 4:13) 上帝就差遣自己的儿子。。。使律法的义成就在我们这不随从肉体” (罗马书 8:3,4) 答:基督不仅赦免了悔改的罪人,而且还叫他们恢复上帝的形像。祂藉着亲自同在的力量使他们与祂的律法和谐一致。 “不可”这句话成为基督徒不偷盗、不说谎、不杀人等等正面的承诺,因为耶稣住在我们里面并且做主,掌管着我们生命中的一切。上帝不能改变他的道德法则,但祂能藉着耶稣去改变罪人,使我们能达到祂律法的标准。 11. 但一个基督徒如果有信心,况且活在恩典之下,岂不是可以免于遵守律法吗? “罪必不能作你们的主,因你们不在律法之下,乃在恩典之下。这却怎么样呢?我们在恩典之下,不在律法之下,就可以犯罪吗?断乎不可!”(罗马书 6:14,15) “这样,我们因信废了律法吗?断乎不是!更是坚固律法。” (罗马书 3:31) 答:不!圣经的教导恰恰相反。恩典就好比国王或国家元首对囚犯所施予的宽恕。这个犯法者获得宽恕,并不代表他获得继续犯法的自由。获得宽恕的人,就是活在恩典之下,他会自然而然地因为感激上帝的救恩而心甘情愿地遵守祂的律法。一个拒绝遵守上帝律法,却声称自己活在恩典之下的人,实际上已严重误解了上帝恩典的意义。 12. 上帝的十条诫命是否在新约里也受到了肯定呢? 答:是的,且非常明显。请仔细观察以下的对照。 旧约中上帝的律法 新约中上帝的律法 1. “除了我以外,你不可有别的神。” (出埃及记 20:3) “当拜主你的上帝,单要侍奉他。” (马太福音 4:10) 2. “不可为自己雕刻偶像;也不可作什么形像仿佛上天、下地和地底下、水中的百物。不可跪拜那些像;也不可侍奉它,因为我耶和华你的上帝,是忌邪的上帝。恨我的,我必追讨他的罪,自父及子,直到三四代;爱我、守我诫命的,我必向他们发慈爱,直到千代。”(出埃及记 20:4-6) “小子们哪,你们要自守,远避偶像。” (约翰一书 5:21)。“我们既是上帝所生的,就不当以为上帝的神性像人用手艺、心思所雕刻的金、银、石。” (使徒行传 17:29) 3. “不可妄称耶和华你上帝的名;因为妄称耶和华名的,耶和华必不以他为无罪。” (出埃及记 20:7) “免得上帝的名和道理被人亵渎。” (提摩太前书 6:1) 4. “当记念安息日,守为圣日。六日要劳碌作你一切的工,但第七日是向耶和华你上帝当守的安息日。这一日你和你的儿女、仆婢、牲畜,并你城里寄居的客旅,无论何工都不可作,因为六日之内,耶和华造天、地、海和其中的万物,第七日便安息,所以耶和华赐福与安息日,定为圣日。” (出埃及记 20:8-11) “论到第七日,有一处说:“到第七日,上帝就歇了他一切的工。”这样看来,必另有一安息日的安息,为上帝的子民存留。因为那进入安息的,乃是歇了自己的工,正如上帝歇了他的工一样。” (希伯来书 4:4,9,10) 5. “当孝敬父母,使你的日子在耶和华你上帝所赐你的地上得以长久。” (出埃及记 20:12) “当孝敬父母” (马太福音 19:19) 6. “不可杀人。” (出埃及记 20:13) “不可杀人” (罗马书 13:9) 7. “不可奸淫。” (出埃及记 20:14) “不可奸淫” (马太福音 19:18) 8. “不可偷盗。“ (出埃及记 20:15) “不可偷盗” (罗马书 13:9) 9. “不可作假见证陷害人。” (出埃及记 20:16) “不可作假见证” (罗马书 13:9) 10. “不可贪恋人的房屋;也不可贪恋人的妻子、仆婢、牛驴,并他一切所有的。” (出埃及记 20:17) “不可起贪心” (罗马书 7:7) 13. 上帝的律法和摩西的律法是否相同? 答: 不。它们各不相同。请研究以下对比。 摩西的律法包括旧约里暂时性的律例、典章、条例、节期与一些具体的献祭方式和制度。这一切都为我们指向了基督在十字架上的牺牲。这些律例都是添上的,“等候那蒙应许的子孙来到”,也就是基督(加拉太书 3:18,19)。摩西律法中的献祭等都是指向基督的牺牲。耶稣的死终结了这些律法,但十条诫命(上帝的律法)却是永永远远坚定的(诗篇 111:8)。但以理书 9:10,11也清楚显示有两种不同的律法。 注:上帝的律法在发生罪恶之前就早已存在了。圣经说:“哪里没有律法,那里就没有过犯【罪】”(罗马书 4:15)。因此,上帝的十诫从起初就存在着。人类违背了上帝的律法(犯罪-约翰一书 3:4)。由于人类犯了罪(或违背上帝的律法),便有摩西的律法赐给了人(或“添上”-加拉太书3:16、19),直到基督降世而牺牲。当中涉及两套分开独立的律法,即上帝的律法和摩西的律法。 摩西的律法 上帝的律法 被称为“摩西律法” (路 2:22) 被称为“耶和华的律法” (以赛亚书 5:24) 被称为“那记在律法上的规条” (弗 2:15) 被称为“至尊的律法” (雅 2:8) 是摩西书上所写的 (代下 35:12) 是上帝用指头写在石版上的(出 31:18) 放在约柜旁(申 31:26) 放在约柜里(出 40:20) 在十架上废掉了(弗 2:15) 永远长存(路 16:17) 为了罪而添上的(加 3:19) 指出罪来(罗 7:7;3:20) 攻击我们,反对我们(西 2:14) 是不难守的(约一 5:3) 不论断任何人(西 2:14-16) 审判所有人(雅 2:10-12) 属肉体的(来 7:16) 属灵的(罗 7:14) 一无所成(来 7:19) 全备的(诗 19:7) 14. 魔鬼如何看待那些在生活中遵行上帝十条诫命的人呢? “龙向妇人发怒,去与她其余的儿女争战,这儿女就是那守上帝诫命,为耶稣作见证的。那时龙就站在海边的沙上。” (启示录 12:17) “圣徒的忍耐就在此,他们是守上帝诫命和耶稣真道的。” (启示录 14:12) 答:魔鬼恨恶那些维护上帝律法的人,因为律法是正当生活的一种模式。因此,他对所有高举上帝律法的人深感憎恨,这一点也不稀奇。在反对上帝圣洁标准的争战中,他甚至利用宗教领袖来否定十诫,同时又鼓吹人的传统。难怪耶稣说:“你们为什么因着你们的遗传,犯上帝的诫命呢? ...他们将人的吩咐当作道理教导人,所以拜我也是枉然”(马太福音 15:3,9)。大卫说:“这是耶和华做工的时候,因人废了你的律法。”(诗119:126)。基督徒必须醒过来,在自己心中和生活中恢复上帝律法应有的地位。 15. 你认为基督徒必须遵守十条诫命吗? 希望每一位都能好好思考这一题,及以上所探讨的所有问题,并向上帝做出一个重要的决定。愿我们都能决志遵行上帝的律法,活出祂的旨意来,做祂眼中看为正的事。 现在我们将继续从圣经的角度来讨论并思考一系列极具争议的思考题,看看到底真相是什么,好让我们能在这课题上获得更多知识。 思考题 1. 圣经岂不是说过律法是有瑕疵的吗? 答: 不对,圣经上说有瑕疵的是人。英文翻译是“finding fault with them”,中文译为“所以主指责他的百姓说……”(希伯来书8:8)这说明上帝所指责的,不是祂旧约中的律法,而是旧约中的以色列民。罗马书8:3说:“律法既因肉体软弱,有所不能行的。” 它说的是同一个意思:律法是全备的,但人是有问题的,或者说是软弱有瑕疵的。所以,上帝差祂的圣子住在世人中间,藉着内住的基督“使律法的义成就在我们...身上。”(罗马书8:4) 2. 加拉太书3章13节说我们被救赎脱离律法的咒诅,这是什么意思呢? 答:律法的咒诅是死。(罗马书6:23)基督“为人人尝了死味。”(希伯来书2:9)所以,祂救赎我们脱离了律法的咒诅(死亡),而赐给我们永生。 3. 歌罗西书2章14至17节和以弗所书2章15节岂不都说上帝的律法在十字架上终止了吗? 答:不是,这两段经文是指律法所包含的“规条”,或者说是指摩西的仪文律法,包括规划献祭的仪式与祭司制度的条文。所有这些预指十字架的仪文与礼仪都是按着上帝的旨意所定的,在基督死在十字架上的时候就终止了。摩西的律法是“为过犯添上”的,一直到“那蒙应许的子孙来到”,而那子孙,“就是基督”(加拉太书3:16,19)。这两处经文都不可能指上帝的律法,因为保罗在十字架之后多年,依然说上帝的律法是圣洁、公义、良善的。(罗马书7:8,12) 4. 圣经说:“爱就完全了律法。”(罗马书13:10)在马太福音22章37至40节中,上帝吩咐我们要爱祂和爱人如己,并以“这两条诫命是律法和先知一切道理的总纲”这段话为总结。这些命令是不是取代了十条诫命呢? 答:不是!十条诫命是系于这两条诫命之上的,如同十根指头系于两只手掌之上的那样,是不可分割的。爱上帝能使遵守前四条诫命成为喜悦之事,而爱人如己的精神则使遵守后六条诫命成为一种快乐。“爱”使遵守诫命变得不再是一种苦役,而成为一种喜乐,这样就完全了律法。(诗篇40:8)若真正的爱上一个人,那么,尊重对方的要求就成了一种快乐的事。耶稣说:“你们若爱我,就必遵守我的命令。”(约翰福音14:15)一面说爱主,一面又不遵守主的命令,这是不可能的,因为圣经说:“我们遵守上帝的诫命,这就是爱他了,并且他的诫命不是难守的。”(约翰一书5:3)“人若说‘我认识他’,却不遵守他的诫命,便是说谎话的,真理也不在他心里了。”(约翰一书2:4) 5. 哥林多后书3章7节岂不是说刻在石头上的律法被“废掉”了吗? 答:不是的!这段经文所说的是摩西在律法上的职事之“荣光”被废掉了,而不是律法本身被废掉了。请把哥林多后书3章3至9节再仔细地读一遍,经文所讨论的不是废除律法或是设立律法的问题,而是律法位置的变迁:从刻在石版上,迁到刻在“心版”上。在摩西的职事之下,律法写在石版上。但藉着基督在圣灵的职事下,律法便刻在人的心版上。(希伯来书8:10)学校的校规只有在进入学生的心中时,才会真正奏zou4效。基督在律法上的职事之所以有效,是因为律法转移到了基督徒的心里。这样,遵守律法便成为人生中一种喜乐和欢欣,因为基督徒对上帝与世人都付出了真爱。 6. 罗马书10章4节说“基督是律法的总结”。既作总结了,就结束了,对吗? 答:“总结”的意思在此处是指目的或目标,它和雅各书5章11节中的“结局”一词的圣经原文相同,指的是目标。很多译本将此处译为“律法的终极是基督”或“基督乃是律法的终极”。意思是说,律法的目的是把人引向基督,使他们能因基督称义,这就是律法的终极目标或目的了。 7. 为什么会有那么多人否定上帝律法的有效性呢? 答:“原来体贴肉体的,就是与上帝为仇,因为不服上帝的律法,也是不能服。而且属肉体的人不能得上帝的喜欢。如果上帝的灵住在你们心里,你们就不属肉体,乃属圣灵了。人若没有基督的灵,就不是属基督的。” (罗马书 8:7-9) 8. 旧约时期的义人是因律法得救吗? 答:没有任何人是靠律法得救的。历代以来凡得救的人,都是靠恩典得救。“这恩典是万古之先在基督耶稣里赐给我们的。”(提摩太后书1:9)律法只能指出罪,唯有基督才能救人。挪亚“蒙恩”;(创世记6:8)摩西“蒙恩”;(出埃及记33:17)以色列人在旷野“蒙恩”;(耶利米书33:17)亚伯、以诺、亚伯拉罕、雅各、约瑟以及旧约中许许多多其他的先贤,都是因信靠恩得救的。(希伯来书11章)他们得救是向前瞻望十字架上的基督;而我们得救是向后瞻望十字架上的基督,无论向前向后,都是靠基督得救。律法如同一面镜子,照出我们身上的“污垢”。若没有律法这面镜子,我们虽然“满身污垢”,也可能不知道自己是污秽的罪人。所以,律法是必要的。但是律法没有拯救之能力,只能指出罪来。唯有耶稣才能把人类从罪恶中拯救出来。这是永恒不变的真理,哪怕在旧约时代也是如此。(徒徒行传4:10,12;提摩太后书1:9) 9. 为什么要看重律法呢?良心不是最安全的指南吗? 答:不是,绝对不是!圣经说,邪恶的良心、有亏的良心或污秽的良心,这些都是不安全的。“有一条路人以为正,至终成为死亡之路。”(箴言14:12)上帝说:“心中自是的,便是愚昧人。”(箴言书28:26) 在结束之前,让我们快速地过目一些测验题,测试自己是否真的明白这一课的内容和重点。 测验题 1. 十条诫命是谁写的?(1) _____ 上帝 _____ 摩西 _____ 无名氏 2. 根据圣经,罪是:(1) _____ 性格上的缺陷。 _____ 违背上帝的律法。 _____ 一切看上去不对的事。 3. 试指出下列有关上帝律法的正确说法:(4) _____ 幸福生活的完美指南。 _____ 像一面镜子指出罪来。 _____ 是个重担,压迫人。 _____ 能保护我远离邪恶。 _____ 与上帝的品格相同。 _____ 在新约中作废了。 _____ 乃是咒诅。 4. 上帝的十诫律法是:(1) _____ 仅仅为旧约时代而制定的。 _____ 被耶稣在十字架上废掉了。 _____ 绝对不变的。 5. 在审判日我要如何才能得救?(1) _____ 保持行善的记录。 _____ 我爱主,守不守十诫没有关系。 _____ 我与耶稣的爱的关系引导我顺服上帝全部的诫命。 6. 人得救是靠着:(1) _____ 遵守律法。 _____ 干犯律法。 _____ 单靠基督耶稣。 7. 真正悔改的基督徒:(1) _____ 藉着基督的能力遵守上帝的律法。 _____ 忽视上帝的律法,因为它已经被废除。 _____ 认为没有必要遵守诫命。 8. 生活在恩典之下的人:(1) _____ 就算违背十诫也不算犯罪。 _____ 无需遵守上帝的诫命。 _____ 愿意遵守上帝的诫命。 9. 爱就完全了律法,是因为:(1) _____ 爱把律法废掉了。 _____ 对上帝与世人的真爱使守律法成为一件乐事。 _____ 爱比听命更重要。 10. 摩西的律法:(1) _____ 与上帝律法相同。 _____ 是指向基督牺牲的仪文律法,在十字架上已被废掉了。 _____ 至今仍有效。 11. 遵守上帝诫命的人:(1) _____ 是律法主义者。 _____ 必为魔鬼所憎恨,因为魔鬼痛恨上帝和祂的圣诫。 _____ 可以靠守律法得救。 12. 指出下列有关基督与律法的正确说法:(4) _____ 耶稣违背了律法。 _____ 耶稣是遵守上帝律法的完美榜样。 _____ 耶稣废除了律法。 _____ 耶稣说:“你们若爱我,就必遵守我的命令。” _____ 耶稣使律法为大为尊,表明律法涵盖了一切罪。 _____ 耶稣说律法是不会改变的。 总结来说,上帝的律法是祂品格的书面形式,是永不改变的。上帝的律法和摩西的律法不同。摩西的律法是指向基督的牺牲,且在十字架上已经终结了,而上帝的律法则是永永远远坚定的。遵守律法不能叫我们得救,但是它像一面镜子,能让我们知道自己的污秽和罪,使我们晓得自己需要耶稣。因为唯有因着信,靠着上帝白白赐下在耶稣里的恩典,我们才能得救。活在恩典之下的我们,更应心甘情愿,靠着耶稣在我们里面的力量遵守上帝的律法。上帝把祂的律法赐给我们作为生活的指南,让我们能辨别是非对错,使我们避免罪恶的侵害。愿我们都能活在上帝的旨意中,做上帝喜悦的儿女。愿上帝赐福于每一位,阿门。 上一篇 返回研究目录 下一篇 到最頂
- 使我们认识祂
返回研究目录 上一篇 下载中文 Read in English 下一篇 使我们认识祂 使我们认识祂 (1) 序言 申命记29章29节 “隐秘的事是属耶和华我们上帝的;惟有明显的事是永远属我们和我们子孙的。。。” 耶利米书9章23-24节 “23 耶和华如此说:“智慧人不要因他的智慧夸口,勇士不要因他的勇力夸口,财主部要因他的财物夸口。24 夸口的却因他有聪明,认识我是耶和华,又知道我喜悦在世上施行慈爱公平和公义,以此夸口。这是耶和华说的。” 是否有人曾经告诉过你上帝是个谜或是奥秘呢? 这一个概念阻挡了许多真诚的基督徒来领受与创造主相交所能得到的平安,丰盛的爱和改变人生的力量。事实上,通过人类的猜测和所制造的假道理,我们把上帝便成了一位不能被理解的生物。此研究的主要目的乃是在经文上不添加或减少任何话语的情况下探讨上帝所显现关于祂自己的真理。我真心祈求这研究能够使你与这位想让你认识祂的上帝有一个更密切和稳固的关系。 何西阿书 6章3节 “我们务要认识耶和华,竭力追求认识他;他出现确如晨光,他必临到我们像甘雨,像滋润田地的春雨。” 箴言 2章3-5节 “3 呼求明哲,扬声求聪明,4 寻找它,如寻找银子,搜求它,如搜求隐藏的珍宝,5 你就明白敬畏耶和华,得以认识上帝。 (1)父上帝 上帝有怎么样的品格呢? 约翰一书4章8节- “没有爱心的,就不认识上帝,因为上帝就是爱。9上帝差他独生子到世间来,使我们藉着他得生,上帝爱我们的心在此就显明了。10 不是我们爱上帝,乃是上帝爱我们,差他的儿子,为我们的罪作了挽回祭,这就是爱了。” 约翰福音3章16-17节- “ 上帝爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。17 因为上帝差他的儿子降世,不是要定世人的罪(或作“审判世人”。下同),乃是要叫世人因他得救。” 哥林多后书1章3节 “愿颂赞归与我们的主耶稣基督的父上帝,就是发慈悲的父,赐各样安慰的上帝。” 马太福音6章14节 “你们饶恕人的过犯,你们的天父也必饶恕你们的过犯。” 哥林多后书6章18节 “我要作你们的父,你们要作我的儿女。”这是全能的主说的。” 雅各书1章17节 “各样美善的恩赐和各样全备的赏赐,都是从上头来的,从众光之父那里降下来的。在他并没有改变,也没有转动的影儿。” 约翰一书3章1节 “你看父赐给我们是何等的慈爱,使我们得称为上帝的儿女;我们也真是他的儿女。世人所以不认识我们,是因未曾认识他。” 父上帝在哪里? 马太福音6章9节 “。。我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。” 启示录4章2节 “。。见有一个宝座安置在天上,又有一位坐在宝座上。” 以赛亚书37章16节 “坐在二基路伯上万军之耶和华以色列的上帝啊,你,惟有你,是天下万国的 上帝;你曾创造天地。” 上帝如何向我们显示祂自己呢? 诗篇19章1节 “诸天述说上帝的荣耀,穹苍传扬他的手段。” 出埃及记 33章20节 “ 又说:“你不能看见我的面,因为人见我的面不能存活。” 希伯来书1章1-2节 1 上帝既在古时藉着众先知多次多方地晓谕列祖; 2 就在这末世藉着他儿子晓谕我们,又早已立他为承受万有的;也曾藉着他创造诸世界。 约翰福音1章18节 “从来没有人看见上帝,只有在父怀里的独生子将他表明出来。” 基督如何向我们显示祂的父? 马太福音11章25节 “那时,耶稣说:“父啊,天地的主,我感谢你!因为你将这些事向聪明通达人就藏起来,向婴孩就显出来。” 马可福音14章36节 “他说:“阿爸,父啊!在你凡事都能,求你将这杯撤去。然而不要从我的意思,只要从你的意思。” 约翰福音3章35节 “父爱子,已将万有交在他手里。” 约翰福音4章24节 “上帝是个灵(或无“个”字),所以拜他的,必须用心灵和诚实拜他。” 约翰福音5章19-23节 19 耶稣对他们说:“我实实在在地告诉你们:子凭着自己不能作什么,惟有看见父所作的,子才能作;父所作的事,子也照样作。 20 父爱子,将自己所作的一切事指给他看,还要将比这更大的事指给他看,叫你们希奇。 21 父怎样叫死人起来,使他们活着,子也照样随自己的意思使人活着。 22 父不审判什么人,乃将审判的事全交与子, 23 叫人都尊敬子如同尊敬父一样。不尊敬子的,就是不尊敬差子来的父。 约翰福音5章26-27节 26 因为父怎样在自己有生命,就赐给他儿子也照样在自己有生命; 27 并且因为他是人子,就赐给他行审判的权柄。 约翰福音5章30节 “我凭着自己不能作什么,我怎么听见,就怎么审判。我的审判也是公平的,因为我不求自己的意思,只求那差我来者的意思。” 约翰福音10章29节 “我父把羊赐给我,他比万有都大,谁也不能从我父手里把他夺去。” 约翰福音14章10节 “ 我在父里面,父在我里面,你不信吗?我对你们所说的话,不是凭着自己说的,乃是住在我里面的父作他自己的事。” 约翰福音14章24节 “不爱我的人就不遵守我的道;你们所听见的道不是我的,乃是差我来之父的道。” 约翰福音14章28节 “。。你们若爱我,因我到父那里去,就必喜乐,因为父是比我大的。” 约翰福音17章7节 “如今他们知道,凡你所赐给我的,都是从你那里来的。” 约翰福音17章1-3节 “1耶稣说了这话,就举目望天说:“父啊,时候到了,愿你荣耀你的儿子,使儿子也荣耀你;2 正如你曾赐给他权柄管理凡有血气的,叫他将永生赐给你所赐给他的人。3 认识你独一的真神,并且认识你所差来的耶稣基督,这就是永生。” 耶稣宣告祂的父为独一的真神。祂的门徒明白祂的教导吗? 哥林多前书8章6节 “然而我们只有一位上帝,就是父,万物都本于他,我们也归于他;并有一位主,就是耶稣基督,万物都是藉着他有的,我们也是藉着他有的。” 哥林多前书11章3节 “我愿意你们知道,基督是各人的头,男人是女人的头, 上帝是基督的头。” 以弗所书4章6节 “一上帝,就是众人的父,超乎众人之上,贯乎众人之中,也住在众人之内。” 腓立比书 2章11节 “无不口称耶稣基督为主,使荣耀归与父上帝。” 帖撒罗尼迦前书1章1节 “ 保罗、西拉、提摩太写信给帖撒罗尼迦在父上帝和主耶稣基督里的教会。愿恩惠、平安归与你们!” 提多书1章4节 “现在写信给提多,就是照着我们共信之道作我真儿子的。愿恩惠、平安,从父上帝和我们的救主基督耶稣归与你!” (请参阅哥林多前书1章3节,哥林多后书1章2节, 加拉太书1章3节, 以弗所书1章2节, 腓立比书1章2节, 歌罗西书1章2节, 帖撒罗尼迦后书1章1-2节, 提摩太前书1章2节,提摩太后书1章2节, 腓利门书1章3节, 约翰二书1章3节) 雅各书3章8-9节 “ 8 惟独舌头没有人能制伏,是不止息的恶物,满了害死人的毒气。9 我们用舌头颂赞那为主、为父的,又用舌头咒诅那照着上帝形像被造的人。” 使徒行传17章23-25节 “23我游行的时候,观看你们所敬拜的,遇见一座坛,上面写着‘未识之神’。你们所不认识而敬拜的,我现在告诉你们:24 创造宇宙和其中万物的上帝,既是天地的主,就不住人手所造的殿,25 也不用人手服侍,好像缺少什么;自己倒将生命、气息、万物,赐给万人。” 犹大书1章1节 “耶稣基督的仆人、雅各的弟兄犹大,写信给那被召、在父上帝里蒙爱、为耶稣基督保守的人。” {待续} 使我们认识祂 (2) (2)耶稣基督 如果基督本身表明了天父是那位 “独一的真神” , 那么耶稣是谁呢? 马太福音16章15-17节 15 耶稣说:“你们说我是谁? 16 西门彼得回答说:“你是基督,是永生 上帝的儿子。” 17 耶稣对他说:“西门巴约拿,你是有福的!因为这不是属血肉的指示你的,乃是我在天上的父指示的。 西门彼得的回答是天父启示的- 就是耶稣是上帝的儿子这项事实! 耶稣因他这么有力的答案把他的名字缩短成彼得, 意思是 “磐石” , 宣告我要把我的教会建造在这磐石上,阴间的门不能胜过他。” (马太福音16章18节) 基督是否确认自己是上帝的亲生儿子呢?我们发现在旧约中, 基督藉着所罗门王在祂和父上帝之间的关系上给了我们许多美妙的见解。预言之灵证实了基督在箴言8章22-30节是藉着”上帝的智慧”之称号来说祂自己, 同样的在哥林多前书1章24, 30节以及路加福音11章49节也宣告基督是 “上帝的智慧”。 在耶和华造化的起头,在太初创造万物之先,就有了我。 从亘古,从太初,未有世界以前,我已被立。 没有深渊,没有大水的泉源,我已生出。 大山未曾奠定,小山未有之先,我已生出。 耶和华还没有创造大地和田野,并世上的土质,我已生出。 他立高天,我在那里;他在渊面的周围划出圆圈, 上使穹苍坚硬,下使渊源稳固, 为沧海定出界限,使水不越过他的命令,立定大地的根基。 那时,我在他那里为工师,日日为他所喜爱,常常在他面前踊跃, 这美妙的描述形容了父与子从亘古的关系并告诉了我们耶稣的存在是有开始的。我们有限的思想无法理解基督是何时被生,因为这是在时间还没有被设立之前发生的。我们也无法完全理解基督是如何为父所生,但是我们凭着信心相信救主的话语。 我们必须知道基督不是如天使和人类一样被创造。因为在约翰福音1章3节告诉我们, “万物是藉着他造的;凡被造的,没有一样不是藉着他造的。”事实上耶稣是父亲生的,是上帝本体的真像,并从父的本质和怀里出来。 约翰福音8章42节 “耶稣说,倘若上帝是你们的父,你们就必爱我。因为我本是出于上帝,也是从上帝而来,并不是由着自己来,乃是他差我来。“ 约翰福音16章27-28节 “父自己爱你们,因为你们已经爱我,又信我是从父出来的。我从父出来,到了世界。我又离开世界,往父那里去。 约翰福音17章8节 “因为你所赐给我的道,我已经赐给他们。他们也领受了,又确实知道,我是从你出来的,并且信你差了我来。” 在每一个例子中,耶稣为父所生的事件和被差来世上的事件是被分开来说的。这说明耶稣是在说两件不同的事情。在天上被生和被差来世上。 凭着对基督话语的信心,我们明白到从亘古的某个时间点,天父选择了生下一位神圣并有神性的儿子。因此,耶稣是有开始的,而非像父一样没有开始。这会在任何的方式下减少基督的神性吗?当然不会! 约翰福音5章26节 “因为父怎样在自己有生命,就赐给他儿子也照样在自己有生命。” 歌罗西书1章19节 “因为父喜欢叫一切的丰盛,在他里面居住。” 歌罗西书2章9节 “因为上帝本性一切的丰盛,都有形有体的居住在基督里面。” 基督是被祂父亲,也就是宇宙万物的本源所生并从祂本质和怀里出来。父将独生子耶稣生出并喜悦将一切祂所拥有的神性,永恒的生命和在祂里头一切的丰盛赐给祂儿子。 约翰福音1章1节 的第一个‘神’字其实是名词,指明父上帝的身份;第二个‘神’ 是形容词,指的是耶稣的神性,形容祂有神的本质。因此,这章节可以读成:“太初有道,道与上帝同在,道就是神。” 简单来说基督从太初与父上帝(独一的真神)同在,基督本身在本性上也完全是神,祂满有神性。 希伯来书1章4-5节 4 他所承受的名既比天使的名更尊贵,就远超过天使。 5 所有的天使,上帝从来对哪一个说,“你是我的儿子,我今日生你”?又指着哪一个说,“我要作他的父,他要作我的子”? 基督本性上是神因为祂承受了祂父的神性。但是天父是一切的本源,也没有起源,因此是独一的真神。 哥林多前书8章6节 “然而我们只有一位上帝,就是父,万物都本于他,我们也归于他;并有一位主,就是耶稣基督,万物都是藉着他有的,我们也是藉着他有的。” 圣父是本源,而基督是管道,万物都是藉着祂被造的,我们也藉着祂到父那里去。 提摩太前书2章5节 “因为只有一位上帝,在上帝和人中间,只有一位中保,乃是降世为人的基督耶稣。 ” 事实上,基督为上帝儿子的身份曾受过撒旦的攻击。 马太福音4章3节 “。。。你若是上帝儿子,可以吩咐这些石头变成食物。 马太福音4章6节 “ 。。。你若上的儿子,可以跳下去。” 撒旦的恶天使也清楚知道耶稣真实的身份: 马可福音5章7节 “大声呼叫说,至高上帝的儿子耶稣,我与你有什么相干。我指着上帝恳求你,不要叫我受苦。 ” 路加福音4章41节 “又有鬼从好些人身上出来,喊着说:“你是上帝的儿子!”耶稣斥责他们,不许他们说话,因为他们知道他是基督。” 基督宣告祂真实的身份导致祂被人逼迫和控告: 约翰福音10章36节 “父所分别为圣,又差到世间来的,他自称是上帝的儿子,你们还向他说‘你说僭妄的话’吗? 约翰福音19章7节 “犹太人回答说:“我们有律法,按那律法,他是该死的,因他以自己为上帝的儿子。” 马太福音26章63节 “耶稣却不言语。大祭司对他说:“我指着永生上帝叫你起誓告诉我们,你是上帝的儿子基督不是?” 路加福音22章70节 “他们都说:“这样,你是上帝的儿子吗?”耶稣说:“你们所说的是。” 马太福音27章40节 “你这拆毁圣殿,三日又建造起来的,可以救自己吧!你如果是上帝的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧!” 马太福音27章54节 “百夫长和一同看守耶稣的人看见地震并所经历的事,就极其害怕,说:“这真是上帝的儿子了!” 最重要的是,这是唯一一个能让我们得到永生的信仰: 约翰福音3章16,18节 “上帝爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。18 信他的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已经定了,因为他不信上帝独生子的名。” 约翰福音 20章31节 “但记这些事,要叫你们信耶稣是基督,是上帝的儿子,并且叫你们信了他,就可以因他的名得生命。” 约翰福音5章25节 “我实实在在地告诉你们:时候将到,现在就是了,死人要听见上帝儿子的声音,听见的人就要活了。” 看回希伯来书第一章,第四节解释了为什么耶利米书的预言中说到天父的名,耶和华,可以用在基督的身上。 耶利米书23章5-6节 “5 耶和华说:“日子将到,我要给大卫兴起一个公义的苗裔,他必掌王权,行事有智慧,在地上施行公平和公义。6 在他的日子,犹大必得救,以色列也安然居住。他的名必称为耶和华我们的义。” 希伯来书1章4节 “他所承受的名既比天使的名更尊贵,就远超过天使。” 就好像人类也承受他父的名, 同样的基督也承受祂父的名! 在第八和第九节中我们可以看到虽然耶稣是神,但是祂父还是在一切之上的至高者。 希伯来书 1章8-9节 8 论到子却说:“上帝啊,你的宝座是永永远远的,你的国权是正直的。 9 你喜爱公义,恨恶罪恶,所以上帝,就是你的上帝,用喜乐油膏你,胜过膏你的同伴。 虽然基督有神性,而且圣父将祂高举,使祂得到万物的敬拜,但是祂依然有一位上帝,就是祂的父亲。 马太福音27章46节 “约在申初,耶稣大声喊着说:“以利,以利!拉马撒巴各大尼?”就是说:“我的上帝,我的上帝!为什么离弃我?” 约翰福音20章17节 “耶稣说:“不要摸我,因为我还没有升上去见我的父。你往我弟兄那里去,告诉他们说:我要升上去见我的父,也是你们的父;见我的上帝,也是你们的上帝。” 罗马书15章6节 “一心一口荣耀上帝、我们主耶稣基督的父。” 哥林多前书11章3节 “我愿意你们知道,基督是各人的头,男人是女人的头,上帝是基督的头。” 以弗所书1章3节 “愿颂赞归与我们主耶稣基督的父上帝。。。” (查阅哥林多后书1章3节,哥林多后书11章31节, 歌罗西书1章3节和彼得前书1章3节) 以弗所书1章17节 “求我们主耶稣基督的上帝,荣耀的父,将那赐人智慧和启示的灵赏给你们,使你们真知道他。” 启示录1章5-6节 “5 并那诚实作见证的,从死里首先复活,为世上君王元首的耶稣基督,有恩惠、平安归与你们!他爱我们,用自己的血使我们脱离罪恶(“脱离”有古卷作“洗去”),6 又使我们成为国民,作他父上帝的祭司。但愿荣耀、权能归给他,直到永永远远。阿们!” 启示录3章12节(基督说) “得胜的,我要叫他在我上帝殿中作柱子,他也必不再从那里出去。我又要将我上帝的名和我上帝城的名(这城就是从天上、从我上帝那里降下来的新耶路撒冷),并我的新名,都写在他上面。” 基督将把祂父的名,耶和华,写在我们的额头上作为上帝的印记。额头代表我们对上帝的认识。 约翰福音4章23节 “时候将到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心灵和诚实拜他,因为父要这样的人拜他。” 相反的,兽的印记将会是上帝印记的伪造,并与上帝的印记 (启示录3:12)有着相同的特征:他们神的名,他们城的名,他们基督的名(即敌基督者)。 启示录17章4-5 “4 那女人穿着紫色和朱红色的衣服,用金子、宝石、珍珠为妆饰;手拿金杯,杯中盛满了可憎之物,就是他淫乱的污秽。5 在她额上有名写着说:“奥秘哉!大巴比伦,作世上的淫妇和一切可憎之物的母。” 基督来到世上的目的是为了向世人显明祂的父亲,好让上帝对我们不再是个奥秘!阿门!基督从不将荣耀归于自己,乃是将一切荣耀归给祂的父亲,祂的上帝。基督的教导一贯地揭晓祂到世上来的目的为显明祂父亲的大爱,品格和对人类设定的伟大计划,并藉着祂自己把我们归向天父上帝。 启示录14章1节 “我又观看,见羔羊站在锡安山,同他又有十四万四千人,都有他的名和他父的名写在额上。” 要无疑和肯定地证实基督的身份,我们就必须看看祂父亲对祂的宣告。天父上帝,那宇宙至高的权威,在耶稣的洗礼给了一个无比重要的信息,之后在耶稣登山变相时也做了同样一个宣告。(马太福音3章17节,17章5节, 马可福音1章11节, 9章7节, 路加福音3章22节, 9章35节, 彼得后书1章17节) “这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。” 在山上祂还加了一句话-“你们要听他。” 作为圣父的代表,耶稣有着一切的权柄并有资格做罪人的牺牲,都凭着一个重要的真理和条件-就是祂是上帝至亲至爱,神圣,真实的亲生儿子。 {待续} 使我们认识祂 (3) (3)圣灵 我们即晓得天父是一切的本源,也可以从圣经证实圣灵是上帝自己的灵,是出于父的。 约翰福音15章26节 “但我要从父那里差保惠师来,就是从父出来真理的圣灵,他来了,就要为我作见证。” 创世记1章2节 “地是空虚混沌,渊面黑暗;上帝的灵运行在水面上。” 正如“上帝的儿子”意味着祂是上帝所拥有的,那么上帝的灵也一样意味着圣灵是上帝所拥有的灵。它是天父上帝自己的灵,不是另一位生物或个体。 马太福音10章20节 “因为不是你们自己说的,乃是你们父的灵在你们里头说的。” 让我们先看圣经里其它关于‘灵’的例子。以下章节的‘心’在原文都是用 ‘灵’, 中文圣经也把人的灵译成人的心。因为一个人的灵就是他的心。 创世记41章7-8节 “。。法老醒了,不料是个梦。到了早晨,法老心里不安,就差人召了埃及所有的术士和博士来。。。” 创世记45章27节 “他们便将约瑟对他们说的一切话都告诉了他。他们父亲雅各,又看见约瑟打发来接他的车辆,心就苏醒了。” 申命记2章30节 “但希实本王西宏不容我们从他那里经过,因为耶和华你的上帝使他心中刚硬,性情顽梗。。。” 以斯拉记1章1节 “波斯王居鲁士元年,耶和华为要应验藉耶利米口所说的话,就激动波斯王塞鲁士的心,使他下诏通告全国。。” 圣经里还有无数的例子,但是我认为重点已经够清楚了。我们在任何情况下都不可能认为一个人的灵是他以外的另一位。因为我们的灵就是我们的心思意念,想法和性格而并非另一个生物。那为什么我们会把“上帝的灵”想象成与上帝分开独立的另一位生物呢?上帝是一位全能,全在的灵体,可以以祂的实体坐在宝座上,同时藉着祂的灵在世上无所不在。 约翰福音4章23-24节 “。。因为父要这样的人拜他。”上帝是个灵,所以拜他的,必须用心灵和诚实拜他。” 基督为父所生,而且是上帝和人类之间的中保。正如上帝藉着祂儿子创造了万物,祂也一样赐下祂的圣灵藉着祂儿子赐给我们并住在我们里面。 以弗所书2章13,18节 “你们从前远离上帝的人,如今却在基督耶稣里,靠着他的血,已经得亲近了。18 因为我们两下藉着他被一个圣灵所感,得以进到父面前。 父和子就是这样享有同一个灵,也因这样有着相同的品格,目标和对人类的爱。当我们明白这个奇妙的真理时,约翰福音就变得更加地美好了! 约翰福音14章20-23节 “20 到那日你们就知道我在父里面,你们在我里面,我也在你们里面。21 有了我的命令又遵守的,这人就是爱我的;爱我的必蒙我父爱他,我也要爱他,并且要向他显现。”22 犹大(不是加略人犹大)问耶稣说:“主啊,为什么要向我们显现,不向世人显现呢?” 23 耶稣回答说:“人若爱我,就必遵守我的道,我父也必爱他,并且我们要到他那里去,与他同住。 圣灵就是父和子的灵,而我们可以有祂们的灵住在我们里面!我们可以看到‘上帝的灵’ 和 ‘耶稣的灵’以互换的方式被用在圣经里,因为祂们共有一个灵。 罗马书8章9-10节 “9 如果上帝的灵住在你们心里,你们就不属肉体,乃属圣灵了。人若没有基督的灵,就不是属基督的。10 基督若在你们心里,身体就因罪而死,心灵却因义而活。” 然而,基督在世为人时以人性把祂的神性隐藏了起来。取了人的样式,祂父的灵依然在祂里头,但是祂不能随意地运用来赐给人类。 以赛亚书42章1节 “看哪,我的仆人,我所扶持、所拣选、心里所喜悦的,我已将我的灵赐给他,他必将公理传给外邦。” 腓立比书2章6-7 “6 他本有上帝的行像,不以自己与上帝同等为强夺的,7 反倒虚己,取了奴仆的形像,成为人的样式。” 约翰福音14章10节 “我在父里面,父在我里面,你不信吗?我对你们所说的话,不是凭着自己说的,乃是住在我里面的父作他自己的事。” 这就是为什么圣灵,也就是耶稣升天后所谓的保惠师在五旬节才能被赐给门徒。 约翰福音7章39节 “耶稣这话是指着信他之人要受圣灵说的,那时还没有赐下圣灵来,因为耶稣尚未得着荣耀。” 约翰福音16章7节 “然而我将真情告诉你们,我去是与你们有益的。我若不去,保惠师就不到你们这里来;我若去,就差他来。” 只有在基督回到天上得荣耀并开始在天上圣所做我们大祭司,方能求祂父把圣灵赐下给门徒。 希伯来书2章17节 “所以,他凡事该与他的弟兄相同,为要在上帝的事上成为慈悲忠信的大祭司,为百姓的罪献上挽回祭。 希伯来书4章15节 “因我们的大祭司并非不能体恤我们的软弱,他也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样,只是他没有犯罪。” 约翰福音14章16-20 “16 我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师(或作“训慰师”。下同),叫他永远与你们同在,17 就是真理的圣灵,乃世人不能接受的。因为不见他,也不认识他;你们却认识他,因他常与你们同在,也要在你们里面。 18 我不撇下你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。19 还有不多的时候,世人不再看见我,你们却看见我,因为我活着,你们也要活着。20 到那日你们就知道我在父里面,你们在我里面,我也在你们里面。 保惠师在耶稣得荣耀之前不能被赐下,然而耶稣说“他与你们同在”(现在式),也要在你们里面(未来式)。在告诉门徒“你们认识他”和“他常与你们同在”,耶稣其实是在向他们揭晓祂为保惠师的身份。虽然当时祂依然肉体上与门徒同在,但是在不久的未来祂将藉着祂的灵住在门徒里面。 使徒行传2章32-33 “32 这耶稣,上帝已经叫他复活了,我们都为这事作见证。33 他既被上帝的右手高举(或作“他既高举在 神的右边”),又从父受了所应许的圣灵,就把你们所看见、所听见的浇灌下来。” “保惠师”的希腊文是 “parakletos”。约翰是唯一一位使用了这个词的圣经作者,而他在他福音书里用了这个词四次, 还有一次则用在约翰一书里。 虽然很多人相信保惠师是第三位生物,一位父和子以外的个体。但事实上约翰已经在他的书信里清楚地为我们揭开了保惠师的身份。 可惜的是,他说明真相的一番苦心在这翻译中被隐藏起来了。他在约翰一书2:1指出了保惠师的身份,但是parakletos这个词在这经文里不是被翻译成“保惠师”而是译成了“中保”。 约翰一书2章1节 “我小子们哪,我将这些话写给你们,是要叫你们不犯罪。若有人犯罪,在父那里我们有一位中保,就是那义者耶稣基督。” 或 “我小子们哪,我将这些话写给你们,是要叫你们不犯罪。若有人犯罪,在父那里我们有一位保惠师,就是那义者耶稣基督。” 我们的“parakletos”,我们的“保惠师”,就是耶稣基督! 那为什么基督在约翰福音14章16节说天父会差另外一位保惠师呢? 这是否代表保惠师是耶稣以外的另一位生物呢? 在希腊文里有两个可以被译成“另一位”的词,那就是 “allos” and “heteros”。 Heteros——另一位(不同类的,或不同质的,或不同等级或群体的) Allos——另一位同种类的 意指“另外”的希腊词是allos,意思是另一个同类的。那么这一节的意思是,另一个与基督同类的。耶稣当时以肉体的形式与门徒同在,但在祂升天以后,祂要以另一种形式回来,就是藉着祂的灵。所以说,那“另外”一位就是祂的灵。由于基督的灵可以不倚靠基督的本体而独立行事,那么祂的灵就像是“另外”一位。也因为是祂的灵,所以是“另外”一位同类的。如果保惠师是另外一位不同类的,那么约翰就会用heteros这个希腊词来代表,其意思是“另外一位不同类的”。你一旦知道了这个区别,就很容易明白了。很多人也没有注意到,耶稣经常使用第三人称来称呼祂自己,这一节就是一个很好的例子了。简单来说,天父第一次赐下基督为保惠师是以人类的样式,而祂再次赐下的保惠师基督将会以灵的形式回来。 希伯来书2章18节 “他自己既然被试探而受苦,就能搭救被试探的人。” 基督是唯一一位能够帮助我们胜过世上的试探,因为祂是那唯一取了我们堕落的人性并胜过罪恶的神性生物。我们不应该怀疑这项事实,就是当耶稣说到保惠师时,祂是在用第三人称来说祂自己,就好比祂向人传福音时也经常如此行。 (马太福音13章41节,24章27,30节, 马可福音10章33-34节, 45节, 路加福音17章24节, 18章8节, 约翰福音10章2-4节, 17章1-3节, ) 记得提摩太前书2章5节告诉我们, “因为只有一位上帝,在上帝和人中间,只有一位中保,乃是降世为人的基督耶稣。 罗马书8章26节 “况且,我们的软弱有圣灵帮助,我们本不晓得当怎样祷告,只是圣灵亲自用说不出来的叹息替我们祷告。” 当我们以经解经时,圣经说替我们祷告或祈求的是谁呢? 罗马书8章34节 “谁能定他们的罪呢?有基督耶稣已经死了,而且从死里复活,现今在上帝的右边,也替我们祈求。” 希伯来书7章25节 “凡靠着他进到上帝面前的人,他都能拯救到底,因为他是长远活着,替他们祈求。” 基督本身是那唯一一位中保,也就是上帝和人中间的中保。 约翰福音17章23节 “我在他们里面,你在我里面,使他们完完全全地合而为一,叫世人知道你差了我来,也知道你爱他们如同爱我一样。” 加拉太书4章6节 “你们既为儿子,上帝就差他儿子的灵进入你们(原文作“我们”)的心,呼叫:“阿爸,父!” 彼得前书1章10-11 “10 论到这救恩,那预先说你们要得恩典的众先知早已详细地寻求考察,11 就是考察在他们心里基督的灵,预先证明基督受苦难,后来得荣耀,是指着什么时候,并怎样的时候。” 哥林多前书2章16节 “谁曾知道主的心去教导他呢?但我们是有基督的心了。” 哥林多前书15章45节 “经上也是这样记着说,“首先的人亚当成了有灵的活人(“灵”或作“血气”)”,末后的亚当成了叫人活的灵。” 愿我们都祷告祈求并领受那唯一叫人活的灵,就是救主耶稣的灵。 启示录3章19-20 “19 凡我所疼爱的,我就责备管教他,所以你要发热心,也要悔改。20 看哪,我站在门外叩门,若有听见我声音就开门的,我要进到他那里去,我与他,他与我,一同坐席。” 基督要以祂的灵充满我们,使我们得到力量来战胜这世上的诱惑,并活出一个得胜的基督徒生活!唯有藉着祂,我们才能一天接着一天慢慢地改变,并如基督一样地反映出上帝的形象和品格。 哥林多后书3章16-18节 “16 但他们的心几时归向主,帕子就几时除去了。17 主就是那灵;主的灵在哪里,那里就得以自由。18 我们众人既然敞着脸得以看见主的荣光,好像从镜子里返照,就变成主的形状,荣上加荣,如同从主的灵变成的。 腓立比书4章7节 “上帝所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。” 约翰福音16章13节 “。。只等真理的圣灵来了,他要引导你们进入一切的真理。” 腓立比书4章13节 “我靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能作。” 父和子渴望藉着祂们的灵与你同在,赐给你力量,引导你进入一切的真理,并赐你超乎人类理解的平安。 你愿意让祂们这样做吗? 歌罗西书1章26-29节 “26 这道理就是历世历代所隐藏的奥秘,但如今向他的圣徒显明了。27上帝愿意叫他们知道,这奥秘在外邦人中有何等丰盛的荣耀,就是基督在你们心里成了有荣耀的盼望。28 我们传扬他,是用诸般的智慧劝戒各人、教导各人,要把各人在基督里完完全全地引到上帝面前。29 我也为此劳苦,照着他在我里面运用的大能尽心竭力。” 加拉太书2章20节 “我已经与基督同钉十字架,现在活着的不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着;并且我如今在肉身活着,是因信上帝的儿子而活,他是爱我,为我舍己。” {待续} 使我们认识祂 (4) (4)父和子 这里有更多的经文揭示了只有两位神性生物:上帝和祂儿子。 箴言30章4节 “谁升天又降下来?谁聚风在掌中?谁包水在衣服里?谁立定地的四极?他名叫什么?他儿子叫名叫什么?你知道吗?” 撒迦利亚书6章12-13节 “12 对他说,万军之耶和华如此说:看哪,那名称为大卫苗裔的,他要在本处长起来,并要建造耶和华的殿。13 他要建造耶和华的殿,并担负尊荣,坐在位上掌王权。又必在位上作祭司,使两职之间筹定和平。” 加拉太书1章1节 “作使徒的保罗(不是由于人,也不是藉着人,乃是藉着耶稣基督,与叫他从死里复活的父上帝)” 以弗所书 5章5节 “因为你们确实地知道,无论是淫乱的,是污秽的,是有贪心的,在基督和上帝的国里,都是无份的。有贪心的,就与拜偶像的一样。” 提摩太前书5章21节 “我在上帝和基督耶稣并蒙拣选的天使面前嘱咐你:要遵守这些话,不可存成见,行事也不可有偏心。” 希伯来书8章1节 “我们所讲的事,其中第一要紧的,就是我们有这样的大祭司,已经坐在天上至大者宝座的右边。” 约翰一书1章3节 “我们将所看见、所听见的传给你们,使你们与我们相交。我们乃是与父并他儿子耶稣基督相交的。” 约翰一书2章22-23节 “22 谁是说谎话的呢?不是那不认耶稣为基督的吗?不认父与子的,这就是敌基督的。23 凡不认子的,就没有父;认子的,连父也有了。” 启示录5章13节 “我又听见在天上、地上、地底下、沧海里和天地间一切所有被造之物都说:“但愿颂赞、尊贵、荣耀、权势都归给坐宝座的和羔羊,直到永永远远。” 启示录6章16节 “天就挪移,好像书卷被卷起来;山岭海岛都被挪移,离开本位。” 启示录14章4节 “这些人未曾沾染妇女,他们原是童身。羔羊无论往哪里去,他们都跟随他。他们是从人间买来的,作初熟的果子归与上帝和羔羊。 启示录14章12节 “圣徒的忍耐就在此,他们是守上帝诫命和耶稣真道的。” 启示录20章6节 “在头一次复活有份的有福了、圣洁了,第二次的死在他们身上没有权柄。他们必作上帝和基督的祭司,并要与基督一同作王一千年。” 启示录21章22节 “我未见城内有殿,因主上帝全能者和羔羊为城的殿。” 启示录22章1,3节 “1 天使又指示我在城内街道当中一道生命水的河,明亮如水晶,从上帝和羔羊的宝座流出来。3 以后再没有咒诅。在城里有上帝和羔羊的宝座,他的仆人都要侍奉他。” 谜底终于解开了! 彼得后书1章2-4节 “2 愿恩惠、平安因你们认识上帝和我们主耶稣,多多地加给你们。3上帝的神能已经将一切关乎生命和虔敬的事赐给我们,皆因我们认识那用自己荣耀和美德召我们的主。4 因此,他已将又宝贵、又极大的应许赐给我们,叫我们既脱离世上从情欲来的败坏,就得与上帝的性情有份。” 我真心地希望这项研究可以为您带来很大的帮助和祝福。最后,我想要和大家分享我最喜爱的书里的一篇文章,《服务真诠》三十五章,409页。 “对于上帝的真认识” “上帝的神能已将一切关乎生命和敬虔的事赐给我们,皆因我们认识…主。” 象我们的救主,我们在世上是要为上帝服务的。我们活着,在品格上是要象上帝一样,又要用我们服务的人生,来向世界显示上帝。但若要做上帝的同工者,若要象他,若要显示他的品格,我们必须真正地明白他,必须照着他所彰显的本来面目认识他。 认识上帝是一切真教育真服务的根本,是抵抗世上诱惑唯一的真保障,是能使我们在品格上与上帝相象的唯一途径。 凡从事于超拔人群之工的人,非得认识上帝不可。人品格的展变,生活的纯洁,工作的效率,遵守正义的毅力,都从真正认识上帝而来的。这种认识,乃是人生今世和来世双方所不可少的准备。 “认识至圣者,便是聪明。” 箴言9:10 我们所得“一切关乎生命和虔敬的事,”(彼得后书1:3)都是从认识他而来的。 耶稣说:“认识祢独一的真神,并且认识祢所差来的耶稣基督,这就是永生。” 约翰福音17:3 “耶和华如此说:‘智慧人不要因他的智慧夸口,勇士不要因他的勇力夸口,财主不要因他的财物夸口;夸口的却因他有聪明,认识我是耶和华,又知道我喜悦在世上施行慈爱公平和公义,以此夸口;这是耶和华说的。’” 耶利米书9:23-24 我们应当去研究上帝所赐给我们关于他本身的启示。 “你要认识上帝,就是平安;福气也必临到你。你当领受他口中的教训,将他的言语存在心里,……全能者就必为你的珍宝。……“你就要以全能者为喜乐,向上帝仰起脸来。你要祷告他,他就听你;你也要还你的愿。你定意要作何事,必然给你成就;亮光也必照耀你的路。人使你降卑,你仍可说,必得高升;谦卑的人,上帝必然拯救。” 约伯记22:21-22, 25-29 {完} 上一篇 返回研究目录 下一篇 到最頂
- Revelation Warning 1-10
All trinity studies Previous Download 看中文 Next Revelation Warning 1-10 REVELATION WARNING: TURN TO THE ONE TRUE GOD (Part 1 of 10) WHO IS THE GOD IN REVELATION 14? In Revelation 14:6-7 we find an important end time message and it reads, “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to HIM; for the hour of HIS judgment is come; and worship HIM that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” So who is this God that the angel is lovingly warning the world to turn to and worship? Notice that this message references God as Him. So who is He? In John 4, we have an interesting conversation between Jesus and the woman at the well. The Samaritan woman asked Jesus concerning the place where God is to be worshiped. And listen to how Jesus replies: “Ye worship ye KNOW not what; we KNOW what we worship; for salvation is of the Jews.” (John 4:22) Let me just pause there for a moment. Jesus tells the woman that she doesn’t know what or who she worships. But He says, we, speaking of the Jewish nation, know what we worship. And look at how Jesus responds to one of the scribes in Mark 12. Jesus was asked the question, Which is the first commandment? Look at how Jesus responds: “The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God is ONE LORD. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength; this is the first commandment.” (Mark 12:29-30) And the scribe says, “Well, Master, thou hast said the truth, for there is ONE GOD, and there is NONE OTHER BUT HE.” (Mark 12:32) That’s interesting. Let us go back to the woman at the well. Jesus continues to reveal the truth to the woman. He says, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship THE FATHER in spirit and in truth; for the FATHER seeketh such to worship HIM. God is a Spirit; and they that worship HIM must worship HIM in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23,24) So who is the God which we are called to give glory to and to worship in Revelation 14? Who is the God that created heaven and earth? Let’s look at some more Bible verses. In John 17, while praying to the Father, Jesus said, “Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee. As thou hast given Him power over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:1-3) John said in 1 John 5:20 “And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know HIM that is TRUE, and we are in HIM that is TRUE, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God [speaking of the Father], and eternal life.” Now notice what the apostle Paul confirms in 1 Cor 8:4-6. And do not miss this. He said, “As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols,we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is NONE OTHER GOD BUT ONE. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but ONE GOD, THE FATHER, of whom are all things, and we in Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by Him.” Can you see who the NONE OTHER GOD BUT ONE is? It’s the Father according to Paul. Paul says again in Phil 2:11, “And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of GOD THE FATHER.” So who is He that is to receive our worship and to receive glory that the angel in Revelation 14 calls for? It is God the Father, the one true God according to Jesus and the apostles. Just look through the writings of the apostles and you will see them refer time and time again to the one true God as being the Father. Paul says, “To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints; Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.” (Rom 1:7-8) James says, “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.” (James 1:1) Peter says, “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.” (2 Peter 1:2) John says, “Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.” (2 John 1:3) REVELATION WARNING: TURN TO THE ONE TRUE GOD (Part 2 of 10) DOES GENESIS 1 SHOW A PLURAL GOD? Now many Trinitarians will be saying, “Ah! That’s all very well. But in Genesis 1:26, it refers to God as 'us', showing a plural God. And Jesus said in Matthew 28:19 to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, showing a plural God. And 1 John 5:7 says, ‘There are THREE that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one’--again showing a plural God made up of three beings.” This is the common stance of Trinitarians. So let us deal with each of these points. In Genesis 1:26, we read, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” Now this is a lot more simple than many take it to read. The question is, Who is God and who is the “us”? Well, we have already established who God is, and we will further cement this truth later on. God is the Father. But did the Father create this world on His own? No, clearly not. So who did He create this world with? Let’s use Scripture to answer this. In Ephesians 3:9 we read, “And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in GOD, WHO CREATED ALL THINGS BY JESUS CHRIST.” And for those who accept Ellen White’s writings as inspired, take a look at what she said: “After the earth was created, and the beasts upon it, the FATHER and SON carried out THEIR purpose, which was designed before the fall of Satan, to make man in THEIR own image. They had wrought TOGETHER in the creation of the earth and every living thing upon it. And now GOD SAYS TO HIS SON, ‘Let US make man in our image.’ “ (Lift Him Up, 47) So who is the God that is speaking? It is God the Father. And who is He speaking to? His Son Jesus. This is the “us” in Genesis 1:26. It is the Father and the Son, and through the Father’s own divine Spirit, which He shares with His Son, which I will show you from Scripture later, they created this world together. “Ah!” I hear some Trinitarians say, “But the Hebrew word for God in Genesis 1 is Elohim, and that means a plural of persons.” Well, let’s look at another verse in the Bible, that uses the word Elohim. In Exodus 7:1 when God is speaking to Moses, He tells Moses that he will be a god unto Pharaoh. And the Hebrew word for god in this verse is exactly the same as the one used in Genesis 1, Elohim. So was God telling Moses that he was going to appear as three persons before Pharaoh? No, of course not. So what was God telling Moses when He said Moses was going to be an Elohim to Pharaoh? God was simply saying that Moses would appear great before Pharaoh. And this is what Elohim means. It is not a plurality of persons, but a plurality of majesty, a position of greatness. This is how Moses was to appear to Pharaoh. And this is also why Elohim is used for God the Father in Genesis 1. It is telling us of the Father’s greatness and majesty. Just look how David spoke of this in 1 Chronicles 29:10-13. “Wherefore David blessed the Lord before all the congregation, and David said, Blessed be thou, Lord God [Elohim] of Israel our Father, for ever and ever. Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name.” Can you see the plural of majesty proclaimed of God the Father here? This is why He is called Elohim in Genesis 1. It is not saying God is made up of three beings. It is saying He has a position of great majesty. And the fact that Moses was also to appear as an Elohim to Pharaoh proves this. REVELATION WARNING: TURN TO THE ONE TRUE GOD (Part 3 of 10) DOES MATTHEW 28:19 AND 1 JOHN 5:7 SHOW A PLURAL GOD? Now let us deal with Matthew 28:19 and 1 John 5:7. In Matt 28:19, we read, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” And in 1 John 5:7, we read, “For there are three that bear record in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one.” Now I’m not going to make any case here about the validity of those verses, even though there is strong evidence that they are added verses, as the majority of people just will not accept this. But if you would like to look into this, then please visit www.trinitytruth.org/matthew28_19addedtext.html and www.trinitytruth.org/was1john5_7addedtext.html for more information. So here let us deal with these verses as if they are inspired. Now the first important point to note is, that neither of these verses mentions the word God. So what does that mean? It means that neither of these verses are telling us who God is. Now something else you can do is go and look up the phrases God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in the Bible and see if you can find them. And I will tell you now that you won’t find those phrases once in the Bible. Why? Because the Bible tells us that the one true God is the Father. An important point to note regarding Matt 28:19 is the fact that if it is inspired, then none of the disciples did what Jesus supposedly commanded here, because not one baptism mentioned in the New Testament was performed in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They were all done in the name of Jesus alone, as you can see in Acts 2:38; 8:12,16; 10:48; 19:5; 22:16; Rom 6:3; Gal 3:27. And the important point regarding 1 John 5:7 is that according to Jesus in John 8:16-18, there are not three that bear witness but only two, Himself and God the Father. "I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me." (John 8:18) So the question remains, Who are these “three” mentioned in Matt 28:19 and 1 John 5:7? What should a good Bible student do? Go to the Bible, and let the scriptures interpret themselves. So let us do just that. REVELATION WARNING: TURN TO THE ONE TRUE GOD (Part 4 of 10) WHO IS THE FATHER? In Matt 11:25, we read, “At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.” So Jesus confirms that the Father is Lord of heaven and earth, the One to whom the angel of Rev 14 is pointing us to. In John 17:1-3, we read Jesus saying, “Father… this is life eternal, that they might know THEE THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” So Jesus confirms that the Father is the only one true God. In John 20:17, we read, “Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to MY FATHER; but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto MY FATHER, AND YOUR FATHER; AND TO MY GOD, AND YOUR GOD.” So Jesus confirms here that God is both His Father and God, and our Father and God. In 1 Cor 8:6, we read, “But to us there is but ONE GOD, THE FATHER, of whom are all things, and we in Him; AND one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by Him.” So Paul confirms that the Father is the one God of all. These and many other Bible verses confirm that the Father is the one and only true God, Lord of heaven and earth. (See Eph 1:17, Rom 1:7-8, 1 Thess 1:9-10, 2 John 1:3, Acts 4:24-30, John 4:22-24, Phil 2:11) REVELATION WARNING: TURN TO THE ONE TRUE GOD (Part 5 of 10) WHO IS THE SON [WORD]? John 1:14 says, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the ONLY BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER,) full of grace and truth.” In 1 John 1:3, we read, “And truly our fellowship is with the FATHER, and with HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.” In Matt 16:15-17, we read, “He [Jesus] saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but My FATHER which is in heaven.” Rom 8:3 says, “For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, GOD SENDING HIS OWN SON in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.” Now look at what God the Father says Himself on the Mount of Transfiguration as Peter was speaking. “While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them, and they feared as they entered into the cloud. And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, THIS IS MY BELOVED SON: hear him.” (Luke 9:34-35) These and many other Bible verses (such as John 3:16; 1 Thess 1:9-10; John 20:17; 1 John 5:20; 2 John 1:3) that show that the Son or Word is Jesus Christ, the Son of the one true God the Father. Now many Trinitarians will say, Yes, that’s what I believe. I believe Jesus is the Son of God, but many fail to realize that the Trinity god teaching says Jesus is God Himself, and not the literal Son of God. And yes, we will deal with John 1 a little later. “...the father-son image cannot be literally applied to the divine Father-Son relationship within the Godhead. The Son is NOT the natural, literal Son of the Father. The term ‘Son’ is used metaphorically when applied to the Godhead.” (Angel Manuel Rodriguez [Seventh-day Adventist theologian and “director” of the Adventist BRI -Biblical Research Institute], Adventist World November 2015, p. 42) As you can see from this quote, the Trinity doctrine teaches that Jesus is only the Son in a symbolic way, not the real Son of God. It teaches that Jesus never had a beginning, and has always existed alongside the Father. If this is true, then Jesus cannot be the true Son of God. And yet the Bible revealed Him as just that, the real, true, literal Son of God the Father. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” So let us look at the Biblical evidence for Jesus being the literal begotten Son of God the Father before He came to this earth. Now to begin with, let us establish an important Biblical principle that we should all heed. Apart from some prophetic writings, God’s word is to be taken literally as it reads. For instance, in John 3:16 and Rom 8:3, which says that “God GAVE His only begotten Son” and that “God [was] SENDING His own Son.” Now for God to give His Son and to be able to send His own Son, what does God the Father need to have to be able to give and send? He needs to have a Son in the first place. This is basic logic and this is how we are to take God’s word literally as it reads. So let us look at some Bible verses concerning this. In Micah 5:2, we are given a prophecy of Jesus coming to this earth. Look at what it says, “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; WHOSE GOINGS FORTH have been from of old, from everlasting.” Now if you look at the original Hebrew word for “goings forth”, you will see it means literally “go out from or proceed from.” So this prophecy is confirming that Jesus came out of or proceeded from something some time in eternity past. Now look at what it says in Prov 8, speaking of wisdom, which it is well-accepted that this is speaking of Jesus Christ. But just to confirm, the apostle Paul also confirms in 1 Cor 1:24 that Christ is the wisdom of God. "But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God." Prov 8:23-25 says, “I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I WAS BROUGHT FORTH; when there were no fountains abounding with water. BEFORE the mountains were settled, BEFORE the hills WAS I BROUGHT FORTH.” And for those who accept Ellen White’s writings as inspired, look at what she said regarding Proverbs 8. “Through Solomon, CHRIST DECLARED… When there were no depths, I WAS BROUGHT FORTH; when there were no fountains abounding with water. BEFORE the mountains were settled, BEFORE the hills, WAS I BROUGHT FORTH.” (ST Aug 29, 1900.14) So Christ revealed through Solomon and Micah that before anything was made by God the Father some time in eternity past, Christ came forth from the Father as a true Son. Now did Jesus confirm this at all in the New Testament? Yes He did. In John 16:27-28, we read, “For the Father Himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I CAME OUT FROM GOD. I CAME FORTH FROM THE FATHER, and am come into the world; again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.” And in John 17:7-8, we read, “Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee. For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I CAME OUT FROM THEE, and they have believed that THOU DIDST SEND ME.” So Jesus confirms Himself that He came out of God. But some say that Jesus here is just confirming that He came from God to this earth. But no. Look at the clear order these verses are confirming. He says He came forth from the Father AND then came into this world, speaking of two separate events. In Prov 30:4, we also read, “Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, AND WHAT IS HIS SON’S NAME, if thou canst tell?” So the Bible does confirm clearly that Jesus came forth from the Father some time in eternity past as the true Son, and that people knew God had a Son even before Jesus came to earth. Just look at what King Nebuchadnezzar said regarding the fourth person in the fiery furnace. Dan 3:25 “He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like THE SON OF GOD.” Again, for those who believe Ellen White’s writings are inspired, look at what she said in Desire of Ages,p. 51. She said, “The dedication of the FIRST-BORN had its origin in the earliest times. God had promised to give the FIRST-BORN OF HEAVEN to save the sinner.” Now did you know that God the Father spoke audibly twice to the people in the New Testament? And what did He choose to say on both occasions? In Matt 3:17, He said, “This is MY BELOVED SON, in whom I am well pleased.” And in Luke 9:35, He said, “This is MY BELOVED SON, hear Him.” Now God could have said anything, yet He chose to confirm both times that Jesus is in fact His beloved Son. And if we say that Jesus isn’t really God’s literal son like the Trinity god doctrine teaches, then we are saying that God the Father is a liar. REVELATION WARNING: TURN TO THE ONE TRUE GOD (Part 6 of 10) DOES JOHN 1:1 SHOW THAT JESUS IS GOD? Ah! I hear Trinitarians say, “But Jesus is called God in John 1 and Hebrews 1, so He must be God Himself and not the literal Son of God.” Well, let’s take a look at those verses. In John 1:1-2 we read, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, AND THE WORD WAS GOD. The same was in the beginning with God.” Now a couple things to note concerning this. We have already shown that Jesus is the literal Son of God, begotten of God the Father some time in eternity past. So with Jesus being God’s own Son, what does that make Jesus by nature? God. Because He shares the same nature as His Father which is the God nature. Just like I have a son, and being human myself, my son must also be human. This is why John says Jesus is God in John 1, because He is the literal Son of God and shares the same nature as His Father. Now note that John says “In the beginning.” So the question is, the beginning of what? Eternity does not have a beginning, does it? So why would John say Christ was with God in the beginning? Well, where else in the Bible do we find the words “In the beginning” but the creation of this world in Genesis 1. So John here is simply confirming that Jesus was with God at the beginning of this world, showing that Jesus is truly the Son of God from eternity past. Also in the original Greek for John 1, we find the word that has been missed out which transformed these verses. This word has been missed out of the English translations. In the Greek, the verse reads as follows: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with [THE] God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.” So the Greek says, in the beginning, Christ was with THE God. And we know from John 17:3, 1 Cor 8:6, and other verses, that God the Father is THE one true God. And it is He whom Jesus was with, His Father, THE one true God. REVELATION WARNING: TURN TO THE ONE TRUE GOD (Part 7 of 10) A video study by end-times-prophecy.org . Transcribed by Felix Liew. DOES HEBREWS 1:8 SHOW THAT JESUS IS GOD? Now let’s look at Hebrews 1. This one is interesting, because what Trinitarians do, is pick out one little verse and separate it from the context. So let’s look at the verse that is used, and look at the proper context. In Heb 1:8, we read, “But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.” So Trinitarians look at this single verse, and say, “See, Jesus is God.” But now let’s look at the proper context. Heb 1:1-9 “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us BY HIS SON, whom He hath APPOINTED heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds; Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person… Being made so much better than the angels, as He hath BY INHERITANCE obtained a more excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said He at any time, THOU ART MY SON, THIS DAY HAVE I BEGOTTEN THEE? And again, I will be to Him a FATHER, and He shall be to me a SON? And again, when He bringeth in the FIRSTBEGOTTEN INTO THE WORLD, He saith, And let all the angels of God worship Him. And of the angels He saith, Who maketh His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire. But unto THE SON He saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore GOD, EVEN THY GOD, hath ANOINTED THEE with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” Wow! What a difference it makes to read something in context! Hebrews 1 clearly confirms Jesus to be the literal Son of God, not the one true God Himself. There are so many confirmations in these verses. It says, “God has spoken to us BY HIS SON” whom He has “APPOINTED Heir of all things,” “BY WHOM also God made the worlds.” Jesus has “BY INHERITANCE obtained a better name.” It says, “To which of the angels did God say, THOU ART MY SON, this day have I BEGOTTEN THEE? …I will be to Him a Father, and He … MY SON.” And it says, “God bringeth the FIRST BEGOTTEN into the world.” So why is Jesus called God? The same as why He is called God in John 1. Being the Son of the one true God the Father, Jesus shares the same divine “God nature” as the Father. But Jesus is not the one true God Himself, because as it says in Heb 1:9, “therefore God, even THY GOD, hath anointed thee.” So Jesus has a God Himself, and that is His Father. Look at what Paul confirms in 1 Cor 11:3, “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and THE HEAD OF CHRIST IS GOD.” God the Father is the head of Christ, which is why Jesus said to Mary at the tomb, “I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to MY GOD, and YOUR GOD.” (John 20:17) And this is confirmed also in Eph 1:17. We read, “That the GOD OF our Lord Jesus Christ, THE FATHER of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge OF HIM.” The knowledge of who? God the Father. Now look at what 1 Tim 2:5 says, “For there is ONE GOD, AND one mediator BETWEEN GOD and men, the man Christ Jesus.” Again, this is basic logic. If Jesus is the mediator between the one God and men, then Jesus cannot be the one God Himself, as we have confirmed, the Father is the one true God. (John 17:3; 1 Cor 8:6) So when we compare scripture with scripture using context, rather than picking the odd verse here and there, we can see that Jesus is not the one true God Himself. He is the literal Son of the one true God, the Father. REVELATION WARNING: TURN TO THE ONE TRUE GOD (Part 8 of 10) A video study by end-times-prophecy.org . Transcribed by Felix Liew. DOES ISAIAH 9:6 SHOW THAT JESUS IS THE FATHER? But Jesus is called the “Everlasting Father” in Isaiah 9:6, isn’t He? Well, let’s look at the verse. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name SHALL BE called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The EVERLASTING FATHER, The Prince of Peace.” (Isa. 9:6) Now what people do again is take one verse on its own and disconnect it from the rest of scripture and build a doctrine on one or two verses. Now does this verse say Jesus IS the Everlasting Father? No, it doesn’t. It says He SHALL BE CALLED the Everlasting Father, pointing to a future event. And what event would that be? Let us look at another Bible verse to help us. In Heb 5:8-10, we read, “Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the AUTHOR OF ETERNAL SALVATION unto all them that obey him; Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec.” Now when did Christ become the Author of salvation? At the cross. So what event is Isaiah 9:6 pointing to, saying Jesus SHALL BE called the Everlasting Father? The cross. And this is right. Jesus has become our Father of everlasting life. And He became that at the cross. But this in no way makes Him God the Father. The rest of the Bible is very clear on that. (In Rev 21:7, Jesus promises that "he that overcometh shall inherit all things...he SHALL BE my son." So Jesus shall be a father to those who overcome by His Spirit, as He Himself overcame by His Father's Spirit.) REVELATION WARNING: TURN TO THE ONE TRUE GOD (Part 9 of 10) WHO (OR WHAT) IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? Something that I have already mentioned is that you won’t find a single verse in the Bible that says “God the Holy Spirit.” What you will find time and time again is the phrase “the Spirit OF God” or “God’s Spirit” or even “the Spirit OF Christ.” Now Hebrew and Greek meaning for “spirit” in the Bible is “breath” or “mind.” So let’s quickly look at Genesis 1 with this meaning in mind. We read, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit OF God moved upon the face of the waters.” (Gen 1:1-2) So the translation from the original Hebrew is “the breath, mind, [or even] power OF GOD” moved upon the face of the waters. We have already found out that the God here is speaking of the Father. So does this Spirit OF God sound like a third separate being as the Trinity teaches? No, not at all. Now I’m not saying at all that the Holy Spirit is just a mere “force” or “wind,” because no one can understand the exact nature of the Holy Spirit. But we have to accept that the original meaning of the word “Spirit” does not reveal it as a third separate equal being like the Father and Son, as the Trinity doctrine teaches. So let us look at the rest of the Bible and see if we can further confirm this. In Revelation chapter 5, John is given a vision of the full Godhead. And look what he sees. Rev 5:1-7 “And I saw in the right hand of HIM that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. …And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a LAMB as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.” So John sees the complete Godhead here. And does he see three separate beings? No, he only sees TWO beings, God the Father on the throne, and Jesus as the Lamb in the midst of the throne. And what does Jesus have Himself? He has the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. John sees the Holy Spirit as being a part of Jesus Himself. Let’s look at a picture representation of this. Here, you can see Christ as represented by a lamb. And look at what Christ has. He has these horns and eyes, which are the Spirit of God. This is the Holy Spirit, which is part of Christ’s own being. Can you see this? This is what God revealed to John in vision, and we can see this earlier in Revelation 2. In Revelation chapter 1:12-16, we read, “And I turned to see the voice THAT SPAKE with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto THE SON OF MAN… And he had in his right hand seven stars.” So the One who is speaking to John is Christ. Then in Revelation 2:1-7, we read, “Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write: These things SAITH HE that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks… He that hath an ear, let him hear what THE SPIRIT saith unto the churches.” So who is the One walking amongst and speaking to the churches? It is Christ. And He is confirming here that He is the Holy Spirit speaking to the churches. In Revelation 3:1, we read, “And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write: These things SAITH HE that HATH THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD, and the seven stars.” So let us look at other Bible verses to confirm this. What did Jesus say in Matthew 18:20? We read, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” So Jesus is confirming that He will be the One among us. (Exodus 33:14 “My presence will be with you.”) Now look at what Jesus says in John 14 regarding the Comforter. “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: BUT YE KNOW HIM; FOR HE DWELLETH WITH YOU, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I IN YOU.” (John 14:16-20) Is Jesus talking of three God beings here? No, He is confirming that it is God the Father in Him, through God’s own Spirit, and Christ in us Himself. Ah! I hear Trinitarians say, “Jesus referred to the Comforter as He, as a third person, and that it is ANOTHER Comforter.” Well, let’s look at this. Did you know that Jesus referred to HIMSELF in the “third person”? Look at what He said while praying to the Father in John 17:1-2. He said, “These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given HIM power over all flesh, that HE should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given HIM.” So does Jesus speaking of the Comforter as “He” prove anything regarding a so-called “third being”? No, not at all. Jesus is showing here in John 17 that He was in fact speaking of HIMSELF. Look, in John 14:21, we read, “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest MYSELF to him.” Now the Greek word for Comforter is Parakletos. Now if we look at another Bible verse which uses Parakletos, we can see who this Parakletos is. In 1 John 2:1, we read, “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate [Parakletos] with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” So Jesus is our Parakletos, our Comforter. Look at what Peter reveals in Acts 2:32-33. We read, “This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having RECEIVED OF THE FATHER THE PROMISE OF THE HOLY GHOST, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.” So Jesus received the Holy Spirit from God the Father. Now look at what we read in John 20. After Jesus had ascended to God the Father just as He told Mary at the tomb He was going to do, He comes back and appears to the disciples. John 20:19-22, we read, “Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you… And when he had said this, HE BREATHED ON THEM, and saith unto them, RECEIVE YE THE HOLY GHOST.” Wow, this is so clear! Jesus is the One with the Holy Spirit, which He has received from God the Father, because it is the Spirit of God. And so the Holy Spirit is the presence and power of Christ which He received from God the Father. And Paul also confirmed that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ in three separate Bible verses. Let’s take a look. In Gal 4:6, he said, “And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the SPIRIT OF HIS SON into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” In 2 Cor 3:17, he said, “Now THE LORD IS THAT SPIRIT: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” And in Phil 1:19, he said, “For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST.” This is such a beautiful truth, friends. The Holy Spirit is not some third being who we do not know. The Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ. It is the presence and power of God the Father manifested through His Son. It is Christ who dwells in our hearts. (Eph 3:17 “That CHRIST may dwell in your hearts by faith.”) It is Christ who lives in us. (Gal 2:20 “I live, yet not I, but CHRIST LIVETH IN ME.”) And it is Christ in us, that Spirit which gives us life. (Rom 8:10-11 “And if CHRIST BE IN YOU, the body is dead… but THE SPIRIT is life.”) “We want the Holy Spirit, WHICH IS JESUS CHRIST.” (E.G. White, Letter 66, April 10, 1894) And yes, the Holy Spirit can be lied to, which is lying to God, as Peter confirms in Acts 5:3,4. "But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, ... thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God." And yes, the Holy Spirit speaks and comforts and instructs us. (Acts 8:29 “The Spirit SAID unto Philip.”) That’s because it is God the Father’s own divine Spirit, which He shares with His Son Jesus as we have clearly shown from Scripture. (Eze 36:27 “I will put MY SPIRIT within you.”) So if we lie to the Spirit, we are of course lying to God Himself, because it is His own Spirit. And as we have shown through Scripture, the Spirit who speaks to us, and comforts us, and lives in us, is Christ Himself. (Rev 3:1,6 “These things saith HE [Jesus] that hath the seven Spirits of God… hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”) Again, for those who accept Ellen White’s writings as inspired, take a look at the following quote. She said, “Those who were bowed before the throne would offer up their prayers and look to Jesus; then He would look to His Father, and appear to be pleading with Him. A light would come FROM THE FATHER TO THE SON AND FROM THE SON TO THE PRAYING COMPANY. Then I saw an exceeding bright light come FROM THE FATHER TO THE SON, AND FROM THE SON IT WAVED OVER THE PEOPLE BEFORE THE THRONE… Those who rose up with Jesus would send up their faith to Him in the holiest, and pray, ‘My Father, GIVE US THY SPIRIT.’ Then Jesus would BREATHE UPON THEM THE HOLY GHOST. In that breath was light, power, and much love, joy, and peace.” (E.G White, Early Writings, p.54-55) She also said, “It is not safe to catch the spirit of another. We want the Holy Spirit, which is Jesus Christ.” (EG White, Letter 66, April 10, 1894) “The Saviour is our Comforter. This I have proved Him to be.” (EG White, 8MR, p.49) “Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally; therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them, go to His father, and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The HOLY SPIRIT IS HIMSELF divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by HIS HOLY SPIRIT, as the Omnipresent.” (E.G. White, 14MR, p.23) These are just a handful of the many quotes which reveal that the Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ, not some other third god being that we do not know. And for those who hold on to the couple of “third person” quotes from sister White, please have a read in this web-page explaining this. http://www.end-times-prophecy.org/third-person-godhead.html . REVELATION WARNING: TURN TO THE ONE TRUE GOD (Part 10 of 10) CONCLUSION So, who are the three from Matthew 28:19 and 1 John 5:7? We have proved from the Bible that the Father is God the Father, the one true God. The Son or Word is Jesus Christ, the literal Son of God the Father. And the Holy Spirit is the Father’s own divine Spirit which He has given to His Son, and is the presence and power of God the Father manifested through His Son Jesus Christ. These three is not the Trinity. It is God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and God’s own divine Spirit which He shares with His Son. WHO ARE THE “THREE”? 1.GOD the Father 2.Jesus Christ the Son of GOD 3.The Spirit of GOD, through His Son Jesus. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? “So why is this important? Does it really matter?” Many Trinitarians say. Well, to start with, any tradition that is in error must be discarded, and truth must be embraced. As the Bible says, it isn’t tradition that makes us free, but rather “the TRUTH shall make you free.” (John 8:32) But Jesus said, “In vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matt 15:9) We really don’t want to be worshiping Jesus in vain, due to following the traditions of men. And this Trinity god tradition is based more on mythology than Bible truth, and has come into the churches through the mother of harlots, Roman Catholicism. This mysterious three in one God does not come from the Bible. It comes from pagan traditions which is why you see three in one gods throughout many pagan religions. Even educated Roman Catholics have admitted that the Trinity is not in the Bible. “Our opponents sometimes claim that no belief should be held dogmatically which is not explicitly stated in scripture. But the Protestant Churches have themselves accepted such dogmas, AS THE TRINITY, for which there is no such precise authority in the Gospels.” (Graham Greene*, Life Magazine, 30 Oct. 1950, p.51) *Greene is a celebrated Catholic author. And this Trinity god teaching is the central doctrine of false religions, just as this quote shows: “The mystery of the most holy Trinity is the CENTRAL mystery of Christian faith and life… It is therefore the SOURCE of all the other mysteries of faith.” (Catholic Catechism, no. 234) “No doctrine is more fundamental or more emphasized in Freemasonry than that of the Trinity.” ( www.masonicworld.com ) The Trinity god is a strange god. We were warned about serving strange gods in the Bible. In Joshua 24:20, we read, “If ye forsake the LORD [singular], and serve STRANGE GODS [plural], then HE will turn and do you hurt, and consume you.” It is a very serious matter friends, which is why the angel in Revelation 14:6-7 is warning the world to turn to the Lord of heaven and earth. The one true God who Jesus revealed is His Father. Do you really think we serve a God who play acts, because that is what the Trinity god is, a god that plays the roles of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And what is role playing? It is acting. And what is acting? It is lying. So the Trinity god is a god that doesn’t even keep its own law. How ridiculous is that? Not only that, the Trinity doctrine rejects the real Father and Son relationship between God the Father and His literal Son. And what does the Bible say this is? 1 John 2:22-23 says “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is ANTICHRIST, THAT DENIETH THE FATHER AND THE SON. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father.” And Jude warned about certain men who would creep into our churches. Look at Jude 1:4 “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and DENYING THE ONLY LORD GOD, AND OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.” The Trinity is an antichrist teaching from Babylon, which denies the only Lord God, our heavenly Father, and His Son, a false god that the Bible never speaks of. Revelation, however, reveals there will only be TWO divine beings who will be worshiped for all eternity. We read in Rev 5:13, “And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto HIM THAT SITTETH UPON THE THRONE, AND UNTO THE LAMB FOR EVER AND EVER.” Revelation also reveals there will only be TWO divine beings on the throne for all eternity. We read in Rev 21:1 and 22:1,3, “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away…” “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of THE THRONE OF GOD AND OF THE LAMB… And there shall be no more curse: but THE THRONE OF GOD AND OF THE LAMB shall be in it.” But look at what Satan wanted to do. We read in Isaiah 14:13-14, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH.” So the Bible reveals that there are only TWO on the throne, the Father and Son. And Satan said he would ascend to God’s throne and be like the Most High, which would then make THREE beings. Wow! Friends, it’s time to heed the warning of the angel in Revelation 14 and worship the one true God of heaven and earth, the Father. It’s time to “turn and serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven.” (1 Thess 1:9-10) It’s time to stop depending on your church leader for truth and start studying for yourself, as great deception has come and is still to come through the churches. May God help us all. Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top
- 三位一体信徒能否受上帝的印记
返回研究目录 上一篇 下载中文 Read in English 下一篇 三位一体信徒能否受上帝的印记 三位一体信徒能否受上帝的印记? 敬拜三位一体神的人是否有可能受我们在启示录7章和14章中所提到上帝的印记呢? 这是一个非常重要的问题,因为在末世时只有受上帝印记的人才会得救。 “认识上帝是一切真教育真服务的根本,是抵抗世上诱惑唯一的真保障,是能使我们在品格上与上帝相象的唯一途径。 凡从事于超拔人群之工的人,非得认识上帝不可。人品格的展变,生活的纯洁,工作的效率,遵守正义的毅力,都从真正认识上帝而来的。这种认识,乃是人生今世和来世双方所不可少的准备。 “认识至圣者,便是聪明。” 箴言9:10 我们所得“一切关乎生命和虔敬的事,”(彼得后书1:3)都是从认识他而来的。 耶稣说:“认识祢独一的真神,并且认识祢所差来的耶稣基督,这就是永生。” 约翰福音17:3 (怀爱伦,服务真诠,409.1-6 页) 现在许多三位一体论者说,理解我们敬拜的上帝并不重要,并声称上帝是一个“奥秘”。这是那些敬拜三位一体的人常用的借口,因为他们无法理解他们崇拜的是什么。 但如果是这种情况,我们就无法认识我们敬拜的神,这自然就意味着敬拜罗马天主教的神或回教的神是可以接受的。 因为倘若我们仅仅认为有限的头脑无法理解我们所敬拜的上帝,并且认为知道上帝是否是独一真神还是三位一体并不重要,那么就不会拒绝任何关于“上帝”的概念,并且所有“有可能对”的道理都可以被接受。 一旦你理解了这一点,你就会开始意识到三位一体神的普世宗教合一的性质。 这就是为什么我们看到至今大多数的教会都有份参与普世教会合一运动。 他们无法分开,因为他们都对上帝的身份有一个混淆的概念。 他们不再使用上帝的话语作为神圣的启示和信仰上的至高权威。 相反的,他们被人类的想法牵引着。 但那些凭着“耶和华如此说”的人能够脱离这种普世教会合一运动,因为他们透过上帝的圣言认出了普世教会合一运动的神不是圣经里的神。 因此,那些敬拜三位一体的人能受上帝的印记吗? 让我们来看启示录第14章关于这一点。。。 启示录 7:2-3 2 我又看见另有一位天使,从日出之地上来,拿着永生上帝的印。他就向那得着权柄能伤害地和海的四位天使,大声喊着说: 3 “地与海并树木,你们不可伤害,等我们印了我们上帝众仆人的额。” 启示录 14:1 我又观看,见羔羊站在锡安山,同他又有十四万四千人,都有他的名和他父的名写在额上。 我们可以从这些经文中注意到两件明确的事情。 印记被称为“永生上帝的印”。 什么是“印记”? 印记是'羔羊和他父'的名字。 羔羊是耶稣基督,所以谁是耶稣的父? 那就是父上帝。 看看以下的经文。 马太福音 16:16 西门彼得回答说:“你是基督,是永生上帝的儿子。” 约翰福音17:1-3 1 耶稣说了这话,就举目望天说:“父啊,时候到了,愿你荣耀你的儿子,使儿子也荣耀你; 2 正如你曾赐给他权柄管理凡有血气的,叫他将永生赐给你所赐给他的人。 3 认识你独一的真神,并且认识你所差来的耶稣基督,这就是永生。 约翰二书 1:3 恩惠、怜悯、平安从父上帝和他儿子耶稣基督,在真理和爱心上必常与我们同在! 所以耶稣基督,弥赛亚,是父上帝的儿子。而启示录第14章为我们确认了上帝的印记是“耶稣的名和上帝的名”。如果我们看希腊原文的话它只是记载着“父的名字”。不是父,子,圣灵的名字,更不是父上帝,子上帝,圣灵上帝的名字。而是有“父”的名字。圣经也为我们确认了父上帝是独一的真神,如以下经文所说的,而不是众教会所敬拜的三位一体神。 约翰福音17:1-3 。。。“父啊。。。认识你独一的真神,并且认识你所差来的耶稣基督,这就是永生。” 哥林多前书 8:5-6 5 虽有称为神的,或在天、或在地,就如那许多的神,许多的主。 6 然而我们只有一位上帝,就是父,万物都本于他,我们也归于他;并有一位主,就是耶稣基督,万物都是藉着他有的,我们也是藉着他有的。 约翰福音 20:17 耶稣说:“不要摸我,因为我还没有升上去见我的父。你往我弟兄那里去,告诉他们说:我要升上去见我的父,也是你们的父;见我的上帝,也是你们的上帝。” 你不认为我们应该听那诚实的见证人,弥赛亚耶稣基督的见证吗?而耶稣向我们确认了祂父为那独一的真神。不但如此,耶稣还说父上帝也是祂的上帝!希伯来书1:9也同样证明这一点。 有趣的是,犹太人不曾敬拜三位一体神,而清楚知道父上帝是他们的神(约翰福音8:41)。耶稣也不曾敬拜三位一体神,或所谓的其他两位神,而是晓得祂父是独一的真神 (约翰福音17:3)。使徒们也不曾敬拜三位一体神,而是敬拜和宣告父上帝为独一的真神(哥林多前书8:6)。事实上,他们也同样高举和敬拜耶稣,为永生上帝的儿子。这也是为什么我们有上帝的名和祂儿子的名在我们额上。 这些都是不重要的!真的吗? 很多三位一体信徒都宣称这是不重要的,而且上帝是一个“奥秘”,我们不能认识我们所敬拜的神。他们否认了这神圣的启示。是上帝给予人类的启示!耶稣清楚地说明了永生是建立在对父上帝和祂自己的认识。耶稣说我们能够认识上帝,但是三位一体信徒说我们不能认识上帝。你愿意相信谁呢?那“诚实见证人”的智慧,还是人的智慧?现在我们来看看耶稣在约翰福音第4章中对井边的妇人所说的话。 约翰福音 4:21-24 21 耶稣说:“妇人,你当信我。时候将到,你们拜父也不在这山上,也不在耶路撒冷。 22 你们所拜的,你们不知道;我们所拜的,我们知道,因为救恩是从犹太人出来的。 23 时候将到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心灵和诚实拜他,因为父要这样的人拜他。” 24上帝是个灵(或无“个”字),所以拜他的,必须用心灵和诚实拜他。” “你们所拜的,你们不知道”。。。这句话在今时今日是对谁说的呢?三位一体信徒! 在整个新约圣经中,耶稣和使徒们都表明父是独一的真神,而且我们的忠诚和敬拜最终是归与祂的。耶稣确认了真正的敬拜者是敬拜父上帝为独一真神的。这意味着那些崇拜这三位一体神的人不是真正的敬拜者。如果我们不是敬拜那独一真神的话,我们有可能受那永生上帝的印记吗?不,根本不可能!仍然在天主教内的罗马天主教徒能受上帝的印记吗?不能。为什么呢?因为他们不是敬拜那独一的真神。那些敬拜三位一体的人也是如此。他们没有敬拜独一的真神,所以不能受祂的印记。注意启示录第14章怎么说到那些受上帝印记的人。 启示录 14:4 这些人未曾沾染妇女,他们原是童身。羔羊无论往哪里去,他们都跟随他。他们是从人间买来的,作初熟的果子归与上帝和羔羊。 “妇女”在圣经里意表着教会。由此,“沾染妇女”意思说沾染堕落的教会。那沾染堕落的教会又是什么意思呢?这 意思说被他们的假道理和假神的敬拜所迷惑。三位一体神论是源于巴比伦的谬论。因此,崇拜三位一体神意味着你 沾染妇女 ,并无法受父上帝的印记。 末世的善恶之争是关乎敬拜。而启示录第14章显明了我们应当敬拜的是谁。 敬拜我们创造主上帝的呼召 启示录 14:6-7 6 我又看见另有一位天使飞在空中,有永远的福音要传给住在地上的人,就是各国、各族、各方、各民。 7 他大声说:“应当敬畏上帝,将荣耀归给他,因他施行审判的时候已经到了,应当敬拜那创造天、地、海和众水泉源的。” 在创世纪第1章里,我们可以看到以下的陈述 “上帝说:“我们要照着我们的形像,按着我们的样式造人,” 那三位一体信徒相信这是 “三位一体神” 在说话。但是,如我们上述所见,圣经所显明的上帝是天父。所以谁才是在这里说话的呢?是天父上帝在说话。那上帝在对谁说话呢?歌罗西书1:16,约翰福音1:3 和哥林多前书8:6 都证实了天父上帝藉着祂的儿子耶稣基督创造了万物。所以天父上帝在对谁说话呢?祂在对祂的儿子说话。让我们看看大伟王在历代志上第29章怎么说。 历代志上29:10-11 10 所以,大卫在会众面前称颂耶和华说:“耶和华我们的父,以色列的上帝,是应当称颂,直到永永远远的。 11 耶和华啊,尊大、能力、荣耀、强胜、威严都是你的;凡天上地下的都是你的;国度也是你的;并且你为至高,为万有之首。 那万有之首是谁呢?哥林多前书11:3 “我愿意你们知道,基督是各人的头,男人是女人的头,上帝是基督的头。” 因此那万有之首就是天父上帝。耶稣也在马太福音11:25证实了这一点, “那时,耶稣说:“父啊,天地的主,我感谢你!” 。 所以启示录第14章大声说应当敬拜的,那独一的真神,天地的主和我们的创造主是谁呢?是父上帝,那独一的真神,一切生命的本源 (歌林多前书 8:6)。上帝末世的子民将领受谁的名字和印记呢?他们受父上帝,那独一的真神,永生上帝的印记。是的,我们也应当敬拜和归荣耀给弥赛亚耶稣,因为他是独一真神的儿子,而启示录5:13也确认了我们要敬拜父上帝和羔羊(基督),直到永永远远。但是基督所得的一切荣耀是使荣耀归与父上帝。 腓立比书 2:11 “无不口称耶稣基督为主,使荣耀归与父上帝。” 由此,我们的敬拜最终去到父上帝,因祂是万有之首,万有之神,也是万有的生命之根源。但是那些敬拜巴比伦三位一体假神的人不是敬拜那圣经里独一的真神。因此,他们不可能受上帝的印记。朋友们,这是非常重要的。这是关乎我们永生的。如果你相信和敬拜三位一体神的话,我真心邀请你研究这课题并寻求真理。你是否想受上帝的印记呢?那就敬拜那独一的真神,父上帝。 上一篇 返回研究目录 下一篇 到最頂
- Does the Seventh day Adventist Church admit 1 John 5
All trinity studies Previous Download Next Does the Seventh day Adventist Church admit 1 John 5 Does the Seventh day Adventist Church admit 1 John 5:7 has added text? THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST BIBLE COMMENTARY: “The passage as given in the KJV is in no Greek MS earlier than the 15th and 16th centuries. The disputed words found their way into the KJV by way of the Greek text of Erasmus (see Vol. V, p. 141). It is said that Erasmus offered to include the disputed words in his Greek Testament if he were shown even one Greek MS that contained them. A library in Dublin produced such a MS (known as 34), and Erasmus included the passage in his text. It is now believed that the later editions of the Vulgate acquired the passage by the mistake of a scribe who included an exegetical marginal comment in the Bible text that he was copying. The disputed words have been widely used in support of the doctrine of the Trinity, but, in view of such overwhelming evidence against their authenticity, their support is valueless and should not be used. In spite of their appearance in the Vulgate A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture freely admits regarding these words: “It is now generally held that this passage, called the Comma Johanneum, is a gloss that crept into the text of the Old Latin and Vulgate at an early date, but found its way into the Greek text only in the 15th and 16th centuries” (Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1951, p. 1186).” — (The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, p. 675) SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST BIBLICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE: The Seventh day Adventist Biblical Research Institute also admits this text in 1 John 5:7 is added. So their final conclusion and advice to Seventh day Adventists was “...you should not use this text.” So the SDA BRI and the SDA Bible Commentary both acknowledge this text is added and say it should not be used, and yet you constantly see Adventists and their key organizations using this verse anyway. So Seventh day Adventists are not following their own advice. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST SABBATH SCHOOL QUARTERLY: “In some versions of the Bible the words “in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit’ and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth” appear in 1 John 5:7, 8 (NKJV). The only problem is they are a later addition, not found in the original manuscripts. “Among biblical scholars there is agreement that this statement is not genuine and has been added, probably to support the doctrine of the Trinity…” — (Sabbath School Bible Study Guide: July – Sept 2009 pg 108) SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST ELLEN G. WHITE ESTATE: Question about 1 John 5:7 Question: “Some years ago I had read some of your publications. At the time I seem to remember a discussion of the devinity of Christ. A refference to 1 John 5:7 was quoated but I cannot find it...can you please tell me where this strong scriptual argument is used? Thanking you in advance, dws” Answer: “Thank you for contacting the Ellen G. White Estate. In answer to your question, though I have to tell you that I have not found any place in the published writings of Ellen G. White where she quotes this passage. Perhaps that is just as well, because it may not be such a “strong scriptural argument” after all. The verse appears in no ancient Greek manuscript earlier than about the 13th century A.D. That is, despite its inclusion in the 1611 original of the King James Version translation into English, it is highly unlikely that it was in the original version of 1 John as John wrote it. No modern Bible translation that I am aware of includes it in the text except the New King James Version, and even this version carries a footnote about the text's absence from Greek manuscripts until relatively recent times. Apparently, it is some scribe's note to himself about the trinity, originally written in the margin of the manuscript he was copying, and later incorporated into the text by another scribe who may have been uncertain about whether or not it was a correction that belonged in the text; in any case, he opted to include it there.” — ( http://ellenwhite dot org/content/file/did-ellen-g-white-believed-doctrine-trinity#document) SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST MINISTRY MAGAZINE: R.M. Johnston: “The term “Trinity” is nowhere to be found in the Bible. But the doctrine is there— this conclusion is inescapable. Nor need we be disturbed by the knowledge that certain words in 1 John 5:7, 8 are spurious additions that found their way into our King James Version from certain manuscripts of the Latin Vulgate, where they originated. For while it is true that no formal statement of the doctrine can be found in the most reliable Biblical manuscripts, nevertheless a comparison of Scripture with Scripture makes any contrary teaching untenable.” — (R. M. Johnston, Ministry, November 1964, What can we know about the Holy Trinity?) SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST PIONEERS: D.W. HULL: “The objector contends that Christ and his Father are one person, and in proof of his position quotes 1 John 5:7. “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” This is claimed as very strong proof in support of the trinity. The three persons are spoken of as God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Ghost. I believe I may safely say that, aside from scripture, no such license would be allowable. Men have been so used to perverting scripture, and taking advantage of terms, and pressing them into their service,that they do not realize the magnitude of the crime as they otherwise would. The same expression is frequently used about man and wife; yet no person doubts that a man and his wife are two separate persons, inasmuch as they may be separated by hundreds of miles. Dr. A. Clarke expressly says that this passage[1 John 5:7] is an interpolation. See his Commentary in loco.” — (D. W. Hull, Review and Herald November 10, 1859) J.N. LOUGHBOROUGH: “The word Trinity nowhere occurs in the Scriptures. The principal text supposed to teach it is 1 John i, 7, which is an interpolation” — (J.N. Loughborough, Review and Herald November 5, 1861) Ellen White confirms changes have been made to Scripture also. “I saw that God had especially guarded the Bible; yet when copies of it were few, learned men had in some instances changed the words, thinking that they were making it more plain, when in reality they were mystifying that which was plain, by causing it to lean to their established views, which were governed by tradition.” — (E.G. White, EW, 220.2, 1882) So why do so many Adventists not know this and continually quote it? This text is also missing from most of the Bible translations. Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top
- 事工简介和任务 | 独一真神中文事工 (One True God Chinese Ministry)
独一真神中文事工 信仰 独一真神中文事工坚定和致力于遵循基督复临安息日会先贤於1889年实践和相信的基本原则。 按此 了解更多。 事工简介和任务 本事工旨在传扬独一真神和祂独生儿子耶稣基督的现代真理。这是启示录三天使所传的永远福音之基础与核心。作为基督复临安息日会信徒,我们站在圣经和预言之灵的平台上,坚决反对全球总会(GCSDA)基本信仰第二条所提倡的三位一体或三合一神论的谬道。只有正确认识神圣父子和祂们之间的灵,我们才可能完成耶稣所托付的使命。 上帝兴起基督复临安息日会,并引导本会先锋们查考圣经以发现末世的真理。祂赐给怀爱伦作先知的恩赐,因此她的著作有一定的权威。尽管如此,圣经还是我们唯一的信仰和行为准则。预言之灵的著作与圣经一致,为开启圣经奥秘之小光。 现代的全球总会旗下的基督复临安息日会官方组织已经离道反教,接受了巴比伦的神,取了她的核心教义为自己的基本信仰。本事工与现今的安息日会组织没有任何关系。我们回到了先知和先贤们的真安息日会信仰上,持守上帝所赐予他们最纯洁、最原始的真理,并恢复这些被人遗忘的亮光。 我们相信独一真神就是父,是万物的本源。耶稣基督是上帝在太初创造万物之前所亲生的儿子,而非被造。基督承受了父的神性与生命,藉着祂们共有的灵,父子俩得以合而为一。父藉着儿子创造宇宙。基督乃是父与受造之物之间的唯一管道,祂将来自父上帝的一切生命福惠传给宇宙众生。我们也藉着祂来到赞美敬拜并事奉父上帝。 圣灵乃父上帝的灵,也是基督的灵,所以圣灵是父与子之间共有的灵,使祂们能合而为一。基督升天之后所赐下的圣灵,是基督本身的位格,同在,力量,生命,心志等,而并非另一位完全不同的生物。基督现今藉着祂的灵与我们各人同在。凡接受祂灵的人,基督就住在他里面,彰显出祂完美的品格,并使众信徒合而为一。基督在我们心里,以基督的心为心,就是我们荣耀的盼望。 本事工的成员们深受上帝的圣灵感动,蒙上帝的呼召向全世界的华人传扬三天使的信息,好让所有华人都能听到永远的福音。我们都应当敬畏上帝,将荣耀归给祂,因祂施行审判的时候已经到了,应当敬拜那创造天、地、海和众水泉源的。我们也必须离开巴比伦和所有堕落的教会,从她们出来,免得与她一同有罪,受她所受的灾殃。星期日法令,那兽印记的大逼迫即将来临,我们必须对上帝忠心到底,持守真安息日,拒绝伪安息日。 我们相信近几年来的疫情并一切防疫措施,特别是施打毒苗针,都是撒旦的杰作。他要藉着他的邪术来迷惑全世界的人,为了达到他多个邪恶的目的并为将来的大逼迫铺路。我们坚决反对并拒绝施打毒苗针,为了保护我们的身体为上帝神圣的殿,不被有害和不洁净的物质所玷污。 本事工坚决反对并从未教导以下的道理: 1. 三位一体神论 (Trinity Doctrine) 2. 原罪论 (Original Sin) 3. 守犹太人节期 (Feast Keeping) 4. 地平说 (Flat Earth Theory) 5. 圣名运动 (Sacred Name Movement) 6. 北方王是教皇权(King of the North as the Papacy) 7. 星期三受难 (Wednesday Cruxifiction)
- 圣经里的上帝是谁
返回研究目录 上一篇 下载中文 Read in English 下一篇 圣经里的上帝是谁 圣经里的上帝是谁?以下这一些是否符合我们对圣经里上帝的了解?如果是的话,就证明我们与圣经的真理和谐一致,若不是的话那我们就要重新研究谁是圣经里这位独一的真神了! 别忘记末世最大的考验将会是关乎敬拜。你选择敬拜的是谁?圣经里的上帝,那独一的真神;还是巴比伦奥秘的三位一体神? 让我们来看看圣经里的上帝是谁! 1。圣经对于上帝提出了什么重要的问题? 约伯记 11:7 你考察,就能测透上帝吗?你岂能尽情测透全能者吗? *我们不能靠自己的聪明来认识上帝。上帝会启示祂自己让我们认识祂。 2。 上帝如何诉说祂自己呢? 以赛亚书40:26 你们向上举目,看谁创造这万象,按数目领出,他一一称其名,因他的权能,又因他的大能大力,连一个都不缺。” 以赛亚书40:9-10 9 你们要追念上古的事,因为我是上帝,并无别神;我是上帝,再没有能比我的。10 我从起初指明末后的事,从古时言明未成的事,说:‘我的筹算必立定,凡我所喜悦的,我必成就。’ *上帝是全能的,也是全知的,并且祂是独一的上帝,在祂以外并无别神。 3。 圣经向我们显明了几位真神? 申命记6:4 “以色列啊,你要听!耶和华我们上帝是独一的主。 申命记4:35 这是显给你看,要使你知道,惟有耶和华他是上帝,除他以外,再无别 神。 耶利米书10:10 惟耶和华是真 神,是活 神,是永远的王。他一发怒,大地震动;他一恼恨,列国都担当不起。 4。谁最有资格对我们说明那独一的真神? 约翰福音1:18 从来没有人看见上帝,只有在父怀里的独生子将他表明出来。 *上帝的儿子耶稣是在此课题上最有威严的。 约翰福音3:11 我实实在在地告诉你:我们所说的,是我们知道的;我们所见证的,是我们见过的;你们却不领受我们的见证。 *耶稣说只有他见过父上帝并认识祂。事实上,耶稣来到世上的其中一个任务就是向我们显明他的父,让我们认识祂。 5。根据耶稣,谁是那位“独一的真神”? 约翰福音17:1,3 1 耶稣说了这话,就举目望天说:“父啊,时候到了,愿你荣耀你的儿子,使儿子也荣耀你;3 认识你独一的真神,并且认识你所差来的耶稣基督,这就是永生。 *耶稣亲口说到那位独一的真神就是父上帝。 6。 根据耶稣,谁是天地的主? 马太福音11:25 那时,耶稣说:“父啊,天地的主,我感谢你!因为你将这些事向聪明通达人就藏起来,向婴孩就显出来。 *上帝是天地的主 (另外请参考路加福音10:21)。 7。真正的敬拜者会敬拜谁? 约翰福音4:23 时候将到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心灵和诚实拜他,因为父要这样的人拜他。 8。耶稣说我们应该向谁祷告呢? 马太福音6:9-13 “所以,你们祷告,要这样说:‘我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。愿你的国降临。愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上 。。。因为国度、权柄、荣耀,全是你的,直到永远。阿们。” 9。 诫命中哪是第一要紧的呢? 马可福音12:28-32 有一个文士来,听见他们辩论,晓得耶稣回答的好,就问他说:“诫命中哪是第一要紧的呢?”29 耶稣回答说:“第一要紧的,就是说:‘以色列啊,你要听,主我们上帝,是独一的主。30 你要尽心、尽性、尽意、尽力爱主你的上帝。’31 其次就是说:‘要爱人如己。’再没有比这两条诫命更大的了。”32 那文士对耶稣说:“夫子说,上帝是一位,实在不错。除了他以外,再没有别的上帝。 *我们必须先认识上帝才能够爱祂。要和上帝建立一个美好的关系就要对祂有正确的认识。文士同意耶稣所说的,上帝只有一位,除他以外再没有别的上帝。 10。 耶稣有没有纠正文士所说的话? 马可福音 12:34 耶稣见他回答的有智慧,就对他说:“你离上帝的国不远了。”从此以后,没有人敢再问他什么。 *耶稣不但没有纠正他,而且还说他离上帝的国不远了。文士所相信的代表了全犹太民族。犹太人都相信独一一位上帝。 约翰福音8:41 你们是行你们父所行的事。”他们说:“我们不是从淫乱生的,我们只有一位父,就是上帝。” 11。耶稣是否表明犹太民族独一的上帝是谁? 约翰福音8:54 耶稣回答说:“我若荣耀自己,我的荣耀就算不得什么;荣耀我的乃是我的父,就是你们所说是你们的上帝。 12。 上帝只作犹太人的神吗? 罗马书 3:29 难道上帝只作犹太人的上帝吗?不也是作外邦人的上帝吗?是的,也作外邦人的上帝。 13。耶稣的使徒们是否把同样关于上帝的真理教导于外邦人呢? 雅各书2:19 你信上帝只有一位,你信的不错;鬼魔也信,却是战兢。* 雅各* 提摩太前书2:5 因为只有一位上帝,在上帝和人中间,只有一位中保,乃是降世为人的基督耶稣。*保罗* 14。谁是这位独一的真神? 哥林多前书8:4-6 论到吃祭偶像之物,我们知道偶像在世上算不得什么;也知道上帝只有一位,再没有别的神。虽有称为神的,或在天、或在地,就如那许多的神,许多的主。 然而我们只有一位神,就是父,万物都本于他,我们也归于他;并有一位主,就是耶稣基督,万物都是藉着他有的,我们也是藉着他有的。 *那独一的上帝是父。 雅各书3:9 我们用舌头颂赞那为主、为父的,又用舌头咒诅那照着上帝形像被造的人。 罗马书15:6 一心一口荣耀上帝、我们主耶稣基督的父。 以弗所书4:6 一上帝,就是众人的父,超乎众人之上,贯乎众人之中,也住在众人之内。 哥林多后书1:3 愿颂赞归与我们的主耶稣基督的父上帝,就是发慈悲的父,赐各样安慰的上帝。 15。谁是那位又真又活的上帝? 帖撒罗尼迦前书1:9,10 因为他们自己已经报明我们是怎样进到你们那里,你们是怎样离弃偶像,归向上帝,要服侍那又真又活的上帝, 等候他儿子从天降临,就是他从死里复活的、那位救我们脱离将来忿怒的耶稣。 *那又真又活的上帝是天父,耶稣基督的父亲。 16。早期基督教是否持有与使徒们相同的信仰? 使徒行传 2:42 都恒心遵守使徒的教训,彼此交接、擘饼、祈祷。 17。谁是宇宙万物的创造主? 启示录4:9-11 9 每逢四活物将荣耀、尊贵、感谢归给那坐在宝座上、活到永永远远者的时候,10 那二十四位长老就俯伏在坐宝座的面前敬拜那活到永永远远的,又把他们的冠冕放在宝座前,说:11 “我们的主,我们的上帝,你是配得荣耀、尊贵、权柄的,因为你创造了万物,并且万物是因你的旨意被创造而有的。” 使徒行传17:24 创造宇宙和其中万物的上帝,既是天地的主,就不住人手所造的殿, *刚才我们已经知道了这天地的主就是父上帝,祂是万物的本源并且创造了万有。 18。父上帝如何创造一切? 在以弗所书3:9中我们读到:“又使众人都明白,这历代以来隐藏在【编按:英王钦定本圣经有:藉着耶稣基督】创造万物之神里的奥秘,是如何安排的。” 歌罗西书 1:16 因为万有都是靠他造的,无论是天上的、地上的、能看见的、不能看见的,或是有位的、主治的、执政的、掌权的,一概都是藉着他造的,又是为他造的。 希伯来书 1:2 就在这末世藉着他儿子晓谕我们,又早已立他为承受万有的;也曾藉着他创造诸世界。 约翰福音 1:3 万物是藉着他造的;凡被造的,没有一样不是藉着他造的。 19。谁是万有之首? 哥林多前书11:3 我愿意你们知道,基督是各人的头,男人是女人的头,上帝是基督的头。 20。基督是否有一位上帝? 马太福音 27:46 约在申初,耶稣大声喊着说:“以利,以利!拉马撒巴各大尼?”就是说:“我的上帝,我的上帝!为什么离弃我?” 约翰福音 20:17 耶稣说:“不要摸我,因为我还没有升上去见我的父。你往我弟兄那里去,告诉他们说:我要升上去见我的父,也是你们的父;见我的上帝,也是你们的上帝。” 以弗所书 1:17 求我们主耶稣基督的上帝,荣耀的父,将那赐人智慧和启示的灵赏给你们,使你们真知道他。 启示录 3:12 得胜的,我要叫他在我上帝殿中作柱子,他也必不再从那里出去。我又要将我上帝的名和我上帝城的名(这城就是从天上、从我上帝那里降下来的新耶路撒冷),并我的新名,都写在他上面。 希伯来书 1:9 你喜爱公义,恨恶罪恶,所以上帝,就是你的上帝,用喜乐油膏你,胜过膏你的同伴。” *注:此教导不止出现在新约而旧约也有同样的真理(看诗篇45:7)。父上帝一直都是,也一直将会是主耶稣基督的上帝。 21。基督是属于谁的? 哥林多前书 3:23 并且你们是属基督的;基督又是属上帝的。 22。谁是我们在天国敬拜和侍奉的对象? 启示录21:22-23 22 我未见城内有殿,因主上帝全能者和羔羊为城的殿。23 那城内又不用日月光照,因有上帝的荣耀光照,又有羔羊为城的灯。 启示录 22:3 以后再没有咒诅。在城里有上帝和羔羊的宝座,他的仆人都要侍奉他, *我们将敬拜和侍奉上帝和羔羊,因为这就是永生。我们主要的目标将会是在永恒里继续认识父和子。 23。我们要等到进天国才能与父上帝并祂儿子耶稣相交还是现在就可以开始? 约翰一书1:3 我们将所看见、所听见的传给你们,使你们与我们相交。我们乃是与父并他儿子耶稣基督相交的。 *我们此时此刻就可以开始与天父并祂儿子相交,因为我们已经知道关于祂们的真理并认识祂们。基本上,我们看到上帝的话语如此清楚地表明上帝只有一位。这独一的上帝无疑就是天父。祂是宇宙万物和一切生命的本源。所以我们可以肯定地说上帝是独一的真神,不是什么三位一体神。那是圣经从不曾教导的谬论。 上一篇 返回研究目录 下一篇 到最頂
- 证道 | 独一真神中文事工 (One True God Chinese Ministry)
证道 原罪 | 婴儿生出来就是罪人吗?(五之一) 独一真神中文事工One True God Chinese Ministry 播放影片 分享 整個頻道 此影片 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr 複製連結 複製的連結 搜尋影片... 現在播放中 39:29 播放影片 原罪 | 婴儿生出来就是罪人吗?(五之一) 現在播放中 47:15 播放影片 Prophecies, Parallels and Providence in the Book of Esther 現在播放中 33:58 播放影片 团结与分离 現在播放中 54:33 播放影片 三天使信息对垒三位一体神论 現在播放中 41:11 播放影片 伪造那伪造的 現在播放中 01:49:06 播放影片 拒绝三位一体等于相信耶稣是受造的? | 耶稣不是受造的十八个原因(完整) 現在播放中 54:18 播放影片 The Medicine For Every Problem 現在播放中 50:39 播放影片 马太福音第24章的预言【6】:最后的研究 | 许多人在马太福音中错过什么?(下 )—— 马太福音24章和启示录13-19章 現在播放中 35:55 播放影片 马太福音第24章的预言【5】:最后的研究 | 许多人在马太福音中错过什么?(上)—— 最后的一幕和登峰造极的一幕 現在播放中 49:48 播放影片 马太福音第24章的预言【4】:恩典时期的结束和假基督的显现 (下)—— 马太福音24是按时间顺序或重复并放大? 現在播放中 33:12 播放影片 马太福音第24章的预言【3】:恩典时期的结束和假基督的显现 (上 )—— 马太福音24是按时间顺序或重复并放大? 現在播放中 59:02 播放影片 马太福音第24章的预言【2】:撒旦化装成基督 | 恩典门关闭之前或之后?(下)—— 路加福音21章和怀爱伦 現在播放中 42:22 播放影片 马太福音第24章的预言【1】:撒旦化装成基督 | 恩典门关闭之前或之后?(上)—— 两个世代 | 第一个最后世代的教训 現在播放中 02:28:47 播放影片 【逼良为娼】当今两大教义背后的黑暗历史(完整版) 現在播放中 41:14 播放影片 化恐惧为信心
- E. J. Waggoner on the Trinity
All trinity studies Previous Download Next E. J. Waggoner on the Trinity E. J. Waggoner on the Trinity Once again, these are the words of one of the founding members of the Seventh day Adventist Church and the truth the Adventist Church was founded on. “In arguing the perfect equality of the Father and the Son, and the fact that Christ is in very nature God, we do not design to be understood as teaching that the Father was not before the Son. It should not be necessary to guard this point, lest some should think that the Son existed as soon as the Father; yet some go to that extreme, which adds nothing to the dignity of Christ, but rather detracts from the honor due him, since many throw the whole thing away rather than accept a theory so obviously out of harmony with the language of Scripture, that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. He was begotten, not created. He is of the substance of the Father, so that in his very nature he is God; and since this is so “it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell.” Col. 1:19 ... While both are of the same nature, the Father is first in point of time. He is also greater in that he had no beginning, while Christ's personality had a beginning.” — (E.J. Waggoner, Signs of the Times, April 8, 1889) “In Ps. 45:6 we read these words, “Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever; the scepter of Thy kingdom is a right scepter.” The casual reader might take this to be simply the Psalmist's ascription of praise to God, but when we turn to the New Testament, we find that it is much more. We find that God the Father is the speaker and that He is addressing the Son, calling Him God. See Heb. 1:1-8.This name was not given to Christ in consequence of some great achievement, but it is His by right of inheritance. Speaking of the power and greatness of Christ, the writer to the Hebrews says that He is made so much better than the angels, because “He hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.” Heb. 1:4. A son always rightfully takes the name of the father; and Christ, as “the only begotten Son of God,” has rightfully the same name. A son, also, is, to a greater or less degree, a reproduction of the father; he has to some extent the features and personal characteristics of his father; not perfectly, because there is no perfect reproduction among mankind. But there is no imperfection in God, or in any of His works, and so Christ is the “express image” of the Father's person. Heb. 1:3. As the Son of the self- existent God, He has by nature all the attributes of Deity.It is true that there are many sons of God, but Christ is the “only begotten Son of God,” and therefore the Son of God in a sense in which no other being ever was or ever can be. The angels are sons of God, as was Adam (Job 38:7; Luke 3:38), by creation; Christians are the sons of God by adoption (Rom. 8:14, 15), but Christ is the Son of God by birth. The writer to the Hebrews further shows that the position of the Son of God is not one to which Christ has been elevated but that it is one which He has by right. He says that Moses was faithful in all the house of God, as a servant, “but Christ as a Son over His own house.” Heb. 3:6.” — (E.J. Waggoner, Christ Our Righteousness, pp. 11, 12) “The Word was “in the beginning.” The mind of man cannot grasp the ages that are spanned in this phrase. It is not given to men to know when or how the Son was begotten; but we know that he was the Divine Word, not simply before He came to this earth to die, but even before the world was created. Just before His crucifixion He prayed, “And now, O Father, glorify thou Me with Thine own self with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was.” John 17:5. And more than seven hundred years before His first advent, His coming was thus foretold by the word of inspiration: “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from the days of eternity.” Micah 5:2, margin. We know that Christ “proceeded forth and came from God” (John 8:42), but it was so far back in the ages of eternity as to be far beyond the grasp of the mind of man.” — (E.J. Waggoner, Christ and His Righteousness, p. 9, 1890) “The Scriptures declare that Christ is “the only begotten son of God.” He is begotten, not created. As to when He was begotten, it is not for us to inquire, nor could our minds grasp it if we were told. The prophet Micah tells us all that we can know about it in these words, “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from the days of eternity.” Micah 5:2, margin. There was a time when Christ proceeded forth and came from God, from the bosom of the Father (John 8:42; 1:18), but that time was so far back in the days of eternity that to finite comprehension it is practically without beginning. But the point is that Christ is a begotten Son and not a created subject. He has by inheritance a more excellent name than the angels; He is “a Son over His own house.” Heb. 1:4; 3:6. And since He is the only-begotten son of God, He is of the very substance and nature of God and possesses by birth all the attributes of God, for the Father was pleased that His Son should be the express image of His Person, the brightness of His glory, and filled with all the fullness of the Godhead.” — (E.J. Waggoner, Christ Our Righteousness, pp. 21, 22) Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top
- The Bible was Written by Non-Trinitarians
All trinity studies Previous Download Next The Bible was Written by Non-Trinitarians The Bible was Written by Non-Trinitarians and so is a Non-Trinitarian Book! Have you ever heard it said that the word TRINITY is NOT in the Bible? The deceived often respond by saying, “The word is NOT in the Bible but the doctrine is.” Not only is the word Trinity NOT in the Bible, but neither is the doctrine. And it is in fact IMPOSSIBLE for it to be in the Bible! Here are the facts… True Christianity originated from Judaism, not Catholic paganism. You cannot argue the doctrine of the Trinity from the words of the Jews who wrote them when they never believed in it. Most of the Bible was in fact written by the Jews who never believed or taught the Trinity doctrine and still do not today! And Jesus of course was a Jew as were His disciples. How do you teach a 3 in 1 god from the Bible when it is a non-Trinitarian book? The apostle John for instance could never have been teaching that the Comforter and Spirit of truth is another being as the Jews have never taught or believed that ever! So the Bible had non-Trinitarian authors in fact. In a discussion between Summerbell and Flood on Trinity, p. 38, in regards to the Trinity he says, “it is certain that the Jewish church held to no such doctrine. Says Mr. Summerbell, “A friend of mine who was present in a New York synagogue, asked the Rabbi for an explanation of the word 'Elohim'. A Trinitarian clergyman who stood by, replied, 'Why, that has reference to the three persons in the Trinity,' when a Jew stepped forward and said he must not mention that word again, or they would have to compel him to leave the house; for it was not permitted to mention the name of any strange god in the synagogue.” We also know the Bible is a non-Trinitarian book as the word Trinity did not exist until about 200 AD at which point the idea of the Holy Spirit as a third being and the 3 in 1 still did not exist. The fully developed Trinity doctrine did not exist until 381 AD. The word “Trinity” originated from Tertullian who was a pagan turned Catholic theologian around 200 AD. This word can have no relationship with Scripture as it came from the Platonic term “trias” which is philosophical in origin, and the Bible does not teach Greek philosophy! “The term trinity is not itself found in the Bible. It was first used by Tertullian at the close of the 2nd century, but received wide currency and formal elucidation only in the 4th and 5th centuries.” — (“Trinity,” New Bible Dictionary, 1996) Tertullian did NOT teach the Holy Spirit as a third being and he NEVER taught the 3 in 1 god as the Trinity doctrine does today. So we know this doctrine developed in stages as Tertullian who introduced the word TRINITY did NOT teach it! So we know that the Trinity doctrine did NOT exist before 200 AD. It was about 225 years “after” the death of the Apostles that the Nicene Council (325 AD) under the pressure of Emperor Constantine ruled in favour of Athanasius who taught a 3 in 1 god. It was about 280 years “after” the death of the Apostles in 381 AD when the Holy Spirit was officially declared as a third being. The Trinity doctrine was now fully established as we know it today. So the Trinity doctrine is a manmade doctrine from the Catholic Church which was formed in two parts. The first part was made up in 325 AD which states it is a 3 in 1 god. The second and final part was made up in 381 AD. This final part states that the Holy Spirit is a third being. So it is impossible for any of the Bible authors to have written about something that did not exist in their lifetime, and not forgetting that the Bible authors were non-Trinitarian! Christians have been indoctrinated with many nice sounding erroneous ideas to make them think the doctrine is in the Bible when in fact it cannot be. It is time to wake up and look at what the real truth is which makes much more sense than the lie. Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top
- 耶稣有一位上帝
返回研究目录 上一篇 下载中文 Read in English 下一篇 耶稣有一位上帝 耶稣有一位上帝 耶稣有一位上帝,因此他不是那位至高无上的上帝,那是他父亲。父上帝没有上帝,祂不需听命于任何一位。祂做祂自己喜悦的事。耶稣有一位上帝,并且他完全顺从父上帝。他喜悦做让天父喜悦的事情,也就是照着他父旨意行。【请看以下经文】 哥林多前书 3:23 并且你们是属基督的;基督又是属上帝的。 彼得前书 1:3 愿颂赞归与我们主耶稣基督的父上帝,他曾照自己的大怜悯,藉耶稣基督从死里复活,重生了我们,叫我们有活泼的盼望, 以弗所书 1:3 愿颂赞归与我们主耶稣基督的父上帝,他在基督里曾赐给我们天上各样属灵的福气。 以弗所书 1:17 求我们主耶稣基督的上帝,荣耀的父,将那赐人智慧和启示的灵赏给你们,使你们真知道他。 罗马书 15:6 一心一口荣耀上帝、我们主耶稣基督的父。 哥林多后书 1:3 愿颂赞归与我们的主耶稣基督的父上帝,就是发慈悲的父,赐各样安慰的上帝。 哥林多后书11:31 那永远可称颂之主耶稣的父上帝知道我不说谎。 歌罗西书 1:3 我们感谢上帝、我们主耶稣基督的父,常常为你们祷告。 马太福音 27:46 约在申初,耶稣大声喊着说:“以利,以利!拉马撒巴各大尼?”就是说:“我的上帝,我的上帝!为什么离弃我?” 约翰福音 20:17 耶稣说:“不要摸我,因为我还没有升上去见我的父。你往我弟兄那里去,告诉他们说:我要升上去见我的父,也是你们的父;见我的上帝,也是你们的上帝。” 希伯来书 1:8-9 8 论到子却说:“上帝啊,你的宝座是永永远远的,你的国权是正直的。9 你喜爱公义,恨恶罪恶,所以上帝,就是你的上帝,用喜乐油膏你,胜过膏你的同伴。” 启示录 1:6 又使我们成为国民,作他父上帝的祭司。但愿荣耀、权能归给他,直到永永远远。阿们! 启示录 3:12 得胜的,我要叫他在我上帝殿中作柱子,他也必不再从那里出去。我又要将我上帝的名和我上帝城的名(这城就是从天上、从我上帝那里降下来的新耶路撒冷),并我的新名,都写在他上面。 上一篇 返回研究目录 下一篇 到最頂
- Is Jesus a Real Son and God a Real Father
All trinity studies Previous Download Next Is Jesus a Real Son and God a Real Father Is Jesus a real Son and God a real Father? The trinity doctrine teaches 3 gods that are co-equal and co-eternal which are a 3 in 1 god. Does anyone stop to think and realize this means God cannot really be a Father and Jesus cannot really be His Son. If Jesus has always existed alongside the Father then He cannot be a Son, and if Jesus is not a Son, then God cannot be a Father. So it denies the Son of God which therefore denies the Father also. This denial of the Father and Son is what John called antichrist. 1 John 2:22-23. So those who teach the doctrine of the trinity make God and His Son and His Word one big lie. How many times does the Bible have to state that God is the Father of Christ and that Christ is the Son of God before one will believe it? Is there any other doctrine that discards so much Scripture? Hundreds of Scriptures suddenly become obsolete. Why would anyone in their right mind think this is acceptable? Trinitarians often claim that Jesus is only called the Son of God because of His birth in Bethlehem. But being born in human flesh, Christ became the “Son of man” at His incarnation, not the “Son of God” which He already was. Scripture reveals many times and in many ways that Jesus was God’s Son “before” God sent Him into the world, not after. The following two verses for instance say that God sent His Son into the world. Hence He was already God's Son before He sent Him. “because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.” 1 John 4:9 “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:17 Scripture also states that Jesus was the Son of God before all things were created. Paul wrote in regards to Christ that, “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” Colossians 1:15 NKJV Over and over and over and over again we are told they are a Father and Son. And yet the Trinitarian camps on a few verses that can be abused and misunderstood in favour of discarding hundreds of unmistakable verses. They have no trouble in destroying this beautiful Father and Son relationship in favour of a Satanic doctrine just as Satan planned. It is his counterfeit doctrine that he had put in place by the Catholic Church more than 200 years AFTER the Bible was written. It is Satan’s creation to have Christians deny that Jesus is a literal Son and hence that God is a literal Father to steal our souls. The Bible says if you deny Jesus is the literal Son of God that you cannot enter the kingdom. In the Bible we find that Christ is called the “Son of God” 48 times, “only begotten” 6 times, “firstborn” 4 times and “the firstbegotten” 1 time. Not once does the Bible even so much as hint that Jesus is only a Son in a metaphorical sense. The Bible means what it says and says what it means as does Ellen White. And she stated, “God is the Father of Christ; Christ is the Son of God.” — (E.G. White, 8T 268.3) “The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty,” — (E.G. White, Ms140, Sept 27, 1903) John 5:26 also tells us that the Father gave life to His Son. “For as the Father has life in himself; so has he given to the Son to have life in himself.” John 5:26 If Jesus had always existed alongside the Father as the Trinity doctrine claims, then God could not have given life to His Son as He would have always had life. But Scripture reveals this is impossible. Is it really that hard to understand Satan’s goal here where this pagan 3 in 1 god idea means God is NOT really a Father, and Jesus is NOT really a Son, and the “Spirit OF God” is not really His Spirit at all but something called “god the spirit?” This is what the human mind cannot understand and they say it is a mystery and we must just accept it and not question it. We should all know what spirit tells us that lie. And compared to what? There is no mystery with the real truth that Scripture tells us over and over again. God the Father really is a Father, and the Son of God really is the Son of God, and the Spirit of God really is the Spirit of God. So simple and exactly what God's Word keeps telling us. I pray that your eyes can see and that you come to the understanding of what Satan has done in trying to obscure the truth that Jesus really is God's Son. SOP tells us that Satan hates God's Son and wants us to deny that Jesus really is the literal Son of God. If we do that, Scripture says we have no access to the Father. Thus there is a lot more to this then meets the eye that most do not stop to think about. Those who have studied this and found the truth are desperately reaching out to try and save souls. No one should object to that and it is a very sad day when people do. Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top