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  • Why is the Holy Spirit Left Out of Every Greeting

    All trinity studies Previous Download Next Why is the Holy Spirit Left Out of Every Greeting Why is the Holy Spirit Left Out of Every Greeting? The Trinity doctrine teaches that the Holy Spirit is a literal being that is CO-EQUAL with the Father and Son. CO-EQUAL means equal in every single way possible. So what an inexplicable oversight for Paul if the Spirit were indeed a literal being CO-EQUAL with the Father and Son, because Paul excluded the Holy Spirit in EVERY SINGLE ONE of his greetings in EVERY SINGLE LETTER he wrote! And Peter and John did the same. “Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 1:7 “Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 1:3 “Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 1:2 “Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,” Galatians 1:3 “Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 1:2 “Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:2 “Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Colossians 1:2 “Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 1:1 “Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 1:2 “Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Timothy 1:2 “Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.” 2 Timothy 1:2 “Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.” Titus 1:4 “Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philemon 1:3 “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,” 2 Peter 1:2 “Grace, mercy and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father,” 2 John 1:3 How can the Holy Spirit be a literal co-equal being when it is consistently left out of every greeting? If the Spirit was an individual being co-equal with the Father and Son, then this consistent omission is incomprehensible. It would have been effrontery and insubordination by the apostles at the highest level. This would be like having a country with three presidents but only ever acknowledging two of them. In fact, not once is the Holy Spirit ever uplifted or praised in the Scriptures. It is always just God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. And why is that? Because “there is but ONE God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and ONE Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.” 1 Corinthians 8:6. That's why! The Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of God,” not something called “god the spirit” which is a phrase that does not exist in the Bible and came from the Catholic Church to match the Trinity doctrine they created over 200 years AFTER the Bible was written. Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top

  • 应当敬拜谁

    返回研究目录 上一篇 下载中文 Read in English 下一篇 应当敬拜谁 应当敬拜谁? 第一天使的信息 圣经研究 1。第一天使的信息是什么? 启示录 1:3 “念这书上预言的和那些听见又遵守其中所记载的,都是有福的,因为日期近了。” 启示录14:6-7 6 我又看见另一位天使飞在空中,有永远的福音要传给住在地上的人,就是各国、各族、各方、各民。7 他大声说:“应当敬畏上帝,将荣耀归给他,因他施行审判的时候已经到了,应当敬拜那创造天、地、海和众水泉源的。” 2。审判者是谁? 希伯来书12:22-24 “22 你们乃是来到锡安山、永生上帝的城邑,就是天上的耶路撒冷。那里有千万的天使,23 有名录在天上诸长子之会所共聚的总会,有审判众人的上帝和被成全之义人的灵魂,24 并新约的中保耶稣,以及所洒的血。这血所说的比亚伯的血所说的更美。” 3。上帝会藉着谁审判众人? 罗马书 2:16 就在上帝藉耶稣基督审判人隐秘事的日子,照着我的福音所言。 约翰福音5:22-23 22 父不审判什么人,乃将审判的事全交与子,23 叫人都尊敬子如同尊敬父一样。不尊敬子的,就是不尊敬差子来的父。 约翰福音 5:30 “我凭着自己不能作什么,我怎么听见,就怎么审判。我的审判也是公平的,因为我不求自己的意思,只求那差我来者的意思。 4。创造者是谁? 使徒行传4:24-27 24 他们听见了,就同心合意地高声向上帝说:“主啊,你是造天、地、海和其中万物的,25 你曾藉着圣灵托你仆人、我们祖宗大卫的口说:‘外邦为什么争闹?万民为什么谋算虚妄的事?26 世上的君王一齐起来,臣宰也聚集,要敌挡主,并主的受膏者(或作“基督”)。’27 希律和本丢彼拉多、外邦人和以色列民果然在这城里聚集,要攻打你所膏的圣仆耶稣(“仆”或作“子”), 5。父上帝藉着谁创造万物? 哥林多前书 8:6 然而我们只有一位上帝,就是父,万物都本于他,我们也归于他;并有一位主,就是耶稣基督,万物都是藉着他有的,我们也是藉着他有的。 箴言 30:4 “谁升天又降下来?谁聚风在掌中?谁包水在衣服里?谁立定地的四极?他名叫什么?他儿子名叫什么?你知道吗?” 【钦定本】以弗所书 3:9 “又使众人都明白,这从世界的起头以来,隐藏在借着耶稣基督创造万物之上帝里的奥秘,是如何安排的。” 6。父上帝怎么藉着耶稣基督创造万物? 约翰福音1:1-4 1 太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。2 这道太初与神同在。3 万物是藉着他造的;凡被造的,没有一样不是藉着他造的。4 生命在他里头,这生命就是人的光。 约翰福音 5:26 “因为父怎样在自己有生命,就赐给他儿子也照样在自己有生命;” 7。“神”在约翰福音1:1里是什么含义? 约翰福音1:1,14,18 1 太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。14 道成了肉身,住在我们中间,充充满满地有恩典,有真理。我们也见过他的荣光,正是父独生子的荣光。18 从来没有人看见上帝,只有在父怀里的独生子将他表明出来。 8。基督是否承受了祂父的名字? 希伯来书1:1-5 1 上帝既在古时藉着众先知多次多方地晓谕列祖;2 就在这末世藉着他儿子晓谕我们,又早已立他为承受万有的;也曾藉着他创造诸世界。3 他是上帝荣耀所发的光辉,是上帝本体的真像,常用他权能的命令托住万有。他洗净了人的罪,就坐在高天至大者的右边。4 他所承受的名既比天使的名更尊贵,就远超过天使。5 所有的天使, 上帝从来对哪一个说,“你是我的儿子,我今日生你”?又指着哪一个说,“我要作他的父,他要作我的子”? 创世纪 1:26 上帝说:“我们要照着我们的形像,按着我们的样式造人,使他们管理海里的鱼、空中的鸟、地上的牲畜和全地,并地上所爬的一切昆虫。” 约翰福音 5:43 “我奉我父的名来,你们并不接待我;若有别人奉自己的名来,你们倒要接待他。” 9。圣灵如何参与创造 约伯记 33:4 上帝的灵造我,全能者的气使我得生。 约翰福音20:22 说了这话,就向他们吹一口气,说:“你们受圣灵。 约翰福音3:34-35 34上帝所差来的,就说是谁的话;因为上帝赐圣灵给他,是没有限量的。35 父爱子,已将万有交在他手里。 10。我们该敬拜的是谁? 约翰福音4:22-24 “22 你们所拜的,你们不知道;我们所拜的,我们知道,因为救恩是从犹太人出来的。23 时候将到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心灵和诚实拜他,因为父要这样的人拜他。”24上帝是个灵(或无“个”字),所以拜他的,必须用心灵和诚实拜他。” 11。我们应该如何归荣耀给我们的父上帝? 约翰福音 5:22-24 22 父不审判什么人,乃将审判的事全交与子,23 叫人都尊敬子如同尊敬父一样。不尊敬子的,就是不尊敬差子来的父。24 我实实在在地告诉你们:那听我话、又信差我来者的,就有永生,不至于定罪,是已经出死入生了。 腓立比书2:10-11 “10 叫一切在天上的、地上的和地底下的,因耶稣的名无不屈膝,11 无不口称耶稣基督为主,使荣耀归与父上帝。” 12。我们单单要高举的是谁? 约翰福音 17:3 认识你独一的真神,并且认识你所差来的耶稣基督,这就是永生。 13。我们是否应该重视约翰福音17:3? 约翰一书2:22-25 22 谁是说谎话的呢?不是那不认耶稣为基督的吗?不认父与子的,这就是敌基督的。23 凡不认子的,就没有父;认子的,连父也有了。24 论到你们,务要将那从起初所听见的常存在心里;若将从起初所听见的存在心里,你们就必住在子里面,也必住在父里面。25 主所应许我们的就是永生。 14。启示录里被敬拜的是谁? 启示录 5:13 “我又听见在天上、地上、地底下、沧海里和天地间一切所有被造之物都说:“但愿颂赞、尊贵、荣耀、权势都归给坐宝座的和羔羊,直到永永远远。” 启示录 7:9-10 9 此后,我观看,见有许多的人,没有人能数过来,是从各国、各族、各民、各方来的,站在宝座和羔羊面前,身穿白衣,手拿棕树枝,10 大声喊着说:“愿救恩归与坐在宝座上我们的上帝,也归与羔羊。” 15。天上的国是谁的国? 启示录 11:15 “第七位天使吹号,天上就有大声音说:“世上的国成了我主和主基督的国;他要作王,直到永永远远。” 以弗所书 5:5 “因为你们确实地知道,无论是淫乱的,是污秽的,是有贪心的,在基督和上帝的国里,都是无份的。有贪心的,就与拜偶像的一样。” 启示录 22:1 “天使又指示我在城内街道当中一道生命水的河,明亮如水晶,从上帝和羔羊的宝座流出来。” 16。我们为什么没有被指示敬拜圣灵? 启示录 5:6 “我又看见宝座与四活物并长老之中,有羔羊站立,像是被杀过的,有七角七眼,就是上帝的七灵,奉差遣往普天下去的。” 加拉太书 4:6 “我们既为儿子,上帝就差(他儿子的灵)进入我们的心,呼叫:“阿爸,父!” 约翰福音 14:16-22 耶稣说:“我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉着我,没有人能到父那里去。。。我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师(或作“训慰师”。下同),叫他。。。 (1)永远与你们同在, 就是真理的圣灵, (2)乃世人不能接受的。因为不见他,也不认识他;你们却认识他, (3)因他常与你们同在,也要在你们里面。 (1)我不撇下你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。 (2) 还有不多的时候,世人不再看见我,你们却看见我,因为我活着,你们也要活着。 (3)到那日你们就知道我在父里面,你们在我里面,我也在你们里面。 有了我的命令又遵守的,这人就是爱我的;爱我的必蒙我父爱他,我也要爱他,并且要向他显现。” 犹大(不是加略人犹大)问耶稣说:“主啊,为什么要向我们显现,不向世人显现呢?” 加拉太书 2:20 “我已经与基督同钉十字架,现在活着的不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着;并且我如今在肉身活着,是因信上帝的儿子而活,他是爱我,为我舍己。” 诗篇 139:7 “我往哪里去,躲避你的灵?我往哪里逃,躲避你的面?” 17。什么是亵渎圣灵? 马可福音 3:22,29-30 22 “从耶路撒冷下来的文士说:“他是被别西卜附着。”又说:“他是靠着鬼王赶鬼。” 29 凡亵渎圣灵的,却永不得赦免,乃要担当永远的罪。” 30 这话是因为他们说:“他是被污鬼附着的。” 路加福音11:19-20 “我若靠着别西卜赶鬼,你们的子弟赶鬼又靠着谁呢?这样,他们就要断定你们的是非。20 我若靠着上帝的能力赶鬼,这就是上帝的国临到你们了。” 约翰福音 14:10 “我在父里面,父在我里面,你不信吗?我对你们所说的话,不是凭着”自己说的,乃是住在我里面的父作他自己的事。 18。我们能否假定有其他被敬拜的对象? 约翰福音 14:1,6 1 “你们心里不要忧愁,你们信上帝,也当信我。6 耶稣说:“我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉着我,没有人能到父那里去。 约翰一书 1:3 “我们将所看见、所听见的传给你们,使你们与我们相交。我们乃是与父并他儿子耶稣基督相交的。” 启示录 22:18-19 18我向一切听见这书上预言的作见证,若有人在这预言上加添什么,上帝必将在这书上的灾祸加在他身上;19 这书上的预言,若有人删去什么, 神必从这书上所写的生命树和圣城,删去他的份。 上一篇 返回研究目录 下一篇 到最頂

  • Is Jesus a Real Son and God a Real Father

    All trinity studies Previous Download Next Is Jesus a Real Son and God a Real Father Is Jesus a real Son and God a real Father? The trinity doctrine teaches 3 gods that are co-equal and co-eternal which are a 3 in 1 god. Does anyone stop to think and realize this means God cannot really be a Father and Jesus cannot really be His Son. If Jesus has always existed alongside the Father then He cannot be a Son, and if Jesus is not a Son, then God cannot be a Father. So it denies the Son of God which therefore denies the Father also. This denial of the Father and Son is what John called antichrist. 1 John 2:22-23. So those who teach the doctrine of the trinity make God and His Son and His Word one big lie. How many times does the Bible have to state that God is the Father of Christ and that Christ is the Son of God before one will believe it? Is there any other doctrine that discards so much Scripture? Hundreds of Scriptures suddenly become obsolete. Why would anyone in their right mind think this is acceptable? Trinitarians often claim that Jesus is only called the Son of God because of His birth in Bethlehem. But being born in human flesh, Christ became the “Son of man” at His incarnation, not the “Son of God” which He already was. Scripture reveals many times and in many ways that Jesus was God’s Son “before” God sent Him into the world, not after. The following two verses for instance say that God sent His Son into the world. Hence He was already God's Son before He sent Him. “because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.” 1 John 4:9 “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:17 Scripture also states that Jesus was the Son of God before all things were created. Paul wrote in regards to Christ that, “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” Colossians 1:15 NKJV Over and over and over and over again we are told they are a Father and Son. And yet the Trinitarian camps on a few verses that can be abused and misunderstood in favour of discarding hundreds of unmistakable verses. They have no trouble in destroying this beautiful Father and Son relationship in favour of a Satanic doctrine just as Satan planned. It is his counterfeit doctrine that he had put in place by the Catholic Church more than 200 years AFTER the Bible was written. It is Satan’s creation to have Christians deny that Jesus is a literal Son and hence that God is a literal Father to steal our souls. The Bible says if you deny Jesus is the literal Son of God that you cannot enter the kingdom. In the Bible we find that Christ is called the “Son of God” 48 times, “only begotten” 6 times, “firstborn” 4 times and “the firstbegotten” 1 time. Not once does the Bible even so much as hint that Jesus is only a Son in a metaphorical sense. The Bible means what it says and says what it means as does Ellen White. And she stated, “God is the Father of Christ; Christ is the Son of God.” — (E.G. White, 8T 268.3) “The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty,” — (E.G. White, Ms140, Sept 27, 1903) John 5:26 also tells us that the Father gave life to His Son. “For as the Father has life in himself; so has he given to the Son to have life in himself.” John 5:26 If Jesus had always existed alongside the Father as the Trinity doctrine claims, then God could not have given life to His Son as He would have always had life. But Scripture reveals this is impossible. Is it really that hard to understand Satan’s goal here where this pagan 3 in 1 god idea means God is NOT really a Father, and Jesus is NOT really a Son, and the “Spirit OF God” is not really His Spirit at all but something called “god the spirit?” This is what the human mind cannot understand and they say it is a mystery and we must just accept it and not question it. We should all know what spirit tells us that lie. And compared to what? There is no mystery with the real truth that Scripture tells us over and over again. God the Father really is a Father, and the Son of God really is the Son of God, and the Spirit of God really is the Spirit of God. So simple and exactly what God's Word keeps telling us. I pray that your eyes can see and that you come to the understanding of what Satan has done in trying to obscure the truth that Jesus really is God's Son. SOP tells us that Satan hates God's Son and wants us to deny that Jesus really is the literal Son of God. If we do that, Scripture says we have no access to the Father. Thus there is a lot more to this then meets the eye that most do not stop to think about. Those who have studied this and found the truth are desperately reaching out to try and save souls. No one should object to that and it is a very sad day when people do. Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top

  • Is Jesus Christ GOD (Long version)

    All trinity studies Previous Download Next Is Jesus Christ GOD (Long version) Is Jesus Christ GOD? Is Jesus God? There are actually two answers to this question. One is most definitely yes! The other answer is no! And the answer depends upon what you mean by "God". Confused? There's no need to be! You see, the word "God" in the Bible refers to two things. In one instance it refers to the 'all supreme being', the 'almighty God'. And in another instance it refers to the divine nature, the 'God nature'. So we will show you that while Jesus is FULLY divine and is FULLY God by nature (being begotten of the Father from eternity, Micah 5:2, Proverbs 8:22-30), he is not the 'all supreme being' and 'almighty God', as that is His Father alone. Quick Note: Jesus is NEVER called 'God the Son' in the Bible. He is always called the 'Son OF God'. Now according to the Trinity doctrine, Jesus Christ is the 'eternal, self-existent God', known as 'God the Son'. Some even view Him as the 'One God', even thinking Jesus is the Father also. But to believe that Jesus is the 'almighty God' and 'Father' Himself is to believe that Jesus is the immortal God but died, is the invisible God that no man can see, but was seen, is the omnipotent God but needed strength from angels, is the omniscient God but did not know the day of his return, is as great (in authority) as His Father but said His Father is greater than He, is the begotten Son and the unbegotten God, came out from Himself, prayed to Himself, gave power to Himself, thanked Himself, bore witness of Himself, went back to Himself, sits at the right hand of Himself, is His own Father and His own Son, left Heaven and yet was there all the time. And so the CONFUSION of Babylon continues! And the whole world is deceived! So let us unravel the confusion. We will start with the most used verse to support the theory that Jesus is 'the almighty God' Himself, John 1:1: John 1:1-2 ...'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.' Those four words above, 'the Word was God' has convinced many a Christian to believe that Jesus is the 'almighty God' Himself. And yet they miss the simple meaning of what John was saying. Is this all John had to say about Christ? No. Look at what he said towards the end of his gospel: John 20:31 ...'But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.' Why did John write his gospel? So that people might believe that Jesus Christ is the 'almighty God'? No! That people might believe He is the SON OF God. And John records this just a few verses after John 20:17, where he records Christ telling Mary ... "Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God." Revelation 3:12 ...'Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name' Do you see the problem with taking John's words in John 1 and applying a teaching to it without comparing scripture with scripture? So how can we reconcile this? How can John say that Jesus 'is God' and also say He is the 'Son OF God' and also record Jesus saying that the Father is 'HIS GOD'? Well, as I mentioned above, people are missing the simple message of John 1 and have a wrong understanding of it. To begin with, the English translations of John 1:1 have a small but yet important word missing, which is in the original Greek. Let's add that word back in and see how it changes the verse ... "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with [THE] God, and the Word was God." ... So Christ was with THE God in the beginning. So He was with someone who is THE God. Who is that? Again, John records it for us: John 17:1-3 ...'Father ... this is life eternal, that they might know thee THE only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.' So John records a prayer that Jesus made to His Father in heaven, and Jesus confirmed in this prayer that His Father is THE only true God. So now we know who Christ was with in the beginning. And who is [THE] God? It is God the Father. The only being that is ever called "God the ..." in the Bible. The Holy Spirit is never called 'God the Holy Spirit' and Jesus is never called 'God the Son'. Only the Father is called this, as He is 'THE only true God', which Jesus confirmed in John 17:3 and Paul confirmed in 1 Corinthians 8:6. Just think about this example for a moment. Let us reapply John 1:1 to Adam and Eve ... "In the beginning was the woman and the woman was with the human, and the woman was human.". Now does this mean Eve is as old as Adam? No, because we know Adam was created first (to represent the Father). Or does it mean that Eve is actually Adam herself? No, of course not. It is simply stating that Eve is human, just like Adam. Keep this thought in your mind as we look further. Now let us go a bit deeper into God's Word to further clarify this truth, that Jesus is God (divine) because He is the SON OF God, but not the 'almighty God' Himself. There is a deep and beautiful truth in the creation of Adam and Eve that the majority of Christians miss today. Let's take a look. Genesis 1:26 ...'And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.' "Satan was once an honored angel in heaven, next to Christ. His countenance, like those of the other angels, was mild and expressive of happiness. His forehead was high and broad, showing great intelligence. His form was perfect; his bearing noble and majestic. But when God said to His Son, 'Let us make man in our image,' Satan was jealous of Jesus." (E.White, Early Writings, p.145) Genesis 2:21-23 ...'And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.' John 16:27-28 ...'For the Father himself loveth you, because you have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. I came forth from the Father, AND am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.' John 17:7-8 ...'Now they have known that all things whatsoever you have given me are of you. For I have given unto them the words which you gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from you, and they have believed that you did SEND me.' Proverbs 8:22-25 ...'The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth.' There is such a beautiful truth in these words which many miss. God said 'let us make man in our image'. So first of all, if the trinity was truth, then why didn't God make three people? Why did He only make two? Not only that, can you see what happened with Adam and Eve is an IMAGE of what happened with God the Father and Jesus Christ? The man existed first and then the woman was taken out of man. And Jesus confirmed Himself as you can see above, that this is also what happened with Him. He came OUT of the Father, which is what Proverbs 8 and Micah 5:2 also confirm. So for Jesus to come out of the Father, it means God the Father existed first, and is represented by Adam. Then Jesus came OUT FROM or 'begotten' of the Father, and is represented by Even being taken OUT OF Adam. So what does this mean? It means that just as Eve shared the same human nature as Adam, being taken out of Adam, Jesus shares the same nature as God the Father, because He was taken out of God. This is why John said that Jesus is 'God' in John 1. He wasn't saying that Jesus is the 'almight one true God'. He was simply stating the fact that Christ shares the same nature as His Father, being the SON OF God the Father. And that makes Him 'God'. I am human, so my son is human. God the Father is God (divine), so Jesus His Son is also God (divine). Do you see this? Now take a look at the following verse in Revelation ... "And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God." (Rev.3:14) ... So this verse confirms that Jesus is 'the beginning of the creation of God'. And who wrote this? John! The very person who wrote 'in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with [THE] God.' So in what way was Christ the beginning of the creation of God? Was Christ created by God? No! Christ was 'begotten' of the Father and literally 'came out of God'. This verse is saying that Christ is the very first 'action' of God. Christ 'coming out of God' was the very first action that the Father did, before anything was created. And this is what John is referring to in John 1:1. He is confirming that at the beginning of creation, Christ was with God. Many people miss the word 'beginning' and forget that it must mean the beginning of something. So John 1:1 is talking about the beginning of creation. And because Christ was 'brought forth' from the Father BEFORE anything was created, then John simply confirmed that Jesus was with God the Father at the beginning of creation. John is not saying that Jesus never had a beginning Himself. He is simply saying that Jesus was with God at the beginning of creation. Now read Proverbs 8 again ... "The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth.' ... Now can you see what John meant by 'in the beginning'? Christ is speaking through Solomon about Himself! And He confirms that 'in the beginning' of the Father's way, Christ was 'brought forth' as God's Son, before anything was created! "Oh!! ... But Thomas said to Jesus ... 'My Lord and My God'!" (John 20:28) This is the other verse that many Christians fall back on today to say that Jesus is 'the almighty God'. But again, they miss the simple truth of it. Remember that this is just a few verses before John says ... 'But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.' (John 20:31). So what do you think John is believing when he writes the account of Thomas? That Jesus is 'the almighty God'? No, that cannot be, because John focuses, as stated, in proclaiming that Jesus is the 'SON OF God', not the 'one true God' Himself (John 17:3). So what about the proclamation of Thomas? Well what did Jesus tell the disciples previous to this? John 14:8-10 ...'Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.' Again, this is one of those verses that people misuse to say that Jesus is the Father, and they completely ignore the rest of scripture, and common sense, which says Jesus is the Son of the Father, not the Father Himself. But what is Jesus saying above? That He reveals the Father to us. Jesus revealed the character of God, and it was God the Father dwelling in Jesus, by His Spirit, just as He dwells in us through His Spirit, guiding and helping us. And who else heard the above words to Phillip? Thomas! So Thomas knew that the Father was dwelling in Christ, through His Spirit, which is why he proclaimed "My Lord and My God". But the proclamation of Thomas in no way makes Jesus the Father or the 'one almighty God'. Please don't forget this important point. This is all from the gospel of John. And what did John say he wrote all this information to show us? That Jesus is 'the one true God'? No. To show us that Jesus is the 'SON OF' the one true God the Father. "Oh!! ... but Jesus is called the 'everlasting Father' in Isaiah 9:6". Well, what does that verse say? It says that Jesus 'SHALL be called' the everlasting Father. So this is talking about a FUTURE time. And what future time could that be referring to? The cross! And what did Jesus become at the cross? 'the AUTHOR of eternal life' (Hebrews 5:9), and the 'CAPTAIN of our salvation' (Hebrews 2:10). So yes, Jesus is our 'Father' of eternal life, because as the Bible says, God has 'put all things under His feet' (Hebrews 2:8). And Jesus declares that we are the 'children' whom God the Father has given to Jesus (Hebrews 2:13). So this prophecy in Isaiah is foretelling a time when Jesus would become a 'Father' to us IN OUR HUMANITY, as Jesus became one of us. But He is not God the Father. The Bible is so clear on this. Take a look at this quote ... "However much a shepherd may love his sheep, he loves his sons and daughters more. Jesus is not only our shepherd; He is our 'everlasting Father.' And He says, 'I know Mine own, and Mine own know Me, even as the Father knoweth Me, and I know the Father.' John 10:14, 15, R. V. What a statement is this!--the only-begotten Son, He who is in the bosom of the Father, He whom God has declared to be 'the Man that is My fellow' (Zech. 13:7), --the communion between Him and the eternal God is taken to represent the communion between Christ and His children on the earth! Because we are the gift of His Father, and the reward of His work, Jesus loves us. He loves us as His children." (E.White, Desire of Ages, p.483) Can you see what is being said above? Jesus as our 'Father' is a REPRESENTATION of the relationship between Himself and His Father which is God the Father, the one true God (John 17:3, 1 Cor.8:6). So we can see that Isaiah 9:6 is not prophesying that Jesus 'IS' the Father. It is prophesying that Jesus would 'become' a 'Father' to us. Like a Father-figure to us. Those who believe in the trinity and believe that Jesus is also the one God, have to believe that ... "God sent himself into the world, died to reconcile the world to himself, raised himself from the dead, ascended to himself in heaven, pleads before himself in heaven to reconcile the world to himself, and is the only mediator between man and himself ... We must believe also that in the garden God prayed to himself, if it were possible, to let the cup pass from himself, and a thousand other such absurdities." (J. N. Loughborough). And as J.N.Loughborough said, it is just 'absurd'. Some of those other absurdities attached to this belief is that Jesus is the immortal God but died, is the invisible God but was seen, is the omnipotent God but needed strength from angels, is the omniscient God but did not know the day of his return, is as great (in authority) as His Father but said His Father is greater than He, is the Son but the same age as the Father, is the begotten Son and the unbegotten God, is very God and very man, came out from Himself, prayed to Himself, gave power to Himself, thanked Himself, bore witness of Himself, went back to Himself, sits at the right hand of Himself, is His own Father and His own Son, left Heaven and yet was there all the time. And so the CONFUSION of Babylon continues! And the whole world is deceived! But the truth that is found in God's Word is clear, without confusion and very logical, as we have shown above. Friend, Satan wants you to turn away from the one true God, which is the Father. And he also wants you to reject Jesus as the literal Son of God. Satan wants you to be confused about God so that your relationship with God and Jesus cannot grow. I mean, how can we truly have a relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father, when we are confused about who they are? It's impossible to have a true relationship with the 'trinity god'. Let me state that again - It is impossible to have a true relationship with the 'trinity god'. And if Satan stops you having that true relationship with the Father and Son, then he wins in your life. John 17:3 ...'And this is eternal life, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.' John 8:16-18 ...'And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me.' John 3:16 ...'For God so loved the world, that he GAVE his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' 1 John 5:5 ...'Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?' Proverbs 30:4 ...'Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, AND what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?' 1 Corinthians 8:6 ...'But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; AND one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.' 1 John 1:3 ...'Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.' It cannot be made any clearer that there are only two divine beings in the Godhead, and that Jesus Christ is not the Father, or the one true God. Jesus is the SON OF the one true God. There is one God, the Father, and one Lord Jesus Christ, whom is the Son of the Father. This is very clear, logical and Biblical Truth. Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top

  • 星期日法令

    返回研究目录 上一篇 下载中文 下一篇 星期日法令 这信息是关于星期日法令,或星期日律法。处在这末时的我们必须清楚知道将要发生的事,特别是在主耶稣复临之前的一些大事件。其中一个就是星期日法令。 我们探讨过天主教教皇如何用这些全球课题来联合或统一所有教会,而这种合一的基础就是他们都敬拜同一位神,即三位一体神。并且在不久的将来将会推行所谓的星期日法令,强迫全球的人敬拜那龙,也就是在三位一体神的日子,星期日,敬拜那三位一体神。 所有不听从的人,那些守上帝诫命和耶稣真道的,或在上帝的安息日敬拜的人,都将受到种种的逼迫和苦难。 首先,谈到星期日法令,我们需要知道,其中一个最重要的事实,就是颁布这法令的是谁,设立这日子的是哪一位。我们先看一段经文,帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:3-4,关于冒充律法颁布者。 帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:3-4 3 人不拘用什么法子,你们总不要被他诱惑。因为那日子以前,必有离道反教的事,并有那大罪人,就是沉沦之子,显露出来。4 他是抵挡主,高抬自己,超过一切称为神的和一切受人敬拜的,甚至坐在上帝的殿里自称是上帝。 相信很多人都知道那大罪人,那沉沦之子就是罗马天主教教皇,他有能力控制政治势力和宗教信仰。在这节经文中我们看到的就是在这大罪人,这沉沦之子,那位在属灵的事情上制造出许多问题的,他创造出许多谬论来迷惑世人并暗地里施行他的诡计。 这位大罪人抵挡主,高抬自己,超过一切称为神的和一切受人敬拜的,甚至坐在上帝的殿里自称是上帝,这里上帝的殿是指我们,上帝的子民,因为我们就是上帝的殿,圣经说我们就像活石,被建造成为灵宫,或上帝的殿。 而这自称为上帝的大罪人被显露出来之后,基督复临的日子才会来到,你可以在前面几节看到这一点。这些真理对我现在来说比过去变得更加合理易懂,就是明白了独一真神真理和三位一体谬论之后。 感谢天父上帝我现今明白圣经里这位上帝是谁这个真理,并抛弃了那来自传统和哲学的三位一体谬论,也是一个被大多数基督教派所相信和接受的教义。 因此,对我来说,这是目前最重要而且大家都必须明白的真理。因为事实上,真的有一位上帝在天上的圣殿里,坐在宝座上,自称是上帝,也证明了自己是上帝,祂是那又真又活的上帝,而且根据耶稣所说的话,祂是那独一的真神,而且祂有一位儿子耶稣基督。 可是另有一位好像自己也坐在圣殿里并自称是上帝的,那在大多数教派里这位若不是三位一体的话还能是谁呢?这位律法颁布者父上帝在西奈山上藉着祂儿子颁布这律法,即上帝的十条诫命。我们知道撒旦在背后冒充上帝,藉着教皇和这三位一体假神得到他所要的荣耀和敬拜。 在怀爱伦先知的其中一本书《早期著作》原文第54页,这是怀师母非常棒的一个异象,我鼓励大家去读一读。这里说撒旦冒充坐在宝座上的上帝,甚至坐在上帝的殿里自称是上帝,然后他赐下他的灵,撒旦的灵,那些领受的人得到许多的亮光和大能,但是没有爱,喜乐和平安。 我以这一点,也就是冒充律法颁布者来开始,因为这就是所要发生的事,那伪装,或假冒的律法颁布者要强制执行他的法令。那哪一日是这位假冒的律法颁布者所给我们以取代真的日子呢?星期日。因此,我觉得认清真神和假神并真的日子和假的日子在这课题上是一样重要的。 接下来是关于改变律法的事。 但以理书 7:24-25 24 至于那十角,就是从这国中必兴起的十王,后来又兴起一王,与先前的不同,他必制伏三王。25 他必向至高者说夸大的话,必折磨至高者的圣民,必想改变节期和律法。圣民必交付他手一载、二载、半载。 他必向至高者说夸大的话,上帝本是独一真神,他却说不是,是三一真神,圣经说上帝是一位,他却说不是,是三位一体,而且他必想改变节期和律法,就是上帝的第四条诫命,也就是安息日。 而且有趣的是,怀爱伦先知曾经写道,天主教改变上帝的诫命并把安息日从星期六改到星期日这一件事完全应验了圣经里的这一个预言。说到这想改变节期和律法的,就要回到公元,或基督纪年。 但是在哪一年发生的呢?这星期日的崇拜是在几时被引入基督教并被推行至全世界的呢?就是公元321年,罗马皇帝,君士坦丁一世,或君士坦丁大帝下令将星期六的安息日改为星期日,也就是敬拜太阳神的日子。 而这法令对当时的基督徒或罗马帝国里的人民是强制性的,换句话说,你一定要遵守星期日。你是否知道在短短的四年以后设立这法令的同一个人,或信仰团体在一个普世教会合一运动中召开了一个基督教大公会议,也被称为尼西亚会议,领袖们,会员们聚集在一起开会。 因此在公元325年,也就是基督教的星期日敬拜在公元321年被接纳四年之后,三位一神论被通过或接纳了。星期日法令被接受了,四年之后这星期日的神,三位一体也同样被讨论并被接受了。 我觉得这实在是太精彩了,因为公元321年就有星期日法令第一次的出现,然后在公元325年三位一体神就被引入了。你必须明白的是,这位颁布星期日法令的就是三位一体神。因此,在不久的将来,这三位一体神将再次强制执行并强迫人在他所设立的日子敬拜他。 我们看几个怀爱伦先知的引言。 “但以理书宣布说,那大罪人 ‘必想改变节期和律法’。这工作现今岂不是正在进行吗?他岂不是正在寻求改变节期和律法吗?” --怀爱伦著,«评论与通讯»,1890年4月15日,第11段。 “他做不到这事,因为上帝神圣的律法就如祂宝座一样永恒不变,而且它是从亘古到永远的。基督曾经说过: “我实在告诉你们,就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。” (太5:18)但是遵守安息日与星期日的课题要在各地被激烈讨论,而撒但的迷惑将遍布全球。那大罪人设立了一个虚假的安息日,而各改革教派竟抱起了这个教皇制度下的产物,并把它放在摇篮里呵护它培育它。撒但计划叫万国喝那巴比伦邪淫大怒之酒。人类正在各种联盟中互相结盟联合,展示他们对天上上帝的不忠。每周的第一日要被高举并推荐给大家去遵守。我们岂要与这可憎之物的杯有份呢?我们岂要屈服于地上的权威而蔑视上帝呢?黑暗的势力正集合其力量以制造一场全球性危机,以便那大罪人可以高举自己凌驾于上帝之上。” 怀爱伦著,« 评论与通讯»,1890 年4月15日,第12段。 “他做不到这事,因为上帝神圣的律法就如祂宝座一样永恒不变,而且它是从亘古到永远的。基督曾经说过: “我实在告诉你们,就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。” (太5:18)但是遵守安息日与星期日的课题要在各地被激烈讨论,而撒但的迷惑将遍布全球。” 我们先停一停,仔细的看看里面的内容。遵守安息日与星期日的课题要在各地被激烈讨论,这是否包括我们呢?当然啦。我们知道这假神设立了假的安息日,与真神所立的真安息日是对立的。怀爱伦先知另外也写到十诫是上帝品德的书面副本,换句话说上帝把祂的品格彰显在这十条诫命当中。 撒旦的迷惑将遍布全球,希望与上帝的真理对抗到底。真神有祂的日子,假神也有他的日子。因此,当我们谈到遵守安息日与星期日的课题要在各地被激烈讨论时,我们必须明白,最关键的是关于设立那日子的神,不管是假神所设立的假日子,或真神所设立的真日子。 为什么我要强调这一点呢?因为如果只是纯粹关于星期六和星期日的话,那么整个事情就会完全变得律法主义,或要靠行为得救,但是如果是关于设立这日子的神,要么是真神要么是假神,那就是完全关于对上帝的忠诚,服从和敬拜。 这就是为什么很多人认为星期六和星期日只是一日之差,我在哪一日敬拜都没有分别。但是你这整个决定和行为反映出你的信心并你是属于哪一位神的,换句话说,你在哪一位神所设立的日子敬拜,你就是敬拜设立那日子的神。 上帝设立安息日的其中一个原因就是把我们指向这位真神,我们的创造主,作为一个凭据,证明祂就是我们的上帝。 “那大罪人设立了一个虚假的安息日,而各改革教派竟抱起了这个教皇制度下的产物,并把它放在摇篮里呵护它培育它。撒但计划叫万国喝那巴比伦邪淫大怒之酒。人类正在各种联盟中互相结盟联合,展示他们对天上上帝的不忠。每周的第一日要被高举并推荐给大家去遵守。我们岂要与这可憎之物的杯有份呢?我们岂要屈服于地上的权威而蔑视上帝呢?” 所以我们不遵守上帝的安息日是否表示我们屈服于地上的权威而蔑视上帝呢?没错,是关于对上帝的忠诚。这整个课题是关乎我们的上帝的,要么是真神要么是假神。 “黑暗的势力正集合其力量以制造一场全球性危机,以便那大罪人可以高举自己凌驾于上帝之上。” 正如我们刚才在 帖撒罗尼迦后书第2章所读到的。这 虚假的安息日要高举假神与上帝之上。如果你在星期日敬拜,换句话说,在那假神所设立的虚假安息日敬拜,事实上这等于你敬拜那假神。而这很明显会引向灭亡。 就好比犹太民族,当耶稣在世的时候,他们有对的日子,但错的神。对吗? 毫无疑问地,他们都忠心地在安息日敬拜 ,但是他们有敬拜对的神吗?耶稣说: 约翰福音 5:23 叫人都尊敬子如同尊敬父一样。不尊敬子的,就是不尊敬差子来的父。 约翰一书 2:22-23 22 谁是说谎话的呢?不是那不认耶稣为基督的吗?不认父与子的,这就是敌基督的。23 凡不认子的,就没有父;认子的,连父也有了。 换句话说,拒绝耶稣的,就是拒绝耶稣的父上帝。不认耶稣的,就是不认祂的父亲。由此可见,他们没有敬拜到对的神,因为他们拒绝了祂的儿子。实话直说,我们不能守对的日子但不拜对的神,还以为这是不要紧的。 接下来我们看安息日制度受到挑战,创世纪 2:1-3,这里说上帝设立了安息日的制度。 创世纪 2:1-3 1 天地万物都造齐了。2 到第七日,上帝造物的工已经完毕,就在第七日歇了他一切的工,安息了。 3 上帝赐福给第七日,定为圣日,因为在这日上帝歇了他一切创造的工,就安息了。 所以上帝赐给我们这一个圣日,他在创世之后设立了安息日,而且是祂律法的一部分也就是十条诫命的第四条。但是可悲的是,这安息日制度受到了挑战。不但如此,连婚姻制度也同样受到挑战。在同一章里,第21-25节。 创世纪 2:21-25 21 耶和华上帝使他沉睡,他就睡了;于是取下他的一条肋骨,又把肉合起来。22 耶和华上帝就用那人身上所取的肋骨造成一个女人,领她到那人跟前。23 那人说:“这是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉,可以称她为女人,因为她是从男人身上取出来的。”24 因此,人要离开父母与妻子连合,二人成为一体。25 当时夫妻二人赤身露体并不羞耻。 从一开始,我们有亚当和夏娃,一男一女。但是在现今的世界上我们有同志文化,或所谓LGBTQ等群体所构成的文化,使上帝所设立的婚姻制度受到了直接冲击。不再像历代以来一男一女的婚姻制度,现在你可以有更多的选择。 这是完全不符合圣经的,也是上帝所憎恶的。我们看到安息日和婚姻制度都受到了挑战,上帝在创世时设立并给予人类的这两个神圣制度。 启示录 14:8 又有第二位天使接着说:“叫万民喝邪淫、大怒之酒的巴比伦大城倾倒了,倾倒了!” 这里提到巴比伦叫万民喝邪淫、大怒之酒,邪淫是什么意思呢?注意基督复临安息日会圣经注释给了什么定义。 “这个势力想证明自己不光是与上帝同等,更是高于上帝的,于是改变了安息日,以七日的第一日来取代第七日。各改革教派接受了这教皇制度下的产物并当它为神圣不可侵犯的。在上帝的话语中,这就是她所谓的邪淫了[启14:8]。” 《基督复临安息日会圣经注释》,第七卷,第979页(1900年)。 因此,这巴比伦的三位一体假神叫万民与他行邪淫。这是怎么发生的呢?这里说各改革教派接受了这教皇制度下的产物,也就是以星期日,七日的第一日来取代第七日并当它为神圣不可侵犯的,这就是她所谓的邪淫了。这世界是否行了邪淫呢?是啊。 “在这场战争中,第四条诫命的安息日将成为争论的焦点课题,因为在安息日的诫命中,伟大的律法颁布者点名自己为天地的创造主。” 怀爱伦著,«信息选粹»,第3卷,第392页(1891年)。 安息日就是关于伟大的律法颁布者点名自己为天地的创造主。安息日是一个记号,给我们指出了那位创造我们的上帝, 它证明了我们敬拜那位使我们成圣的上帝。我们不能停留在那记号而不继续往目的地前进。 问题不仅是关乎哪一日,星期六还是星期日,而是设立那日子的神,要么是设立虚假安息日的三一假神,要么是是设立真安息日的独一真神。现在我们来看看遵守安息日的原因。 出埃及记 31:13 你要吩咐以色列人说:‘你们务要守我的安息日,因为这是你我之间世世代代的证据,使你们知道我耶和华是叫你们成为圣的。 以西结书 20:12 又将我的安息日赐给他们,好在我与他们中间为证据,使他们知道我耶和华是叫他们成为圣的。 以西结书 20:20 且以我的安息日为圣。这日在我与你们中间为证据,使你们知道我是耶和华你们的上帝。’ 上帝赐安息日给我们作为一个证据,叫我们知道祂是我们的上帝,是叫我们成圣的那一位。安息日的重点是那赐律法者,而不只是律法本身。这样说不但不会贬低律法,反而是将它高举,因为我们荣耀的是那赐律法的上帝。 好的,我们来看看旧约圣经里在对的日子里敬拜假神的例子。 以西结书 8:15-18 15 他对我说:“人子啊,你看见了吗?你还要看见比这更可憎的事。”16 他又领我到耶和华殿的内院。谁知,在耶和华的殿门口、廊子和祭坛中间,约有二十五个人,背向耶和华的殿,面向东方拜日头。17 他对我说:“人子啊,你看见了吗?犹大家在此行这可憎的事还算为小吗?他们在这地遍行强暴,再三惹我发怒,他们手拿枝条举向鼻前。18 因此,我也要以忿怒行事,我眼必不顾惜,也不可怜他们,他们虽向我耳中大声呼求,我还是不听。” 哇,犹大家。我们主耶稣降世成为人子,也成为了犹大的后裔。这些人,上帝对他们说,就连他们的祷告上帝也不听。因为他们敬拜了错的神。如果你读耶利米书你会看见好几次的重复,上帝说,叫他们不要向我呼求祷告,因为我必不听。 那在新约圣经里也有在对的日子里敬拜错的神的例子,我们看约翰福音 5:18。 约翰福音 5:18 所以犹太人(那些遵守对的日子的人)越发想要杀他(独一真神的儿子),因他不但犯了安息日(他们所遵守的日子),并且称上帝为他的父,将自己和上帝当作平等。 别忘记,你若拒绝耶稣,就是相等于拒绝差祂来的那一位,这是耶稣亲口说的。因此,在旧约里他们有守对的日子但是没有敬拜对的神,在新约里他们也是有守对的日子但是没有敬拜对的神。上帝是否允许这事情没有被斥责而延续下去呢? 不,上帝叫人悔改,上帝叫人离弃假神,转向那独一的真神,藉着祂儿子创造天地的主,我们的创造主,父上帝,那位启示录第14章里三天使信息里的上帝。 启示录 14:7 他大声说:“应当敬畏上帝,将荣耀归给他,因他施行审判的时候已经到了,应当敬拜那创造天、地、海和众水泉源的。” 有些人说,等等,耶稣是创造主,没错,但是希伯来书第1章告诉我们,是天父藉着祂儿子创造万有,父上帝是那宇宙万物的最终本源。但是又有人说,等等,耶稣有审判的权柄,没错,约翰福音第5章说一切审判的事已经交给了耶稣。 交给了耶稣,是谁交给他的呢?那最终的审判者,父上帝啊。你可以看到父藉着祂儿子成就一切的事,包括拯救,上帝在基督里叫世人与自己和好。 创造,审判,拯救,一切都是父藉着祂儿子来完成的。 因此,我们意识到万有都是从那一切的根源来的。现在我们来看该隐和亚伯故事为一个预表性的例子。相信大家都熟悉这故事,所以我们只是简单地带过。 创世纪 4:1-3 1 有一日,那人和他妻子夏娃同房,夏娃就怀孕,生了该隐(就是“得”的意思),便说:“耶和华使我得了一个男子。”2 又生了该隐的兄弟亚伯。亚伯是牧羊的,该隐是种地的。3 有一日,该隐拿地里的出产为供物献给耶和华; 所以在故事里发生什么事呢?有两兄弟, 该隐是一个假敬拜者,他兄弟亚伯是一个真敬拜者。他们本应是一家人,但是他们之间有一个裂口,因为存在着该隐的假敬拜和亚伯的真敬拜。上帝不能容忍错误的敬拜。错的祭物,等于错的上帝。 之后发生的就是,这假敬拜者,也就是该隐,逼迫那真敬拜者,甚至把他杀掉。后果就是,他受到了上帝的审判,上帝给该隐立了一个记号,或给了他一个印记。 我们知道在末时也会发生相同的事情,会有假敬拜者和真敬拜者。这些假敬拜者不会被上帝悦纳,因此心存妒忌和愤怒,就逼迫那真敬拜者,甚至把他们逼迫至死。 有趣的是,这些假敬拜者会得到什么呢?一个印记。这整个故事给我们预表了未来要发生的事情。这事实只会越来越清楚。我们来读一段怀师母在柯列斯医生证言集里的引言。 “有人会试图阻碍安息日的遵守,说:’你不知道哪一天才是安息日,’ 但当星期日来到时,他们似乎都很明白,并表现出极大的热忱来立法强迫星期日的遵守。” (怀爱伦著,《柯列斯医生证言集》 第148页,1900年) “星期日运动目前正在暗中进行着。领导人隐藏着真正的议题,而许多加入此运动的人本身也看不出暗流的趋向。... 他们盲目工作,他们看不出一个改革教政府如果牺牲那些确保他们独立自主的建国原则,而通过法案把那将扩散教皇制度的谬论和欺骗带入宪法的话,那么他们就必堕入黑暗时代所见的罗马恐怖之中了。” (怀爱伦著,《评论与通讯额外版》,1888年12月11日) 星期日运动目前正在暗中进行着。领导人隐藏着真正的议题。现在这里停一下。很多事情在幕后悄悄地发生,但是很多人都不晓得,而且还在安然的睡觉。相信你们都知道美国总统特朗普的口号,就是让美国再次伟大。 他现在就是要利用这一个借口就是将政治权柄赋予基督教派,让他们可以与国家一起做决策,这就是圣经在启示录第13章里的预言,关于这第二只兽。这兽的像将会被赋予生命。他,也就是美国,会被赋予权柄来赐生气或生命给那兽像。 兽像是什么呢?这兽像就是与这头一只兽也就是罗马天主教教皇制度相识的,这两只兽天主教和美国会联合一起设立头一只兽的像,也就是教会和国家政权合一,然后他们会带来逼迫,你可以在启示录第13章第15节之后读到。事实上,这些就是这引言中所说到的,也是圣经里的预言。 我们继续看,星期日运动目前正在暗中进行着。领导人隐藏着真正的议题,而许多加入此运动的人本身也看不出暗流的趋向。... 他们盲目工作,他们看不出一个改革教政府如果牺牲那些确保他们独立自主的建国原则,而通过法案把那将扩散教皇制度的谬论和欺骗带入宪法的话,那么他们就必堕入黑暗时代所见的罗马恐怖之中了。 从圣经的角度来说,就是他们在为兽立一个像。 那不法的隐意将获得生命。注意圣经怎么说,我们看帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:7-12。 帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:7-12 7 因为那不法的隐意已经发动,只是现在有一个拦阻的,等到那拦阻的被除去,8 那时这不法的人必显露出来,主耶稣要用口中的气灭绝他,用降临的荣光废掉他。9 这不法的人来,是照撒但的运动,行各样的异能、神迹和一切虚假的奇事,10 并且在那沉沦的人身上行各样出于不义的诡诈,因他们不领受爱真理的心,使他们得救。11 故此,上帝就给他们一个生发错误的心,叫他们信从虚谎,12 使一切不信真理、倒喜爱不义的人都被定罪。 启示录13:15-18 15 又有权柄赐给它,叫兽像有生气(或生命,就好像耶稣吹气给门徒,说你们受圣灵,这是一样的概念),并且能说话,又叫所有不拜兽像的人都被杀害(这就是将要来的星期日法令和它所带来的逼迫)。16 它又叫众人(包括你和我),无论大小贫富,自主的、为奴的,都在右手上或是在额上受一个印记(就是如果我们没有对独一真神忠诚的话这兽的印记无疑就是星期日敬拜和敬拜三位一体神,在额上受印记的意思是你的信仰或你所相信的,换句话说如果你相信那虚假的安息日和三位一体假神,在右手上受印记表示你的行为,就是守星期日和敬拜三位一体)。17 除了那受印记、有了兽名或有兽名数目的,都不得作买卖(当星期日法令实行之后,那些不在他们假的日子敬拜他们假神的都不能做买卖)。 18 在这里有智慧。凡有聪明的,可以算计兽的数目,因为这是人的数目,它的数目是六百六十六(也就是罗马天主教教皇)。 很快的,我们就可以和大卫王一同说: 诗篇 119:126 这是耶和华降罚的时候,因人废了你的律法。 所以上帝很快要工作,要降罚了,不但如此,上帝在逼迫中也要拯救他的子民。也许祂会让我们逃过逼迫,也许祂让我们丧命,与其受折磨和痛苦。因为那时候死亡对我们来说也许是一种怜悯。 我相信上帝忠心的子民将会受到严重的逼迫,但是上帝会拯救我们脱离这世界的黑暗和痛苦,而且当上帝的儿子降临时,祂将把我们带回天家。我告诉你,若我们晓得我们以后所要得的赏赐的话,这一切的灾害和逼迫都是值得的。 如果我们不明白真理,也不理解上帝对祂子民的计划的话,那么我们很可能会被迷惑。因此,我鼓励你每一天都要自己研究圣经,与上帝交谈。如果你没有做到这一点的话,你必须反省和悔改。 我们再读一段引言。 “不法的隐意在保罗的时代已经开始发动,并要继续运作,直到主耶稣复临时它被除去为止。违背律法的运作不久将要达到巅峰。上帝为祂子民所预备的避难之地---他们可以按着自己的良心来敬拜祂之地,全能者的盾牌多年以来所掩护之地,上帝所喜悦并使之成为基督纯洁宗教的受托人之地,当这块土地透过其立法院弃绝宗教改革的原则,并在窜改上帝的律法上赞同罗马教廷的离道叛教时,那大罪人最后阶段的工作必将显露出来。改革教派将全力支持天主教教皇制度(怎么样呢?就是藉着三位一体); 透过强制性遵守假安息日的国家法令,他们将给罗马败坏的信仰注入生命活力,恢复她昔日的暴虐和良心的镇压。到时,上帝为了维护自己的真理将以大能来行动。” (怀爱伦著,《时兆》1893年6月12日,第12段) 接着,民政当局将要求受尊敬,我们看罗马书 13:1-5。 (预言之灵告诉我们,将来他们要用圣经里的这一段话,来强迫我们遵守星期日法令) 罗马书 13:1-5 1 在上有权柄的,人人当顺服他;因为没有权柄不是出于上帝的,凡掌权的都是上帝所命的。(他们就会说,我们就是在上帝之下的一个国家,我们的权柄是上帝所命的)。2 所以抗拒掌权的,就是抗拒上帝的命;抗拒的必自取刑罚。 (暂停一下,试想想,如果这掌权的是上帝所命的,而我们抗拒他们就等于抗拒上帝,而且抗拒的必自取刑罚。其实向一个那么强大的国家屈服,而且服从他们就会得到荣华富贵和安稳的生活,这是一个多么大的诱惑啊。加上不顺从的就会遭受逼迫和死亡。我们必须站立地稳,我们必须不住的祷告,祈求上帝给我们那坚强的信心和顺服上帝的心,就好像但以理、哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亚撒利雅,像约伯,像约瑟,像以斯帖,像末底改,像耶稣一样。) 3 作官的原不是叫行善的惧怕,乃是叫作恶的惧怕。你愿意不惧怕掌权的吗?你只要行善,就可得他的称赞,4 因为他是上帝的用人,是与你有益的。你若作恶,却当惧怕,因为他不是空空地佩剑。他是上帝的用人,是伸冤的,刑罚那作恶的。5 所以你们必须顺服,不但是因为刑罚,也是因为良心。 他们将会用这些经文,事实上他们正在用了,许多牧师,传道人等都误用这些经文来推广他们的议程。不但如此,教会还要利用国家政权,来对付那些在圣经真理上与他们信仰不同的人,甚至用法律和警察来对付他们。 使徒行传 5:25-29 25 有一个人来禀报说:“你们收在监里的人,现在站在殿里教训百姓。”26 于是守殿官和差役去带使徒来,并没有用强暴,因为怕百姓用石头打他们。27 带到了,便叫使徒站在公会前。大祭司问他们说:28 “我们不是严严的禁止你们,不可奉这名教训人吗?你们倒把你们的道理充满了耶路撒冷,想要叫这人的血归到我们身上。”29 彼得和众使徒回答说:“顺从上帝,不顺从人,是应当的。 我们那时会得到从天而来的帮助。 启示录 7:1-3 1 此后,我看见四位天使站在地的四角,执掌地上四方的风,叫风不吹在地上、海上和树上。2 我又看见另有一位天使,从日出之地上来,拿着永生上帝的印。他就向那得着权柄能伤害地和海的四位天使大声喊着说:3 “地与海并树木,你们不可伤害,等我们印了我们上帝众仆人的额。” 这让我明白的是,这些天使让圣灵继续在人的心中和生活中工作,他们紧紧握着地上四方的风,叫风不吹在地上。 我在这视频的下面放了一段非常好的引言,取自怀爱伦先知的一本书,称为教会证言卷五,原文第85章迫近的斗争。你们一定一定要读完这一章,对于处在末世的我们来说非常重要,也能帮助我们更理解星期日法令这课题。 上帝藉着祂末世的先知,向我们启示了末时将要发生的事。现在我们来看看网上一些关于星期日法令的文章或新闻。我们不会读完整篇文章,只是简单看看他的标题和里面的重点,好让我们有一个概念将来所要发生的事。 很久以前,在美国“纽黑文的自治领”中,星期日亲吻你的孩子是违法的。或者整理你的床或剪头发或吃肉饼或者是过河,除非你是牧师,不得不在星期日骑马到各处讲道。 这是另一个,标题是美国的星期日法令,不错的文章,给了一些例子,那些不遵守这律法的人会遭受什么待遇。这里说到每个男人女人都必须在早上去参加崇拜聚会和听安息日[指星期日]的证道,然后下午去参加崇拜和要理问答。第一次违规者将失去粮食供应以及下个星期的整个津贴,而第二次违规将失去津贴及受鞭刑。第三次违规将被判死刑。 有人就会说,噢这仅仅是在字面上的律法,只是纸上谈兵而已,没有几个人因此而被判死刑吧。你是否知道,在中世纪或黑暗时期的时候,无数的人因为抗议或没有遵守他们的律法而被处死。 多少忠心的信徒被这些残忍的人逼迫,受残酷的刑法,被杀害等等。事实上,这些不只是一些历史事实,都已经过去了,现在我们有和平和爱。让我告诉你,这些历史很快就要重演了,甚至会比以前更加严重,这都是耶稣复临之前的预兆。 “星期日放慢脚步,一个解决全球暖化的简单方案。” 这里说到:“以星期日为休息和更新的一天将有利于我们的个人健康以及地球的健康。”接着他说:“我们不能等到国家政府对问题有所觉悟才来立法限制二氧化碳排放量。事情已迫在眉睫。我们现在就必须采取行动,刻不容缓。公众舆论与公民行动将强烈影响在哥本哈根举行的气候大会。” 你知道吗,这就是教皇要统一全世界并执行星期日法令的其中一个理由或借口。就是藉着气候变化和全球暖化的课题,说这些事情的发生是因为我们没有合一,没有团结,上帝不高兴因此降这些灾害为惩罚。因此,最好也是唯一的解决方案就是我们大家合一,一起在星期日敬拜这三位一体神。 福克斯新闻说:“为了上帝,把星期日变作休息日。属灵操练是我们与上帝保持联系的习惯。这些是来自犹太人的信念,认为行动塑造及暴露我们最终所相信的。我们的信心也许来了又去,但我们的行动应该永远不会动摇。这种情况对所有的宗教信徒都一样。当我们遵守安息日时,我们便与上帝在同一个节奏上共舞。我们被呼吁休息一天的理由很简单。人类很容易忘记世界不是我们自己创造的,因此世界也不需要靠我们来生存。” ABC美国广播公司的新闻报道说:“德国法院执行休息日法案,许多到德国游玩的旅客都会发现自己站在一家关闭的百货公司外面,他们对在周末旅行期间无法购物的难题感到困惑。这是德国长期以来即使面对日益增长的消费主义仍坚持抵制星期日购物的结果。” 那我们来让 维基百科告诉我们 星期日购物是什么。“星期日购物或星期日贸易是指零售商在基督教传统通常认为是休息天的星期日经营商店的能力。管理购物时间的规则,例如星期日购物,在世界各地有所不同,但有些国家和国家属下的司法管辖区仍然继续禁止或限制星期日购物。” 我们来看下一个,这是教宗方济各说的,星期日开店对社会无益。“教宗方济各上周六对星期日停止工作的基督教传统习俗的放弃表示遗憾,说这种现象对家庭和友谊产生负面影响。尽管他说穷人需要工作才能活得有尊严,但他也表示,在星期日开店和做其他生意作为一种创业的途径对社会并没有益处。方济各说:‘最优先考量的应该”不是经济而是人际关系”,应该强调的是家庭和友谊,而非商业关系。’教宗说:‘也许是时候我们该问问自己,在星期日工作是不是真正的自由。’” 听起来非常好听,这都是对我们好的,有益于人际关系,特别是家庭和友谊。但是若我们知道了他的目的和计划,就能看出这甜言蜜语背后的阴谋。 “美国对星期日购物之最后禁令。” “亨密智在新泽西州锡考克斯郊外的婴儿商品分店听到了行动号召。一连三个星期日,亨密智从他哈肯薩的家来回开了45分钟车程,从波尔根县进入邻接的哈德逊县,只为了购买现代父母所需的日常用品,而特别在这一天,他买的是新的婴儿连体衣。这种折磨令他感到气恼。在其他的日子(除了星期日关闭),他可以去他自己区域的同一家婴儿商品分店购物,离他家门口也只不过五分钟的车程。在美国的其他任何县城,他都可以在星期日合法购物。”亨先生告诉我说:‘这都是关乎我们的自由。我们应该有权利选择在任何一天或任何时间做买卖。’这样,有了面子书提供的便利,他就推行了一个运动: 现代化波尔根县。” 再看另一个,“亚利桑那州议员要强制人人参加教会崇拜。” “穿上你的星期日服装吧!因为一名亚利桑那州议员要强制所有人参赴教会。州议会在辩论扩大拥枪者佩戴枪支的权利时突显虔诚的一面,州议员修薇亚阿连提议枪械暴力背后真正的问题是败坏的心。” “星期日作为基督教团结的标志。” 这是取自美国主日联盟官方网站的。 这是教皇方济各所发的教皇通谕信,叫《愿祢受赞颂》,是论到关于爱惜我们共同的家园。在我的一个视频【敬拜那龙】中,我们看了一些这通谕里的内容,就是教皇如何将三位一体神与全球暖化的课题联系起来。 今天我们来看他如何将星期日的崇拜也带进来,因为这些都是有关联的。注意他如何把安息日和星期日混淆或混合起来,让人误以为安息日就是星期日。这是他里面写到的。 237. 在星期天参与感恩圣祭有其独特的重要性。星期天,一如犹太人的安息日,是我们与天主关系修复的日子,同样也修复与自己、与他人及与世界的关系的日子。星期天是主日,是主复活的日子,是新创造的「第一天」,其初果是天主复活的人性,是受造界终将会焕然一新的保证。它也宣告「人在天主内的永远安息。」 因此,基督信仰灵修将憩息和庆祝的价值纳入其中。然而,人类一向视默观性的憩息为既无生产力,又无必要,因此忘记了有关劳作最重要的一环:劳作本身的意义。我们被召叫在劳作的定义中纳入领受和不求赏报这幅度,它有别于纯粹的不活动,那是另一种行动方式,是人的本性之一。安息日保护人的活动,免于沦为空虚的行动主义;也防止人因不受约束的贪婪和孤独感而作出损人利己的行为。每周日休息的法律禁止人在第七天工作:「使你的牛驴休息,使你的婢女的儿子和外侨都获得喘息」(出 23:12)。休息开启我们的眼目,得见更宏观的视野,也更新我们对他人的权益的敏锐度。因此以感恩圣祭为中心的安息日,将能够光照一周七天,并激励我们更关怀大自然和穷人。 注意怀师母怎么论到关于撒旦在背后藉着天主教暗中进行的事。 “撒但对事情的诠释有他自己的一套。撒但要他们以为地上所充满的天灾人祸是不守星期日的结果所致。这些极具影响力的人以为可以藉由立法强制遵守星期日来缓和上帝的忿怒。他们以为藉着将这假安息日举得更高再高,并强制人服从假安息日即星期日法令,那他们就在作上帝的工作了。” (怀爱伦著,《文稿汇编》,第10卷,第239页) 处在这末时的我们,越来越常见到这安息日和星期日的课题在各地被激烈讨论,而且还会愈演愈烈。我们今天也揭穿了撒旦在这末时的诡计阴谋,他如何要利用美国和罗马天主教来执行这星期日法令和三位一体的敬拜。 与此同时,相信我们从圣经和预言之灵可以清楚地看到和并认识这位设立安息圣日的上帝是谁,好让我们能在这对的日子敬拜对的神。新约圣经里的犹太人就是不认识,也不理解这位赐安息日给他们的上帝,因此他们拒绝了祂的儿子,还把祂杀了。 这导致他们受到一个诅咒,而且还延续至今,他的血归到他们,并他们的子孙身上。所以安息日的课题不只攸关你在哪一日敬拜,而是你敬拜哪一位神。你是否在上帝所定的日子用心灵和诚实来敬拜上帝并上帝的儿子呢。 我的祷告是希望每一位能明白上帝要我们个人所做的事是什么。我们知道了这些真理之后应该有什么行动,还是继续过着同样的生活。 上帝在呼召我们每一位来做这末世伟大的工作,细心聆听上帝的声音,并根据上帝的话语来行动,我们已经没有太多的时间了。 这些逼迫和灾害就在门口了。如果你还在睡觉,或处在冬眠的状态的话,你马上就当醒过来,不要等到一睡不醒的时候,那要后悔都来不及了。趁还有机会的时候就要预备好了。 如果你想知道更多关于安息日和它的重要性的话,我曾经上传过一个视频,题目是问耶稣关于安息日,你可以看看。现在撒旦已经做了很多伪造和冒充的功夫。 他成功用这三位一体假神来设立这虚假的安息日,来对抗这独一真神并祂赐给我们的真安息日。让我们离开撒旦一切的谬道,并回到独一真神的身边,将一切全然交托给祂,敬拜祂,好让我们最终在那永恒的岁月里能侍奉祂并与祂永远同在。愿上帝大大地赐福每一位。阿门。 上一篇 返回研究目录 下一篇 到最頂

  • 让我的子民思考

    返回研究目录 上一篇 下载中文 Read in English 下一篇 让我的子民思考 让我的子民思考 (第一部分) 让我的子民思考。让他们清楚地阅读这道,以便他们可以相信。我们身处末时,因此应当赎回光阴,不再闲懒散漫。 我们的救恩是在于我们所认识的神,而不是我们所做的事。将来会有一个审判。我们的行为现今正被称在天平里,以显明我们是否要遵行上帝的话,即是我们所自称相信的。 这是生死攸关的 。我们应该是与“父并祂儿子耶稣基督”相交的。 只有一位上帝。祂和祂的独生子一起生活。 申命记 6:4“以色列啊,你要听!耶和华我们上帝是独一的主。 申命记 4:35,39 35 这是显给你看,要使你知道,惟有耶和华他是上帝,除他以外,再无别神。39 所以今日你要知道,也要记在心上,天上地下惟有耶和华他是上帝,除他以外,再无别神。 惟有一位是上帝。祂不是由多位所组成的。这里所用的所有代词都是单数代词“他”。 申命记 6:5-7 5 你要尽心、尽性、尽力爱耶和华你的上帝。6 我今日所吩咐你的话都要记在心上,7 也要殷勤教训你的儿女,无论你坐在家里,行在路上,躺下,起来,都要谈论; 申命记 10:20你要敬畏耶和华你的 上帝,侍奉他,专靠他,也要指着他的名起誓。 我们要爱祂。我们要敬畏祂。祂叫什么名字? 出埃及记 15:3耶和华是战士,他的名是耶和华。 出埃及记 6:3我从前向亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各显现为全能的上帝,至于我名耶和华,他们未曾知道。 诗篇 68:4你们当向上帝唱诗,歌颂他的名,为那坐车行过旷野的修平大路。他的名是耶和华,要在他面前欢乐。 诗篇 83:18使他们知道,惟独你名为耶和华的,是全地以上的至高者。 上帝说祂不是三位一体。惟独祂是上帝。祂有一个真实的名字。祂的儿子不是三位一体的一部分,也不是三位一体信徒。耶稣显明祂的父为独一的真神。 马可福音12:32-34 32 那文士对耶稣说:“夫子说,上帝是一位,实在不错。除了他以外,再没有别的 神。33 并且尽心、尽智、尽力爱他,又爱人如己,就比一切燔祭和各样祭祀好得多。”34 耶稣见他回答的有智慧,就对他说:“你离上帝的国不远了。”从此以后,没有人敢再问他什么。 让我的子民思考 (第二部分) 约翰福音 17:3认识你独一的真神,并且认识你所差来的耶稣基督,这就是永生。 约翰福音 3:16“上帝爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。 上帝没有差派祂自己。祂差派祂独生儿子。上帝的儿子是祂亲生的,并被上帝所差到世间来。祂肯定是在被差派以先为上帝所生。祂不是被差派了之后才变成亲生儿子的。这是经上记着说的。耶稣说祂是”从上帝出来的。” 祂是“从父出来的。” 门徒们都相信耶稣的见证,即祂是从上帝出来的。门徒们都不是三位一体信徒。 约翰福音16:27-30 27 父自己爱你们,因为你们已经爱我,又信我是从父出来的。28 我从父出来,到了世界;我又离开世界,往父那里去。”29 门徒说:“如今你是明说,并不用比喻了。30 现在我们晓得你凡事都知道,也不用人问你,因此我们信你是从上帝出来的。” 约翰福音 8:42耶稣说:“倘若上帝是你们的父,你们就必爱我;因为我本是出于上帝,也是从上帝而来,并不是由着自己来,乃是他差我来。 箴言 8:22-25 22 “在耶和华造化的起头,在太初创造万物之先,就有了我。23 从亘古,从太初,未有世界以前,我已被立。24 没有深渊,没有大水的泉源,我已生出。25 大山未曾奠定,小山未有之先,我已生出。 箴言8:27-31 27 他立高天,我在那里;他在渊面的周围划出圆圈,28 上使穹苍坚硬,下使渊源稳固,29 为沧海定出界限,使水不越过他的命令,立定大地的根基。30 那时,我在他那里为工师,日日为他所喜爱,常常在他面前踊跃,31 踊跃在他为人预备可住之地,也喜悦住在世人之间。 耶稣有一位父亲。耶和华是祂的上帝和祂的父亲。祂们在本质上是同等的。他们有共同的目标。惟独父是比儿子大的。 约翰福音 5:18所以犹太人越发想要杀他,因他不但犯了安息日,并且称上帝为他的父,将自己和上帝当作平等。 让我的子民思考 (第三部分) 约翰福音 10:30我与父原为一。 约翰福音 14:28你们听见我对你们说了,我去还要到你们这里来。你们若爱我,因我到父那里去,就必喜乐,因为父是比我大的。 约翰福音 20:17耶稣说:“不要摸我,因为我还没有升上去见我的父。你往我弟兄那里去,告诉他们说:我要升上去见我的父,也是你们的父;见我的上帝,也是你们的上帝。” 哥林多前书15:24,27-28 24 再后,末期到了,那时基督既将一切执政的、掌权的、有能的都毁灭了,就把国交与父 神。27 因为经上说:“上帝叫万物都服在他的脚下。”既说万物都服了他,明显那叫万物服他的,不在其内了。28 万物既服了他,那时,子也要自己服那叫万物服他的,叫上帝在万物之上,为万物之主。 哥林多前书 8:4,6 4 论到吃祭偶像之物,我们知道偶像在世上算不得什么;也知道上帝只有一位,再没有别的上帝。6 然而我们只有一位上帝,就是父,万物都本于他,我们也归于他;并有一位主,就是耶稣基督,万物都是藉着他有的,我们也是藉着他有的。 以弗所书 4:4-6 4 身体只有一个,圣灵只有一个,正如你们蒙召,同有一个指望;5 一主,一信,一洗,6 一上帝,就是众人的父,超乎众人之上,贯乎众人之中,也住在众人之内。 哥林多前书 1:9上帝是信实的,你们原是被他所召,好与他儿子我们的主耶稣基督一同得份。 约翰一书 1:3我们将所看见、所听见的传给你们,使你们与我们相交。我们乃是与父并他儿子耶稣基督相交的。 约翰一书 3:23上帝的命令就是叫我们信他儿子耶稣基督的名,且照他所赐给我们的命令彼此相爱。 约翰一书 4:8-10 8没有爱心的,就不认识上帝,因为上帝就是爱。9 上帝差他独生子到世间来,使我们藉着他得生,上帝爱我们的心在此就显明了。10 不是我们爱上帝,乃是上帝爱我们,差他的儿子,为我们的罪作了挽回祭,这就是爱了。 约翰一书 4:14父差子作世人的救主,这是我们所看见且作见证的。 约翰一书 4:15凡认耶稣为上帝儿子的, 上帝就住在他里面, 约翰一书 5:5胜过世界的是谁呢?不是那信耶稣是上帝儿子的吗? 约翰一书 5:13我将这些话写给你们信奉上帝儿子之名的人,要叫你们知道自己有永生。 约翰一书 2:21-23 我写信给你们,不是因你们不知道真理,正是因你们知道,并且知道没有虚谎是从真理出来的。22 谁是说谎话的呢?不是那不认耶稣为基督的吗?不认父与子的,这就是敌基督的。23 凡不认子的,就没有父;认子的,连父也有了。 上一篇 返回研究目录 下一篇 到最頂

  • How Many Divine Beings Are There According to Bible and SOP

    All trinity studies Previous Download Next How Many Divine Beings Are There According to Bible and SOP How many divine beings are there according to the Bible and Ellen White’s published writings? “Christ the Word, the Only Begotten of God, was one with the eternal Father,--one in nature, in character, and in purpose,--the only being in all the universe that could enter into all the counsels and purposes of God.” {E. G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 493} That plainly tells us that there is no other being besides Christ who enters into the counsels of God. No other being in all the universe! That makes two beings only. The Holy Spirit cannot be a being, for that would mean it cannot enter into all the counsels of God! But we knew that for the Bible made it clear long ago (Zechariah 6:12, 13). Sister White never mentions another being besides Christ who is allowed into counsel with God. How can this be if she really was a Trinitarian, as some claim on her behalf? Where is “God the Holy Spirit”? The only other being in the universe who wanted to enter into counsel with God and His Son was a proud angel by the name of Lucifer. It was he who wanted the heavenly counsel to include a third member! Let the readers read the first chapter of Patriarchs and Prophets and see if this is true or not. But there is more: “The only being who was one with God lived the law in humanity, descended to the lowly life of a common laborer, and toiled at the carpenter's bench with his earthly parent.” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, October 14, 1897 par. 3} Here she clearly and plainly says Christ is the only being who is one with God. There is no mention of anyone else being “one” with God besides Christ. That is only two beings. Just in case someone may use the strange notion of “just because God the Holy Spirit is not mentioned does not mean he is not there!” we again emphasize the word ONLY. When using that word Mrs. White is excluding any other options or possibilities. It is impossible for her to say "only" and then elsewhere contradict it. Again, the same plain language and testimony is used in the following quote: “The Father and the Son alone are to be exalted.” {E. G. White, The Youth’s Instructor, July 7, 1898 par. 2} The above statement alone should be sufficient to abolish every theory of a trinity. Honestly, how could Ellen White (if she was really a Trinitarian) make a statement like that? Let us ask again the oft repeated question: where is ‘God the Holy Spirit’? If the Father and the Son alone are to be exalted, then what are we to do with ‘God the Holy Spirit’? Surely we say aright, the servant of the Lord was not a believer in that doctrine which is espoused by the mother of all harlots, neither in any of its varied and multitudinous forms. Let us look at further evidence that will confirm the above. We are counseled to go by the “weight of evidence” (DA 458) and not just by one or two statements. Let each reader consider the question: who is the third highest being in heaven? This is an important question to answer in light of the “three holiest beings” statement. We shall not attempt any guess-work in seeking an answer to this question. In the published writings we are plainly given the answer: "Drawing aside the veil which conceals the glory of God, it shows Him in His place, high and holy, and lifted up, not in a state of solitude, but surrounded by ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands of holy, happy beings, every one waiting to bear the message, to do His bidding--all heaven is in active communication with every part of the universe through a variety of channels, and that holy One is actually stooping, bending from His throne, listening to every sound uttered, observing the movements of every earthly power. It is the highest Being condescending to the lowliest, approving or condemning every action which is developed.” {UL 23.3} “God is a moral governor as well as a Father. He is the Lawgiver.” {12MR 208} “The Son of God was next in authority to the great Lawgiver.” {2SP 9} “The only being who was one with God lived the law in humanity, descended to the lowly life of a common laborer, and toiled at the carpenter's bench with his earthly parent.” {ST, October 14, 1897 par. 3} “The Lord has shown me that Satan was once an honored angel in heaven, next to Jesus Christ.” {1SG 17} “Speaking of Satan, our Lord says that "he abode not in the truth." He was once the covering cherub, glorious in beauty and holiness. He was next to Christ in exaltation and character.” {RH, October 22, 1895 par. 1} “Satan in Heaven, before his rebellion, was a high and exalted angel, next in honor to God's dear Son. His countenance, like those of the other angels, was mild and expressive of happiness. His forehead was high and broad, showing a powerful intellect. His form was perfect; his bearing noble and majestic. A special light beamed in his countenance, and shone around him brighter and more beautiful than around the other angels; yet Jesus, God's dear Son, had the pre-eminence over all the angelic host. He was one with the Father before the angels were created. Satan was envious of Christ, and gradually assumed command which devolved on Christ alone.” {1SP 17.1} “Was not Satan the light-bearer, the sharer of God's glory in heaven, and next to Jesus in power and majesty?” {RH, November 17, 1891 par. 3} “Sin originated with him, who, next to Christ, stood highest in the favor of God, and highest in power and glory among the inhabitants of Heaven. Before his fall, Lucifer was the covering cherub, holy and undefiled.” {4SP 316} "Christ's humiliation is not understood and not appreciated. Forty days and nights Jesus was subjected to the temptations of the enemy--the one who was once an angel next to Christ in majesty and glory in the heavenly courts. It is stated, Thou wast exalted because of thy beauty, et cetera. But he wanted to have the place of Christ, and Christ was one with the Infinite God; and because this was not accorded him, he became jealous, and he was the originator of sin.” {16MR 180.1} Let us illustrate our findings so far: God the Father – The highest Being and the great Lawgiver. The Son of God – Next in authority, the only being who was one with God. Lucifer – The third highest being, next to Christ in power, majesty, exaltation, character, honor, and glory. The above clear descriptions leave no room for a third divine being. It is overwhelmingly apparent that the third highest position in heaven was occupied by a created being. Even after the fall of Lucifer, the third highest being is identified for us: “It was Gabriel, the angel next in rank to the Son of God, who came with the divine message to Daniel.” {DA 234} From the above plain testimonies we learn that the third highest position in heaven has ever been occupied by a created being, both before and after the fall of Lucifer. This should be plain to any clear thinking individual. This weight of evidence cannot be set aside lightly. To insist otherwise based on just one reported statement can only betray a stubborn desire to maintain a groundless theory. These plain statements are from her published works, they are not statements that were produced long after she died. These are authentic statements that she reviewed and checked and that the whole church at the time subscribed to. On the other hand, statements that only make an appearance posthumously and which clearly contradict the authentic writings must be closely examined and studied and checked against the published writings. This is the only safe way to arrive at the truth. We cannot just grab one statement because we like what it says and ignore her published writings which she tells us are the most authentic and accurate report of her beliefs and teachings. Let those who desire to obey the prophet heed this counsel is our prayer. Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top

  • 圣经说保惠师是谁

    返回研究目录 上一篇 下载中文 Read in English 下一篇 圣经说保惠师是谁 圣经说保惠师是谁? 约翰福音14:16-28多次告诉我们,保惠师是基督借着祂的灵。耶稣说: "我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师,〔或作训慰师下同〕 叫他永远与你们同在。" (约14:16)可是当耶稣一提到 "另外赐给你们一位保惠师" 的时候,很多人就看不到祂指的就是祂自己借着祂的灵,尽管耶稣的话说得很清楚,如以下的论述。 "另外" 在希腊原文中的字是 ἄλλον (译音allos),意思是另外一个同类的,因此指的是另一个与基督同类的。基督当时是以肉体的形式与门徒同在,但祂升天以后,祂以另一种形式回来,就是借着祂的灵(属灵的形式)。所以,那个 "另外一位" 是指祂的灵。由于基督的灵能够与基督分开而独立行事,所以祂的灵就像是 "另外一位"。因为是祂的灵,所以它是 "另外一位" 同类。 如果保惠师是另一个不同类的生物,那么约翰就会用 heteros这个字,意思是另外一位不同类的。知道了就很容易明白。很多人也没注意到耶稣经常用第三人称 [他] 来指自己,这一段经文就是用了第三人称。另一个例子可参阅约翰福音17:1-3。 在第16节,耶稣说,父要 "另外" 差遣一位保惠师,但在第18节祂说明祂指的是谁,让门徒没有疑惑。耶稣斩钉截铁地说: "我不撇下你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。" 这 "另外一位保惠师" 不是其他人,而是基督自己以另一种形式(属灵的形式)回来。与之前祂在世时的情况不同,如今肉眼看不见祂。祂远离了人的视觉,但祂仍然在灵里与我们同在。 第17节称保惠师为真理的灵,就是基督。 10节之前,耶稣刚刚说 "我是...真理...。" (第6节)借着祂的灵,祂就是 "真理的灵" 了。在第17节,我们也看到保惠师是世人不能接受的,因为世人不认识祂。可是基督告诉门徒说,"你们却认识祂,因祂与你们同在。" 与门徒同在的只有耶稣! 在第19节基督说,"还有不多的时候,世人不再看见我",这是指着祂的死和复活而言。那么在第18和19节,基督的意思是,虽然祂即将离开,但祂不会撇下他们没有安慰,祂会回到他们中间。所以门徒知道基督要回到他们身边,作他们的保惠师安慰他们。但他们不明白耶稣要怎样回来。所以犹大(不是加略人犹大)问耶稣祂要怎样向他们显现,而不向世人显现呢? (第22节) 门徒怎样明白 "另外一位保惠师" 呢?他们是否明白耶稣所指的是另一位生物呢?不是的! 犹大完全了解是基督要回到他们身边,而不是其他人。注意他所问的不是 "谁" 而是 "为什么" 或 "怎么样"。所以他不是不明白是谁要来,而是不明白基督要怎样向他们显现为保惠师。答案是: 借着祂的灵,这是门徒当时仍然不明白的。 在约翰福音16:7,耶稣说: "然而我将真情告诉你们,我去是与你们有益的,我若不去,保惠师就不到你们这里来,我若去,就差他来。" 保惠师都还没有奉差遣来到他们中间,那么在约翰第14章中怎么说保惠师已经与他们同在呢?在约翰福音7:39,我们看到: "耶稣这话是指着信他之人,要受圣灵说的,那时还没有赐下圣灵来,因为耶稣尚未得着荣耀。" 如果圣灵是另一位生物,如三位一体论所说的,那他就不需要依靠基督回去见天父并得着荣耀之后他才奉差下来。父还不能赐下圣灵来,直到基督得着荣耀,因为这是基督另外回来的方式,就是借着祂的圣灵。 (说得更白,基督要等到升天之后祂的身体变化成为荣耀的神性身体时,祂才能差遣祂的灵离开祂的身体下来住在门徒心间。但升天得荣耀之前祂受到了人性血肉之躯所限制,所以祂的灵是不能离开祂身体的。要等到升天得荣耀之后祂才可能赐下祂的灵。所以祂若是不升天去得着荣耀的身体,祂就不能赐下祂的灵来与我们同住。) 约翰福音14:23说: "耶稣回答说:人若爱我,就必遵守我的道,我父也必爱他,并且我们要到他那里去,与他同住。" 父和子借着圣灵要与我们同住。这个奉差遣的圣灵不是另外一位生物,而是上帝本身的生命借着祂的儿子耶稣基督来到我们心中。除了一位曾经体验过人类生活的苦楚,并且尝过受试探的滋味的人之外,还有谁更有资格安慰我们呢?有了父和子是多么的宝贵呢! 耶稣在约翰福音第14章中说了多少次祂要作我们的保惠师呢? (括弧是加上去的) (1)约翰福音14:17 "就是真理的圣灵 [耶稣是真理,而借着祂的灵祂就是真理的灵],乃世人不能接受的,因为不见他,也不认识他,你们却认识他,因他常与你们同在 [基督是唯一与他们同在的],也要在你们里面 [借着祂的灵祂要住在他们心里作他们的保惠师]。" (2)约翰福音14:18 "我 [耶稣] 不撇下你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。" (3)约翰福音14:20 "到那日你们就知道我在父里面,你们在我里面,我也在你们里面 [借着祂的灵作他们的保惠师]。" (4)约翰福音14:21 "有了我的命令又遵守的,这人就是爱我的,爱我的必蒙我父爱他,我也要爱他,并且要向他显现 [借着祂的灵作他的保惠师]。" (5)约翰福音14:22 "犹大(不是加略人犹大)问耶稣说:主阿,为什么 [耶稣你] 要向我们显现,不向世人显现呢?" (6)约翰福音14:23 "耶稣回答说:人若爱我,就必遵守我的道,我父也必爱他,并且我们 [耶稣和祂父亲] 要到他那里去,与他同住。" (7)约翰福音14:28 "你们听见我对你们说了,我 [耶稣] 去还要到你们这里来 [借着祂的灵作保惠师]。" 注意,翻译成 "保惠师" 的希腊原文παράκλητος(译音paraklētos)在圣经中共出现了五次,所指的都是基督。有四次出现在约翰福音中(14:16; 14:26; 15:26; 16:7),这四节都翻译成 "保惠师" 或 "训慰师"。有一次出现在约翰一书2:1,这里则译成 "中保"。 (五次的作者都是同一人----耶稣的门徒约翰。约翰在书信中写παράκλητος的时候,肯定是有意联系到约翰福音第14章的παράκλητος去。他所指的必定是同一位。) 约翰一书2:1 "我小子们哪,我将这些话写给你们,是要叫你们不犯罪。若有人犯罪,在父那里我们有一位παράκλητος(译音paraklētos; 译作"中保"),就是那义者耶稣基督。" 由此可见,耶稣基督是我们的παράκλητος,既是我们的 "保惠师" 又是我们的 "中保"。保惠师不是另一位生物,而是基督本身借着祂的灵。除了道成肉身与我们一样受尽试探和痛苦的基督之外,还有谁更有资格来安慰我们呢?有救主耶稣基督亲自作我们的保惠师是一件多么有福的事啊! 上一篇 返回研究目录 下一篇 到最頂

  • 我们是否尊崇耶稣如同尊崇祂父一样

    返回研究目录 上一篇 下载中文 下一篇 我们是否尊崇耶稣如同尊崇祂父一样 我们是否尊崇耶稣如同尊崇祂父一样? 腓立比书 2:6 “他本有上帝的行像,不以自己与上帝同等为强夺的, 约翰福音 5:21-23 父怎样叫死人起来,使他们活着,子也照样随自己的意思使人活着。22 父不审判什么人,乃将审判的事全交与子,23 叫人都尊敬子如同尊敬父一样。不尊敬子的,就是不尊敬差子来的父。 马太福音 11:27 一切所有的,都是我父交付我的。除了父,没有人知道子;除了子和子所愿意指示的,没有人知道父。 马太福音 28:18 “耶稣进前来,对他们说:“天上地下所有的权柄都赐给我了。” 路加福音 10:22 “一切所有的都是我父交付我的。除了父,没有人知道子是谁;除了子和子愿意指示的,没有人知道父是谁。” 约翰福音 3:35 父爱子,已将万有交在他手里。 约翰福音 16:15 “凡父所有的,都是我的,所以我说,他要将受于我的告诉你们。” 约翰福音 17:10 凡是我的都是你的,你的也是我的,并且我因他们得了荣耀。 约翰福音 13:3 耶稣知道父已将万有交在他手里,且知道自己是从上帝出来的,又要归到上帝那里去, 以弗所书1:20-23 20 就是照他在基督身上所运行的大能大力,使他从死里复活,叫他在天上坐在自己的右边, 21 远超过一切执政的、掌权的、有能的、主治的和一切有名的,不但是今世的,连来世的也都超过了。 22 又将万有服在他的脚下,使他为教会作万有之首。 23 教会是他的身体,是那充满万有者所充满的。 上一篇 返回研究目录 下一篇 到最頂

  • Who is the Comforter According to SOP

    All trinity studies Previous Download Next Who is the Comforter According to SOP Who is the Comforter According to SOP? John tells us that the Comforter is the Holy Spirit. John 14:26 “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost,” And Jesus tells us He is going to be our Comforter. John 14:18 “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” Therefore, Christ is the Comforter by His own words. How? He comes back by the Holy Spirit, which is His and His Father's Spirit. “By the SPIRIT the FATHER AND THE SON will come and make their abode with you. [John 14:23 quoted]” — (E.G. White, BEcho, Jan 15, 1893) Judas, not Iscariot, asks Christ how is He going to MANIFEST Himself to them as the Comforter and not unto the world. John 14:22 “Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that YOU will MANIFEST THYSELF unto us, and not unto the world?” Notice that his question is not “WHO” but “HOW?” They were wondering “HOW” Christ was going to manifest HIMSELF to them as their Comforter. The answer is: By His Spirit which is something the apostles did not yet understand. “That CHRIST should MANIFEST HIMSELF to them, and yet be invisible to the world, was a mystery to the disciples. They could not understand the words of Christ in their SPIRITUAL sense. They were thinking of the outward, visible manifestation. They could not take in the fact that they could have the PRESENCE OF CHRIST WITH THEM, and yet He be unseen by the world. They did not understand the meaning of a SPIRITUAL MANIFESTATION.” — (E.G. White, SW, Sept 13, 1898) So the “ANOTHER” in John 14:16 is the SPIRIT OF CHRIST. Not Christ physically but HIS Spirit, which is like “ANOTHER.” “This refers to the omnipresence of the SPIRIT OF CHRIST, called the COMFORTER.” — (E.G. White, 14MR 179.2) John said, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the FATHER WILL SEND in my name, he shall TEACH YOU ALL THINGS,” John 14:26. Whose Spirit was sent to teach us all things and hence guide us into all truth? “We cannot be with CHRIST in person, as were His first disciples, but HE has SENT HIS HOLY SPIRIT to GUIDE US INTO ALL TRUTH,” — (E.G. White, Ms30, June 18, 1900) Below are some quotes stating in unmistakable words that Christ is THE COMFORTER by HIS SPIRIT, which God has revealed to us through His prophet. “To the poor and oppressed and downtrodden of earth, Christ says, “If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, even the Spirit of truth, (WHICH IS CHRIST formed within the hope of glory,) whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not: but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless. [John 14:15-18 quoted]” — (E.G. White, Ms24, Feb 22, 1898) “CHRIST is to be known by the blessed name of Comforter. “The Comforter,” said Christ to His disciples, “which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you, [John 14:26 quoted]” — (E.G. White, Ms7, Jan 26, 1902) “Let them study the seventeenth of John, and learn how to pray and how to live the prayer of CHRIST. HE IS THE COMFORTER. He will abide in their hearts, making their joy full.” — (E.G. White, RH, Jan 27, 1903) “When He should come forth from the tomb, their sorrow would be turned to joy. After His ascension He was to be absent in person; but through THE COMFORTER He would still be with them, and they were not to spend their time in mourning.” — (E.G. White, DA, p. 278) “We are ready to receive THE COMFORTER; we open the door of the heart, and invite the Saviour in.” — (E.G. White, GCB, April 2, 1903) “If you are looking to Jesus, and drawing from him knowledge and strength and grace, you can impart his consolation to others, because THE COMFORTER IS WITH YOU.” — (E.G. White, RH, Dec 17, 1914) “Christ is everything to those who receive Him. HE IS THEIR COMFORTER, their safety, their healthfulness. Apart from Christ there is no light at all.” — (E.G. White, 21MR 372.1) “The Saviour is our Comforter. This I have proved Him to be.” — (E.G. White, 8MR 49.3) “As by faith we look to Jesus, our faith pierces the shadow, and we adore God for His wondrous love in giving JESUS THE COMFORTER.” — (E.G. White, 19MR 297.3) “The reasons why the churches are weak and sickly and ready to die is that the enemy has brought influences of a discouraging nature to bear upon trembling souls. He has sought to shut JESUS from their view as THE COMFORTER.” — (E.G. White, RH, Aug 26, 1890) Thus the Holy Spirit is NOT a third being but the Spirit of God coming to us through His Son. Who but someone who has been tempted and suffered as us, and lived as one of us is more qualified to Comfort us? What a blessing it is to have our Lord and Saviour make His abode in us as our Comforter! Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top

  • Does the Trinity Doctrine Make Sense or is it Nonsense

    All trinity studies Previous Download Next Does the Trinity Doctrine Make Sense or is it Nonsense Does the Trinity Doctrine Make Sense or is it Nonsense? Since the Trinity doctrine claims Jesus is also the one God, an Adventist author from the 1800's wrote, “To believe that doctrine, when reading the scripture we must believe that God sent Himself into the world, died to reconcile the world to Himself, raised Himself from the dead, ascended to Himself in heaven, pleads before Himself in heaven to reconcile the world to Himself, and is the only mediator between man and Himself… We must believe also that in the garden God prayed to Himself, if it were possible, to let the cup pass from Himself, and a thousand other such absurdities.” — (J.N. Loughborough) Some of those other absurdities it teaches is that Jesus is the immortal God but died, is the invisible God but was seen, is the omnipotent God but was strengthened by an angel, is the omniscient God but did not know the day of his return, is as great as His Father but His Father is greater than He, is equal with the Father and yet He is the Father, is the Son but the same age as the Father, is the Son who has a Father and the God who has no Father, is the begotten Son and the unbegotten God, is very God and very man, came out from Himself, prayed to Himself, gave power to Himself, thanked Himself, bore witness of Himself, went back to Himself, sits at the right hand of Himself, is His own Father and His own Son, left Heaven and yet was there all the time. There are many things which are hard to understand in the Bible but you can be sure that God never expects us to believe impossibilities. Over and over again you hear it said that the Gospel is so simple a child can understand it. And I agree. But how can that be the case with the teaching of the Trinity? Not only do children not understand it, but our best theologians cannot even explain it. However, the thought that God sent His Son to this earth to die for you and me is easy to comprehend when we believe the simple Bible statement that Jesus is truly the Son of God! Not one of three mysterious beings making up “one God.” How can you possibly believe that Jesus is NOT the begotten Son of the eternal Father and share John 3:16 with others in the hope of inviting them to take part in eternal salvation. Doesn't John 3:16 become a lie the moment you deny He is a Son? A metaphor did not send a metaphor to save us. A Father sent us His Son to save us. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 2 John 1:3 “Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.” Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top

  • When Christians are Asked if They Believe in the Trinity

    All trinity studies Previous Download Next When Christians are Asked if They Believe in the Trinity When Christians are asked if they believe in the trinity, they often say yes without even knowing exactly what it is. And most also say that it does not really matter anyway as it is not a salvation issue. But that could not be further from the truth and if we truly love the Lord then we should want to know anyway. As seen earlier, John called those teaching that all three are one were antichrist. Are those John calls antichrist saved? Not likely! Many serious problems arise from not knowing as we have seen already, but the following is one of the worst. Seventh day Adventists are most easily misled here because when informed of the truth, they typically turn to the internet where they eventually find a handful of easily misunderstood quotes by Ellen White, which were compiled by LeRoy Froom with the deliberate intent to deceive. Without even checking what the Bible says, they put their trust in these misunderstood quotes and never look deeper, or examine her other writings to see what she really meant. Some have the mentality that their Church could never be wrong. What a tragic mistake. Reading Revelation chapters 13 and 14 we find that the mark of the beast is about who we worship. Isaiah 14:12-14 says that Satan desires to be worshipped as God. But if Satan asked you to worship him, would you do it? Of course not. And Satan of course knows this. So Satan gets himself a front man and props him up so when they are worshipped, he receives worship by proxy. This is called worship by representation. There are two ways Satan does this with Christians and both come from sun worship, which as you have already seen is really the worship of Satan. The first way is through Sunday worship. For those who are unaware, Scripture informs us that the Lord's Sabbath is a sign that it is God whom we worship and God who sanctifies us when we keep His Seventh day Holy. Revelation 13:2 says Satan gave his power, throne and great authority to the first beast which is the Papal Church system. So when this beast power is being worshipped, who is really being worshipped? Satan himself! So where does worship come into this? By Satan through the Catholic Church implementing his own day of worship being Sunday. That is, Sunday worship that evolved from sun worship. The second way is by worship of the Holy Spirit as a non-existent literal being, and so Satan steps in to receive this worship by representation once again. This was something he put in place a long time ago in 381 A.D. The Bible never teaches that the Holy Spirit is God or that the Holy Spirit should be prayed to or worshipped, and yet the Catholic Church does this. Today there are more and more from other denominations now doing the same. Previous All trinity studies Next Back to top

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